which recommendation should i use?

so for the three letter of recs that are required by MSFE program, I am think of having my current supervisor and a prof i know from undergrad write the letter. As for the last one, is it ok to use a rec wrote by a college coach for varsity athletic team? He will be the one who knows me the best but I dont know if the schools will consider his rec seriously. Any input is much appreciated!
thanks a lot for the response. I was a main starter on the lineup (made All-American my senior yr). So will these 3 recs enough: employer, coach, a college professor? Thanks a lot!
IMO for a course like MFE would it not be more relevant to get a letter from someone who can attest to your mathematical, etc. ability? After all the purpose of letters are to develop a better understanding into your mathematical, finance and computer science abilities. College coach is a valid recommender but I do not think he is a relevant one. It wouldn't hurt you but I doubt it's going to help you much either.
It might be OK in some cases, not in others. Make sure to read the application form carefully, some places are very specific that they are looking for statements about your technical ability, not for character references.
Best recommendation writer would be one who can comment on your academic ability and rank you among people he taught that went on to graduate school of high quality in the same field. This writer would be your college professor for a few courses that allows him to observe you academically, personally for extended period. This person should be able to say something like "among hundred of students taking my honored advanced math courses who went on to go to PhD programs at Ivy League, student A was easily ranked among top 5% of them".
You wouldn't want a letter that says "this student took my math course in the fall 08 and scored A where the class average was B+"