The Long, Flat, Seemingly Endless Bataan Death March To Version 3 of the Quant Careers Guide


Quant Headhunter
V3 will have change you can believe in. We will come together as one nation under a groove and cast out the discredited mistakes of the past.

I'm actively looking for feedback, new sections you want to see, areas you think waste space, and where you think my creative interpretation of English grammar is an error, not a comedic device.

The "female quants" section sucks, I've changed the words, and it still sucks. Even when I delete all the words, suckyness persists.
Feel free to suggest any way to surge out of this formless morass.

The being foreign section will have some more on fighting visa processes, but will grow a bit.

Useful resources, any links to thing people can use to make themselves more employable are good.

Job Hunting in a difficult market
This is nearly finished, and I will be sending this out as a separate note, but ideas are good.

The C++ section grew, then shrunk. I am minded to simply remove it altogether, since I want to do a C++ interview Questions for quants thing.
Quant dev stuff is going to grow.

We're actively interested in what types of statistics offer the greatest utility in different types of work, please reduce our ignorance in any way you can.

Algorithmic Trading
You have no idea how hard it is to write about this stuff because the peope who do it are secretive scumbags. But by combination of getting them drunk, industrial espionage, and dot joining, we've made a start on this. We want help, please.

Some of you may know that the Guide was inspired by Michael Page's guide, which was then about 12 pages. We thought our guide would be a bit longer, and as it happen we were right...
Without pictures, but with slightly better formatting we're heading towards 300 A4 pages.
But MP (and eFinancial careers) have some nice pictures. We don't, do people want pictures, if so of what ?
Yes, I know I'm leaving myself open to a torrent of interesting suggestions here, but try to stay on track guys.

Version 1.0 of the Guide is in Paul's FAQ book, and that's the status quo for a while yet.

I perceive that some Guides do not get through first time because there now exists PDF based spam, and it may be getting caught by filters.
But sending a link is also something that attracts unwanted attention,at which point the only idea I have left is to hack some VBA to actually put it into emails as formatted text.
I don't like any of this, ideas solicited.

I'm trying to grow the coverage of what quants do all day, please feel free to tell me what you do. Warts and all, it will be carefully made anonymous to protect the guilty.

We've experimented with advertising, because frankly we're money grabbing bastards. No one complained, so we'll do it again.
If your organisation wants to reach 15-20,000 quants feel free to offer money.

Whats generally the turnaround time for receiving the guide after having sent you a resume? I emailed a copy of my resume several times with no avail. I'm looking forward to version 3, assuming I'm first able to get my hands a copy of version 2. :D

Whats generally the turnaround time for receiving the guide after having sent you a resume? I emailed a copy of my resume several times with no avail. I'm looking forward to version 3, assuming I'm first able to get my hands a copy of version 2. :D

same situation here dear Dominic. I would be more than happy to assist you in the survey and provide relevant feedback to help the V3 writing process if I'm able to get my hands on a copy of v2 in the first place.
I think Dominic must be occupied by the revision and overwhelmed by the incoming CVs :)
Can't wait to see the new version .... will send you a copy of my CV for that.