Suggestions: Evaluation of Quant Finance Program

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marko
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Hi Folks,

I think the evaluation post for the quant finance or FE programs is really great. Anyway, can I suggest if you can add a question about cost of the program? For example, tuition, cost of living in that particular city for the intended program. At least, potential overseas applicants can estimate their initial costs.
In addition, Baruch MFE progream homepage has no explicit information about the cost of the program. Thank you for your kind attention.

Best regards,
You can have a look at the tuition of each program at Quant Network Program Selector | Quant Network

It's a work in progress as programs keep increasing tuition every year and they have the tuition calculated in some odd way that makes figuring it out an exercise in itself.

Thought about the cost question when we designed the review survey but it boils down to personal choice. The tuition is constant for most students. Where and how they choose to live makes the estimate very hard to predict.

For people attending programs in New York City, one can choose to rent a one bedroom for 2,000/month in the city while another can choose to share in 2 bedrooms in other boroughs, New Jersey for say 800/m. Just some example to say it's best left as an exercise for each one to research.

Hi Andy,

Thank you. I understand your points. By the way, the probability is very low for one to spend $2k per month for a room in NY. I am suggesting if we can share the information about the reasonable costs for the living expenses and tuition fees in total since so many current students can give their views.
I know we cannot get the perfect scenario but an estimation is nice. For example, if I have to spend almost 100K to get the MFE degree then I would choose Baruch or somewhere.

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