Undergrad math courses recommendations

Hey guys! First of all, I would like to say I'd really appreciate some of you guy's posts; it was extremely helpful in helping me to gain insight into the field.

I am currently a second semester freshmen majoring in Mathematics (BS) and Economics (BS).

I am in need of recommendation on what classes I should take in the upcoming semesters of school to help prepare me for an MFE program and a Quant career. As of now I am taking Linear Algebra (finished Calc I and Calc II while still a high school senior and took Calc III in previous semester---I love math as you can tell). Next semester I am planning to take Advanced Calc, Differential Equations and Mathematical Structures (required by my math degree). After that I am basically open to choose what type of math courses.

I am hoping to take a course or two on Numerical Analysis but do not know what else is there to learn. What areas in math do you think I should focus on?

I haven't taken any Stats or Probability classes besides a course required for my Econ. degree which was basically a joke. Do I need to go any further with Stats. and Prob.?
Here are some suggestions:

Linear Algebra, Probability, anything Numerical (Optimization, Linear Algebra, PDEs etc), PDEs. Advanced Probability with stochastic processes wont hurt if you can get up there.

Most of these you'll see again in some form in an MFE program, but it wont hurt you. And as you're a math major, they can't hurt.

I'm new to these forums and have been considering applying to several MFE programs. Unfortunately, I have made the decision to apply pretty late and cannot pursue a bachelors in Mathematics but only a minor and a major in Finance (University of Florida). These are some of the math courses, I will be covering and I wanted to check if these will suffice;

1) Calculus 2
2) Calculus 3
3) Differential Equations
4) Number Theory
5) Combinatorics
6) Fourier Series and Transformations
7) Linear Algebra
8) Introduction to Statistics (very basic course)

I have no programming experience or advanced knowledge in probability. How do I go about this? Will this affect me severely?
Besides the standard numerical tract: linear algebra, analysis, ODE, PDE, and numerical analysis, you should plan on taking graduate real analysis or some course that covers basic measure theory and lebesgue integration.

I would also take one probability and one or more statistics courses. If you still have free time, take an optimization course.

From CS, take a couple courses that interest you.