What UK quant program should I apply to?

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I'm will get my BSc of Economics at a German university (always ranked in the TOP 3 in Economics) this summer.
My TOEFL will be done in two weeks.

The problem is:
I have an overall grade of 2.3 at the moment (German system!) and my grades in the first 3 math and statistics courses are bad. I had very bad math education in school so it was very hard for me to catch up with the math stuff first. But I did it and since my third semester I had done quite good in my stochastic course and especially in my two econometrics courses.
My overall grade without the first two semesters is 1.8 which is quite good.

To everyone who is not familiar with the German system:
1.0 is the best and 4.0 is the worst. The minimum entry requirements for Imperial programs are 2.5 and for LSE programs are 2.2.

So which program should I apply to?
I would like to do a program in financial mathematics or financial engineering in US or Europe.
How would you rank my chances to get into one of these programs:

(1) Imperial College: RM & FE
(2) Warwick: Financial Math
(3) Manchester: Quant Finance
(4) LSE: Math Finance
(5) Birkbeck College: MFE
(6) Cass: Financial Math
(7) Bocconi: Quant Finance
(8) Oxford: Financial Math

I checked the deadlines and for most programs I can apply until April.
Are there any other programs which I should apply to?
Sadly, most US programs require GMAT or GRE and I don't think that there is enough time left to take one of these.

Do you think that they will only see if my overall grade matches the requirements or do you believe that they will look at my progress which will really increase my chances.

Is there any chance to demonstrate that I have improved my math skills on my own and that I am now prepared to take such a program?

I really hope to get into a good program but it's quite frustrating to see some posts here, where people with excellent math and programming skills are pretty unsure if they will be offered a place.

Thanking you in anticipation.
Hi there, I believe for Imperial and LSE you will have problems with the GPA. These are both very competative programs and have in mind there will be a lot of people who do satisfy the minimum GPA requirement and actually be a lot above it. Same might be for Oxford. From the programs on your list Imperial, LSE, Oxford and Warwick are definitely the better ones. Cass has the advantage of being in London which might help you in the job seeking process. The other options are not bad as well but definitely worse than the ones I mentioned. This said, have in mind I am in my last undergraduate year so there are people with more experience who might dissagree with what I have said. Good Luck.
Btw you can also look at LSE Applicable Math - it is very similar to the Fin Math. From what is written on their website it seems that a lot of people finishing the program go into finance.
hey, why didn't you consider Imperial's Mathematics and Finance?
I think I'm giving nothing away to say that I wouldn't have Manchester at #3., and ekta has a point about Imperial
the order is not from best to worst or so. I just wrote them down how they came into my mind.
what advice would you give, dominic?
In my opinion, if you have met the minimum requirement, all you need is a great personal statement and reference letters.
You can apply to whichever university you want, it all depends on the number of applications they've received and the no. of places available. I think Oxford takes only about 30 students. Warwick around 40-45, Imperial's Maths and Finance about 30.
You could probably apply to 2 from Imperial, Oxford, Warwick, LSE, and 2 from the remaining as a backup.
Have you consider university of reading(henley business school)- MSc financial engineering.?The curriculum seems quite interesting..
I really hope you're right ekta.

@mimis I have considered reading but I don't know how good the program really is. the same is with edinburgh's financial math.

I recently turned 21 and I don't know whether to take a PhD program after master graduation or not.
So, what do you think: How hard is it to get into a 1st tier PhD such as Princeton with a master from a second tier UK program such as birkbeck, reading or cass?

Can any of you guys tell me how deep the math of a Finance program is? These programs seem also interesting, but I'm already familiar with approximately 80% of the Hull book and I don't know how much new stuff I will learn in a Finance master.
I have already applied for Imperial, Warwick and Birkbeck.

Now I want to apply to two more programs:
Manchester, Cass, King's or Reading.

Which one should I take?

(or any other one?)
I would suggest applying to Cass and LSE. Problem I see with Edinburgh's program is that it is jointly done with Heriot-Watt University, which I don't think is very well known....

If you are considering a PhD (assuming in finance) then it is critical that you do academic research during your masters. Letters of recommendation (need 3-4) from people that can attest to your current/future research ability is key for PhD programs. I think it will be difficult but not impossible to go from 2nd tier UK program to 1st US PhD program. You will have to take the GRE so plan on that. Differences to note between US and European PhDs, US programs are generally longer (for finance, 4-5 years in US vs 2-3 years in Europe) and in the US, finance PhD students are usually fully funded (includes tuition and living stipend).
I have applied for Warwick, Imperial, King's and Birkbeck.

Although my second referee didn't submit his reference yet, I received a rejection of King's FinMath this morning.
It's sad, because I think if King's is not willing to accept me the chances that Imperial or Warwick will are pretty low.

I have been rejected for the MF of Warwick, but I also have got an Email concerning my other application which says that they are "delighted to inform you that the programme’s Admissions Panel has made a recommendation to the University’s Postgraduate Admissions Team for admission to the programme. Please note this recommendation is subject to formal verification and approval by the University."

I will receive the official decision "in due course".

What does that mean? Does this mean that I have only passed the first (and the easiest) step and I will get rejected by the Postgraduate Admissions Team? Or does it mean that it is very likely that I will get the offer?

I'm a bit confused at the moment...
Something I don't understand: you've applied to two different programs at Warwick ? the MF and another one ?
If so, I guess you've made it for the other program from what I understand from your e-mail
Sorry, the second one was the Master of Financial mathematics.
the quote above is from the master of financial mathematics.

So, what do you think?
Once again, I understand that your application to the other program (the one that is not MF) is successful and that you should receive an official conditional offer (they will probably want a certification of your actual degree and a TOEFL score above a certain score).
Forgive me if I understood something wrong
Ok thanks for your input, I really hope you are right!

Btw: is that your pet? ;-)
I wish it was ! He (it is a he) was a little friend I met during an internship in Cameroon two years ago.

Good luck to you, I hope to see some good news for you on the Tracker !
Hello, I just got into mathematical finance at kings college, york university, university of leeds, birmingham university and mfe at icma centre(reading) all uk. I was wondering if anyone cn give me a review of any of these programs. to me mfe at icma seems the most interesting
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