What are your favorite Wall-street themed movies?

I haven't watched many movies focusing on the cultures, icons of Wall Street. I do sometimes get to watch some movies by chance and I'd like to hear from you about your favourite Wall Street movies.
  1. Enron :The smartest guys in the room http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0413845/
    This movies very closesly follows the book by the same title. I have the movie in High Definition format and I'd like to share with you all. I'm working on details for a plan with the trading center at Baruch to use their seminar room for this purpose. I like this movie very much because first it's in HD format (Mark Cuban's company documented this movie), second the detailed facts about Enron are just shocking. I still remember watching Ken Lay trying to keep a straight face after Jeff Skilling arubtly left and then the accident when Jeff called an analyst a*****e.
  2. Trading place http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086465/
    Eddie Murphy is hilarious in this movie about a homeless man switchs place with an investor.
Of the top of my heads, these are the only two movies I can remember that fall into this category. Prof. Stefanica mentioned he has a documentary about some math theorem he likes to share. Speaking of which, I still have a copy of the document about Andrew Wiles and how he dedicated his whole life to solve Fermat's Last Theorem.
Wall Street (Michael Douglas and Glen Close) a classic

Rogue Trader (about Nick Leeson and bringing down of Barings)

Boiler Room (a bunch of stockbroker scams)

Barbarians at the Gate (leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco)
RussianMike said:
Wall Street (Michael Douglas and Glen Close) a classic
Finally, gotta watch this movie last night. It was a classic, Mike. :smt023 I'll rent and watch this a couple more times (exactly my type of movie)
Actually, Glen Close was not in the movie but the cast is very impressive : Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen, Martin Sheen.
Andy said:
RussianMike said:
Wall Street (Michael Douglas and Glen Close) a classic
Finally, gotta watch this movie last night. It was a classic, Mike. :smt023 I'll rent and watch this a couple more times (exactly my type of movie)
Actually, Glen Close was not in the movie but the cast is very impressive : Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen, Martin Sheen.

Daryl Hannah!
I watched the first one, Enron. It's a great documentary.

The 'Smart Guys' wiped away savings of thousands of employees and investors.

Everyone right from CEO, Chairman, traders are involved.

They even showed some (private) conversation between traders.

Must watch!
Another movie

The Bank - An Australian movie, about a young mathematician whose model predicts the next market crash.
woody said:
Anyone gonna see "pursuit of happiness?"
Opens 12/15. Can we see it after the finals. Say 12/22 ? This movie should be really good.
By the way, Woody, I like your new pic, kinda remind me of some action movie actor I can't recall at this moment.
Wall Street (Michael Douglas and Glen Close) a classic

Rogue Trader (about Nick Leeson and bringing down of Barings)

Boiler Room (a bunch of stockbroker scams)

Barbarians at the Gate (leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco)
Thanks Mike,
I had a chance to watch all movies you recommended. Watched "The Bank" recommended by Sarathk. Read "Poker's Liar" borrowed from Hien. Went to see Pursuit of Happyness as well. \\:D/

I like the book and Wall Street, Boiler Room the best.
The Bank - An Australian movie, about a young mathematician whose model predicts the next market crash.

awesome movie especialiy for aspiring quants:

“He is building a model that can evolve and learn from the experiences of the market”

"We have seen this kind of stuff before, black box for XXX [a certain] hedge fund until collapsing and taking twelve billions with it.”

“It tends to find order in the matter of chaos”

“He named it betsy…”

“Great, he is naming it after a f%^&ng cow.”

"He is smart..."

“They are all smarter until they are not…”

“Allright, let get him him”

I love that particular dialog you just posted.

My nomination is "Pi: Faith in Chaos". It's about 10 years old and the film was considered experimental at the time - the low-budget indie quality may seem a bit dated now. The wall street angle is that if you keep looking at randomness, eventually you can come up with a model that will fit the randomness, and convince yourself you have found the pattern. A model that works... until it doesn't.


I love that particular dialog you just posted.

My nomination is "Pi: Faith in Chaos". It's about 10 years old and the film was considered experimental at the time - the low-budget indie quality may seem a bit dated now. The wall street angle is that if you keep looking at randomness, eventually you can come up with a model that will fit the randomness, and convince yourself you have found the pattern. A model that works... until it doesn't.



funny you mentioned this movie, I was just talking to a buddy of mine about 'The bank' the movie and also recommended that I check out 'Pi'... will try to get hold of a copy in local libraries...
