Sufficient GRE score?

I just received my GRE scores and I am not sure what to make of it.

Verbal 164 (93%)
Quant 168 (97%)
AWA 4.5

Should I put the extra time and effort to make a 16x / 170 / 5or up ?
Or will it not really matter at this point and should I just put my efforts in enhancing other aspects of my application? If so, what should I try to improve on my resume?

Here is my brief profile.
Korean undergrad senior studying in domestic Univ.
Candidate for B.S. Mech eng, B.A. Econ and B.A. Math with 3.8ish/4.0 gpa (Summa Cum Laude)
Probably passed CFA L1 by the time I apply.
Quantnet C++ certificate with distinction.
Working on UCB preMFE C++ certificate to make up for lack of CS courses.(So far doing good)

Should I spend some more time trying to get my GRE scores a little bit better? Or should focus on other things like higher GPA and maybe the FRM or taking the GRE subject Math Test etc?

Thanks in advance for your advice. It is highly appreciated.
Congrats on your GRE Score. Your score is good. You will pass the GRE cut-off of almost all US top univ that you will be applying. In other words, you may not be rejected/placed on hold by any univ because of your GRE score.
So you can be comfortable of your GRE score and start concentrating on other parts of your CV.

And I don't see the point why you have enrolled in UCB preMFE C++ course while you already have Quantnet C++ certificate. And I personally feel GRE Math Test is not needed, if you have taken all the per-requisite math course in your under graduate.

CFA, FRM: It is very controversial part. Let me tell you what I heard from Columbia University Open House - These certifications will be sponsored by the employer if they need you to have it, so no need to worry about them. But they also accepted that most of the incoming students have taken CFA.
Few guys working in Financial Industry told me that having CFA in resume actually helped them in their first job search.
While the importance of CFA for admission/job search has been debated many times in this forum, but I have NOT SEEN any place where people say Dnt do CFA/FRM.