COMPARE Waterloo MQF, McMaster M-phimac, York Financial Engineering, UofT MMF

I have recently been accepted into Waterloos MQF, McMasters M-Phimac and Yorks MA with hopes of pursuing their Financial Engineering program. I also have an interview for UofTs mmf program on Friday. I was wondering if any current/past students of any of these programs might be able to help distinguish the pros/cons of each program. I heard that MQF is very theoretical in nature, and I am hesitant about McMaster where the program is relatively new. I am no expert, but feel as though I would find portfolio optimization, risk analysis and financial modeling/ testing as interesting career paths. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
Hi, almost same situation here. Can I know what's your final choice? I think I may join the Phimac program. I actually was declined by MMF.
Toronto MMF and Waterloo are a lot stronger reputation-wise. I've only ever heard people I've talked to at Canadian banks (analyst to MD level) recommend these two. In fact, one financial engineering MD at one of the big 5 told me they hire almost exclusively out of these programs because they've developed that relationship and know the quality.

Waterloo MQF really is quite theoretical. I have a friend there right now and she said they do a lot of measure theory. But they do have very established relationships with the Canadian banks.