Taking prereq math courses at NYU

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Looking into applying to few MFA programs and currently lack the entire math background needed to apply. I have done Linear, Discrete, Calc 1 and 2, but didn't get Bs or above in all of them. I have a finance degree and comp sci minor from a top US public school, but my gpa was a 2.8. Would taking all the necessary math courses at a local NYC college and excelling in them be able to make up lost ground from my undergrad? Currently working as a data analyst at a consulting firm.
Oh sorry, MFE. Just a mistype.
To be honest with you, your math grades are lacking. If you took necessary courses and got A's in all of them, it would help your case for sure. How many years of work experience do you have?
As far as pre-requirement courses for MFE go, you can take them at any accredited college. Some people take them at community college for cost reason. They all cover the same basic topics for Cal I, II, III, etc.
Take them, aim for an A, get a transcript and you are done.