Undergrads best opp for Sales and Trading?

Hi, I am undecisve in choosing an undergrad b-school...and want advice for best opp to enter sales and trading.
I currently have a 3.65 cumulative at a cc. Copresident of Finance & Investment Society.
Up 23% from 2010, even in this volatile market of course with low capital=2k.
BTW shorted the April top =]
Phi Theta Kappa, working full time while going to school. Insurance internship over the summer.
Finance major...I know math is a better major to get recruited but not my strong field anymore...
Anyways I know there are better schools like Wharton, Berkley, but I am being realistic.
University of Illinois–Urbana Champaign- My first choice.
Tulane Universituy-Freeman
Northeastern University
CUNY Baruch
Concordia University-JMSB
Cal Poly SLO

I chose these schools after researching countless hours on avg GPA and also their finance program such as trading labs, managing real money programs, etc.
I was wondering if anyone has any input on particular schools I should avoid on the list above...and any schools I should look at thats not on the list.
For example NYU was in my list, but they dont accept transfer for Spring 2011 so off my list for now.
UIUC will have a presence in Chicago. Tulane in the energy area. Villanova is a decent option.

How come no BC, UT Austin, UCLA, Vanderbilt, NYU, stuff like that.

Baruch might be an ok choice, especially if you are in state. Cal Poly and Concordia are going to be tough sells. Bentley/Northeastern might do well in Boston, but I think BC/BU would do better.

Finance labs should not be a deciding factor.
Yeah I am stoked to find out about UIUC, Tulane, and Villanova. All great finance programs and recruits strong in their certain categories. Definitely top 3.

I dont know too much about BC, but I remember crossing it off my list for some reason.

UT Austion doesnt accept Spring transfers as well as NYU but I will try to apply to NYU for fall 2011 transfer this fall.

UCLA....I could prob get in, but I heard their business program is very weak. And they dont have any finance majors......

As far as Bentley and Northeastern, I am looking for the school that has a Great program in finance which I would go with Bentley as they have the trading lab and portfolio to manage, but Northeastern has more job recruits.......

I agree with you in the uncertaintiy of the strength of the business programs at SLO, Baruch, and Concordia. I figured if these were my backup schools I would at least enjoy myself with their certain programs such as trading lab at Concordia or managing money at SLO, or location of Baruch, and do my best and possibly have an opportunity somewhere down the line.

To sum it up, I am looking for a school that has a finance program that I can consume all the knowledge and apply it to my own trading....and then after I graduate, a school that gives me the best opportunity to start trading at a firm....in which I can then learn more.UIUC, Villanova, and Tulane are my top 3 while the others are more...interesting schools..If anyone has any schools I should def avoid on my list, that would greatly be appreciated or if anyone has any schools that have what I am looking for that would be a godsend!
I went/go to Villanova for grad school and know many UG's. If you need some people to talk to let me know. A friend of mine just finished a S&T summer program at JPM.