Training: What's all the Fuss About R? Introduction to R

“What’s all the Fuss about R? An introduction to R Using Real-world Examples”.

REvolution Computing is hosting a training course in R in New York City on April 22(please note revised date). New to R? This one day course will provide you with all the basics you need.

Short description is below, but additional information and registration details can be found in the links at:

Revolutions: Upcoming R courses from REvolution Computing

This one-day, hands-on basic R training provides an introduction to R through the quantitative exploration of real-world problems. We’ll begin by using R for exploratory data analysis and statistical inference; specific topics include graphical methods (both base and grid graphics) and hypothesis testing via parametric and non-parametric methods.

Are you looking for a more advanced R course? Check out our “High-Performance Computing with R” course on April 23 at UIC in Chicago. Details can be found at
This course is not free. Is there a discount for Students or Faculty?

I went to the session held at Columbia last year. It was a very good experience.

This course is not free. Is there a discount for Students or Faculty?

I went to the session held at Columbia last year. It was a very good experience.

This is a paid course that we've tried to keep costs to a minimum and includes continental breakfast and lunch. I will look into your request if you want please contact me at to discuss.

The advanced course in Chicago, April 23 does provide student discount. Glad your experience at Columbia in Dec 08 was good.
I register through my company and they are paying for it but it will be nice if the students can register at a discount.

Actually, one of my colleagues is presenting at Chicago about Random Matrix Theory..
What's all the fuss about R? Introduction to R

We heard and responsed! Students can now register at a discount for all training courses in REvolution Computing's training schedule. Check out the training schedule at REvolution Computing's website.
I register through my company and they are paying for it but it will be nice if the students can register at a discount.

Actually, one of my colleagues is presenting at Chicago about Random Matrix Theory..
This is a great news. I haven't checked how much is the discount yet but I can say the REvolution people are very good and the parallel implementation they do of R is sound and interesting, based on Linda Spaces.

I'm looking forward to the course on April 22nd.
Its still $250 for students :)

It would be more attractive if the organizers could remove any of those three digits :)
What's all the fuss about R? Introduction to R

Sorry but basically this covers the cost of the training venue i.e. room, food, instructor and etc. As Alain stated it will be worth the cost. Thanks for the compliments Alain.
Its still $250 for students :)

It would be more attractive if the organizers could remove any of those three digits :)