What can I do if I do not have sufficient math background?

Hi guys,

I am a final-year student in business degree with concentration in finance. I really want to go for financial engineering as my master degree. I do know that I do not have sufficient math background. However, I still want to do master in financial engineering because I have studied a lot of finance and I know what financial engineering is about. I like this field.

A bit about my background.
I have taken one semester of Calculus (include multivariate differential calculus but just a one-variable integral calculus. No differential equation.)
I have taken one semester of statistics (I believe it covers pretty much basic stuff for financial engineering but as I say.... just basic)
I plan to take econometrics as well.
I will also have a finance course, which will provide me exposure to matlab.
That is all I have.

Please help suggest me what can I do to strength my background.
Thank you.
Thank you for the reply.
There are problems, which I believe you do not want to know, that make me not possible to take more math classes. So you may assume that I have already graduated. There is only one option that I can think of now is to take pre-master course, but I still have no idea where I can(should) take it. Any suggestions about pre-master or more options would be really appreciated.
You should take and get certified from a respectable college:
  • Linear Algebra
  • Calculus II
  • Probability
  • Differential Equations (optional)
  • C++ (needed)
Claiming knowledge without a course will likely not get you past the application stage.
Do you have any idea about "respectable college" that offer online course? Because I live in Thailand.
Honestly I do not. Why not come here a year early and sign up for a decent college? Just think of it as a 2.5 year MFE :)
Just think of it as a 2.5 year MFE :)
Thank you very much. I like your idea on how you think to approach the master program. However, after I tried to take into account as many factors as I can, I think that Pre-MFE at Baruch during JAN-MARCH would fit me the most. Anyway, I still have no idea whether other MFE program (both in UK and US and also both in top rank and middle rank) will consider Pre-MFE at Baruch as enough prerequisite for their program.

Waiting for someone who have knowledge about this. (Just in general would be enough, but for specific program would be really appreciated.)
Ps. Although I know that sending an email asking each program directly is the best way to get the answer and I will do that for some, but I ask this because just in case someone know other program that consider Pre at Baruch as enough prerequisite and I accidentally skip it.
Thank you very much. I like your idea on how you think to approach the master program. However, after I tried to take into account as many factors as I can, I think that Pre-MFE at Baruch during JAN-MARCH would fit me the most. Anyway, I still have no idea whether other MFE program (both in UK and US and also both in top rank and middle rank) will consider Pre-MFE at Baruch as enough prerequisite for their program.

Waiting for someone who have knowledge about this. (Just in general would be enough, but for specific program would be really appreciated.)
Ps. Although I know that sending an email asking each program directly is the best way to get the answer and I will do that for some, but I ask this because just in case someone know other program that consider Pre at Baruch as enough prerequisite and I accidentally skip it.

I have the similar problem to yours. We are in the same situation. Have you found any online math programs or courses? I've sent many e-mails to different MFE program and so far I still have little information.
I have the similar problem to yours. We are in the same situation. Have you found any online math programs or courses? I've sent many e-mails to different MFE program and so far I still have little information.

Hey, Can you please provide some of your background?
The best one that I have found is NETMATH of UIUC, but I'm still not sure whether those offered by NETMATH would be enough to survive in MFE program, they just cover minimum requirement for most program.

What kind of question you ask those MFE program? Did you ask them for suggestions? Answer from them should be really helpful.

Hey, Can you please provide some of your background?
The best one that I have found is NETMATH of UIUC, but I'm still not sure whether those offered by NETMATH would be enough to survive in MFE program, they just cover minimum requirement for most program.

What kind of question you ask those MFE program? Did you ask them for suggestions? Answer from them should be really helpful.

I majored in accounting and have just a little-to-no programming experience. My courses at undergraduate level are two semesters' calculus( including differential equations) one semester liner algebra, one semester probability and one semester statistics. Actually, I asked them about how to improve my math skills before application and didn't get anything valuable from them. Most of them haven't replied me so far. One of professor from CUHK told me self-teaching is a good way to learn math.For math courses, you could refer to Boston University's website where the program provide detailed information about math courses. I don't take GRE test so far( just took GMAT). I need to make a decision about taking time to take GRE or reviewing math. Do you have any suggestion?
I majored in accounting and have just a little-to-no programming experience. My courses at undergraduate level are two semesters' calculus( including differential equations) one semester liner algebra, one semester probability and one semester statistics. Actually, I asked them about how to improve my math skills before application and didn't get anything valuable from them. Most of them haven't replied me so far. One of professor from CUHK told me self-teaching is a good way to learn math.For math courses, you could refer to Boston University's website where the program provide detailed information about math courses. I don't take GRE test so far( just took GMAT). I need to make a decision about taking time to take GRE or reviewing math. Do you have any suggestion?

I don't think that you are in similar situation as me. You have already taken math courses to the minimum requirement level for most program. If I were you, I would study programming first then prepare for GRE after that reviewing or learning more math courses. Note that, this is just my opinion.
