What other Math/Programming courses should I take?

University of Washington. Major in Economics, minor in Mathematics, Aiming for FE programs of next year, 3.70/4.00 GPA, graduating this spring quarter...

So far I've taken...

Math & Stat:
- Calculus I II III
- Multivariable Calculus
- Diff Equation
- Matrix Algebra
- Linear Analysis
- Elementary Statistics Method
- Probability Theory
- Mathematical Statistics
- Math Reasoning
- Econometrics

- Econometrics: R, Excel
- Mathematical Stat: R
- Applied Math, Beginning of Scientific Computing: Matlab

- Had a intern at a tax and financial consulting firm in LA

Next quarter will be my last one. Therefore I have limited freedom to choose classes. Here are my options for next quarter, however, I can only choose one from:
1. Mathematical Biology: Stochastic Models
2. Statistical Computing: involve C++
So, WHICH ONE is better?

What are my chances to get into a FE program, what tier? Evaluation of my profile?

Thank you for your comments.
Economics majors historically don't compete well with CS/Math/Engineering majors in top MFE programs. You need to beef up your programming and by that, I mean taking a few C++ courses and do some projects.
People generally don't have a good idea of how well you fare against others until they can read enough applications. I do and I can't say much without personal essay, recommendation letters, transcripts.

Read a bunch of finance books, before-MFE-books (http://www.quantnet.com/master-reading-list-for-quants/) so you can talk like a career savvy person in your essay about what you want to do with your MFE.
A finance internship is going to help on your admissions but I think will also be very useful when looking for a job. It will help you get a feel for the general industry and narrow your interests; plus it should help beef up your personal statement.

I agree with Andy, option #2. Need to get that C++ experience.