The easy way to a PhD from LSE

In the Independent:

LSE embroiled in row over authorship of Gaddafi's son's PhD thesis and a £1.5m gift to university's coffers


Professor Held denies any impropriety. Although he was not Saif al-Islam's PhD supervisor, he met him as "an informal advisor". He recalled that he "was not a great student" but improved. Professor Held added: "After he handed in the thesis, there was a rumour that he may not have been the sole author... I wrote straight away to his supervisor, but there was no substantial evidence."

A statement issued by the LSE Students' Union yesterday said: "LSE students are angry and upset that university officials are using degrees at the LSE to raise vast sums of money. There are serious questions about Saif al-Islam's PhD, and we call for an external investigation into the matter."
Hardly new news. If you can self-fund a PhD, you can do it anywhere provided you're not a retard. The battle is getting the funding, not the supervisor.
In the Guardian:

LSE director Howard Davies resigns after fresh allegations over links to Libyan regime as PR firm admits errors over lobbying

A deepening row over the London School of Economics and its dealings with the Gaddafi regime has claimed the career of the university's director. Sir Howard Davies resigned after fresh revelations that the institution had been involved in a deal worth £2.2m to train hundreds of young Libyans to become part of the country's future elite.