Hey everyone, was hoping to get a profile review to help me figure out what schools to target for a financial engineering/computational finance/etc masters, here's my stats.
Year: Junior
Majors: Computer Science, Mathematics
School: Top 30 in CS
GPA: 3.6/4
Relevant Classes: Data structures(B+), calc 2(A), func programming(A), discrete math(A), calc 3(A), probability for cs(A-), systems(coding in c, A), linear algebra(A-), numerical analysis(C-), algorithms(C-) (I shouldn't have taken these classes together in a one month compressed semester...) Current Classes: NLP, data science, machine learning intro, ordinary diff eq, SWE
Relevant experience:
Year: Junior
Majors: Computer Science, Mathematics
School: Top 30 in CS
GPA: 3.6/4
Relevant Classes: Data structures(B+), calc 2(A), func programming(A), discrete math(A), calc 3(A), probability for cs(A-), systems(coding in c, A), linear algebra(A-), numerical analysis(C-), algorithms(C-) (I shouldn't have taken these classes together in a one month compressed semester...) Current Classes: NLP, data science, machine learning intro, ordinary diff eq, SWE
Relevant experience:
- Worked as a full time software engineer for two years after having to take some time off. It was at a startup and I got exposed to a lot of cool technology and gained some experience in NLP using LLMs etc. I have some fun AI-leveraging projects still in production there that I could show off in an interview or something, but nothing too fancy.
- Interned at a medium sized tech company before that, working on internal tooling and CI/CD infra.