What IDE do you use for C++ on Linux platform?


I saw the thread called "Best C++ compiler" so I thought that was not quite an appropriate name for this so I decided to start a new one.

On Windows most of us are using Visual Studio.

On Linux Ubuntu for the past couple of days I've been working with Eclipse Indigo CDT and I am appalled by the serious faults this software has. For example, it crashes in a couple of seconds after opening a project under Sun Java JRE while indexing. The import/export of settings such as syntax highlighting does not work at all, this feature should have been disabled altogether. These bugs are serious, conspicuous, and easily reproducible, despite that Eclipse Foundation released the product to the community. First, I do not think highly of the Eclipse Foundation moral standards. Then, I cannot trust this software and I do not want to spend any more of my time on it.

What is your experience with Eclipse CDT, how is debugging, is it all bug infested?

What other IDE have you used on Linux?
Eclipse is good. Use openJRE (default JRE in ubuntu) instead of Sun's JRE.
I have used it for work and for school. I like it. I have been able to solve the problems you complain about.

BTW, if you don't like it, don't use it. There are other IDEs out there for development in C++. You always can go to emacs or vi/vim.
just use emacs. If you are working on large projects, I would suggest asking an experienced C/C++ programmer to teach you how to make a Makefile (if you don't already know how to make one). There aren't any good online sources on Makefiles, and not all programmers know how to make one.

For debugging, you can use old faithful, gdb. There are a whole bunch of free developer tools in the Ubuntu "app store", such as tracking memory management.
I have finally moved to Ubuntu and have been using Eclipse up till now and I haven't noticed major faults yet. It has quite flexible interface, easy to navigate. I'm a new user of Eclipse so might have missed some disadvantages.
I have looked at most of them. I used each one of them for a day or two, I ran a simple "hello world" application and a multi-threaded sockets application. I use GNU toolchain.

emacs - I tried to use it sometime ago and I do not think the steep learning curve justifiable when nowadays so many IDEs exist.

The following are written in C/C++, these products are snappy and well written, pretty much bugs free. The problem with them is they are a "one-man-show" created by a handful of developers and it shows - sooner or later I bumped into a lack of a debugging capability that prevented me from using any them. That's true for all of them except CodeLite which, IMO, is better than others but I did not like it for the interface layout.
These IDEs are: Geany 0.20 (this one is an editor with compile/build capability, no debugging), Kdevelop 4.2, Code::Blocks 10.05, Anjuta (no public support, my email to mailing list bounced back), CodeLite 10.0.4778.

Qt Creator 2.1.0 is owned by Nokia. Despite the name it can be used to develop C++ applications (if you disable qmake) not just Qt applications. Very fast (it loads in a couple of seconds) and capable. The interface is nice, clean, and responsive. Good public support.

NetBeans 7.0 looks terrible on Ubuntu 11.04 GNOME - it's a known fact. I tried different look-and-feel but that did not help.

Eclipse CDT Galileo is written in Java for Java so it feels sluggish and Java things are all over the place, it's buggy and settings are not consistent, but it has a lot of features. It is the most used IDE in the world hence good public support.

I am using Qt Creator and Eclipse CDT right now, I'll see what I'll end up with.
Offtopic: It seems like the point goes to Windows here on the Linux/Windows debate. :D

Code::Blocks is good, has nice and clean interface, settings are straightforward, however once you step into a function while debugging it's "Local variables" window will show you local variables only. The only way to see your global variables, function parameters, or class members is to add them to Watch window, and there is no fast way of doing it.
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