What are the benefits to obtaining an MFE degree? (?'s on recruiting, overseas competition)

A master's in financial engineering is pretty intriguing. But I'm wondering about the ROI since it's still pretty expensive (and relatively a brand-new degree when compared to ex. an MBA):

1) How is on-campus recruiting for ex. top 10 MFE programs? Do you have a reasonable shot at a job (with a big bank, tech company, investment firm) or do you have to fight tooth and nail to get your foot in?

2) How applicable is an MFE towards tech companies or fintech? It seems an MFE is more geared towards banks and quant funds, but what about tech companies? In terms of having a wide breadth of options, it seems a master's in CS would provide more flexibility?

3) How competitive will you be with an MFE degree? Or will you be interviewing side-by-side with math PHDs who have done ground-breaking research?

4) Can anyone comment as towards why MFE programs have a lot of chinese foreign students in them? Not being racist or anything, but Baruch's MFE program has an accent-removal seminar for their students. (from what I've researched). Are there opportunities/competition overseas?

Note: very new to this website and forum. am researching threads to answer my specific questions...