Stats PhD- George Washington or NC State?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Drew L
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Hi, I'm completing my MS Math in December which puts me in an odd position for PhD programs as they tend to only take Fall applicants.

GWU seems nice but it's ranked very lowly on the US News rankings (53 for Stats and 103 for Math?). Amazingly low, considering how pricey the school is. I know in the finance world name-brand means a lot so I don't know what sort of weight GWU carries on Wall Street but its proximity to DC means a lot of connections in the economics world.

NC State:
-Many relevant courses are cross-listed between Stats/OR/Math and even Econ so I could really take whatever classes I want!
-Highly ranked for Statistics and Operations Research, though I don't know what weight it carries in industry
-Offers an MFE I may earn en route, and if I don't see myself as a PhD guy I may end early and go to work
-Offers a Co-PhD in Operations Research along with the Stats (that sounds VERY cool)
-Raleigh seems nice though I've never been. I hope it's not a boring small town.

-I hear it's prestigious though US News doesn't think so
-Love the DC Area, lots of opportunities for research and employment in the private sector
-PhD Director has told me he'll approve whatever non-STAT courses I wish to take so I can do a dissertation on spatial statistics/topological data analysis
-No MFE though they offer relevant courses and a "Financial Math Certificate" I could probably earn.
-Expensive as hell to live there, probably couldn't afford living in Foggy Bottom anywhere near the school
-If I'm so inclined I could take a math/stats course at nearby Georgetown Uni and I like those guys and they like me

I'm flying out to DC to see the area for myself next month so hopefully I can assess it better? I'm just wondering what you guys think as it's a crucial decision for me.
Thank you, please give whatever opinions you have.

Additional info: I also love probability/measure theory, spatial statistics/econometrics, and urban development. NCSU has cool environmental statistics but neither school seems big on urban development