Undergrad Math vs. Stats?

Math vs Stats

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Hi, I am a to-be freshman at the math & stats department of a decent Korean college.
I can choose between two majors - math and statistics.
A math major has to take significant loads of analysis, linear algebra, etc. while a stats major has to take 12 credits or so of statistics programming courses. The rest can be considered identical.
I am planning to major one of Math or Stats and major/minor in (financial) economics. Please help me make a choice.
If you are keen to become a quant analyst or quant dev I would choose the maths over the stats. The real analysis and linear algebra will allow you to do other courses such as stochastic calculus and numerical analysis. You can always pick up stats later, as it is much easier to learn via self-study. Or at least, I have found that to be the case!
Yeah, despite popular opinion, doing math will give you a strong foundation for a later (or concurrent) study of stats. You'll be stronger than most other applied math people who often only have a flimsy understanding of mathematics.
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