Two definitions of utility functions and coefficients of risk aversion?

1. The utility function ( U ) of wealth ( W ) can be defined different for different people. The coefficient of risk aversion is defined as
A(W):= - \frac{U''(W)}{U'(W)}
One example is
U(W): = -\frac{exp(-aW)}{a}.
and its coefficient of risk aversion can be computed as

2. On the other hand, if the return ( r ) of a portfolio is a random variable with expection (E(r)) and variance ( \sigma^2 ), then the utility of the portfolio return is defined as
U(r) = E(r) - A \sigma^2/2
where $A$ is also call coefficient of risk aversion.

3. Concerned about the two definitions of utility functions and of coefficients of risk aversion in part 1 and 2, my questions are:
  • Are the above two definitions of utility functions related somehow? Is the second one based on the first one?
  • How different are the cases where they are intended to use?
  • Are their coefficients ( A ) of risk aversion the same thing or differently defined?
Thanks and regards!
DOUBLE EDIT: Whoa, sorry. I thought the first equation was defining a utility function for wealth. Forget what I said. They're the same :p (Although equation 2 is still a sub case for equation 1)
You have to ask your teacher which Utility function and which distribution he assumes in the second problem.