The truth about LinkedIn

Eugene Krel

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Linked In... To What? // Current

pretty much the current situation.
Bash it all you want. The only two people who've written me my recommendations are professors. Furthermore, I'm using it to expand my Recruiterdex.
If you use the tools (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc) wisely, they can be of great advantage. The gist of the video is that majority of people just signed up for it as part of the hype and never realize its potential.
Can anyone on QN share a success story of finding a job using LinkedIn or Facebook? I haven't met anyone so far.
The recruitment consultant who got me in touch with my current employer (large IB) found my profile on linkedin. I find some of the linkedin communities especially helpful - the niche ones, not the ones where half the world is eligible.
I am not sure how recommendations help, but having a profile with clear branding helps recruiters and smaller companies (small Hedge Funds / PE shops / prop trading firms) find you quickly.

Also, linked-in is a good tool to keep uptodate with your secondary network.

I did hear about few good opportunities via these two channels and I do attribute some credit to Linked-In for that.

The effectiveness of your networking can be measured in how quickly you hear about a role that you would target, after that news goes out to recruiters. Effective use of Linked-in like tools, can certainly help reduce that notification-time.
What do you guys do to not over do linked in ?

Every time I respond some thread in linked in, I get invitation to join somebody's network. The first kind reads "We spoke in the past, I have some very good opportunities waiting for you. Call me if you are looking for a change". The other kind is from a person 500++ connections, whom you never interacted with, and it reads "Saw your response on blah blah blah, please join my network". Do you filter out such requests ? Or do you add them anyway. I personally like to keep my network simple and active.

Also, how do you manage conflict of interest with your employer. Sometimes, it is not good to disclose what you are working on because competitors can get clues as to what new developments are happening in a company. Since your network obviously includes your boss, colleagues and others, activities like linking-in with a recruiter or updating your profile may be read as signs of "I am looking for another job". I know such acts have their own benefits before the bonus day but how do you manage unintentional conflict of interest.