Andy Nguyen
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  • HI Andy,
    Love the website: has been of tremendous help. I was wondering if it would be possible to include the quantitative finance masters at Olin (Washington University) in the tracker. It is actually a pretty big program.
    hi dear
    how u doing
    im after the R code for statistics and data analysis for financial engineering,
    its takes ages to get it right :(

    Hi Andy , I just got a acceptance letter from Stevens Institute of technology for MFE , Is it a good option , i havent heard anything good abt their placements , plz help me with this ...
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    I haven't heard anything about their placement either.
    I just completed my undergraduate degree in actuarial science. I love mathematics and I would ultimately want to become a portfolio manager for an investment company but I really love mathematics and I hope to apply mathematics a lot to aid in the fund management. I am going to be studying MFE in september. Do you think that financial engineering is the right programme given my ambitions and love for mathematics.
    Hi Andy, but do you know anyone in that program whom I can contact? Appreciate it.
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    Sorry. I don't know any current or past students of the program. I would love to get them to write a review of the program for us.
    Hi Andy, what did you say about Stanford coterminal student? Who are they? I am really interested in that program due to personal reasons, and thinking that there might be less competitiveness for jobs since only less than 20 students are admitted every year and many them are looking for PHDs.
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    They are Stanford undergrad and PhD students from different department taking the same class as FinMath students. I don't know what the career services there do to help you.
    I know about the course but the fees are quite high for me at this moment. But is it possible for you to recommend a text book or some reading material for self learning?
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    Read through the FAQ. There is a list at the bottom with links to online books you can use.
    Hello Andy. I am currently awaiting admission and I am somewhat worried about C++. I studied Java in my first year of University but I really did not undertsand it that well and this experience represents my only experience in computer programming. I would like to teach myself C++ programming in a few months. Can you recommend a text book that could adequately prepare me for a top mfe programme.
    Andy, I am currently on the waiting list of the C++ course. If I am to finish assignment 1 and 2 by the end of March. Is it possible for me to pay and start the course in early Apr? Thanks!
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    Yes. we will have more opens in June 1 but we can accommodate if you want to start earlier.
    Hello Andy, I have a question as to whether A Paul Wilmott’s Certificate in Quantitative Finance will be of any help to me to get selected in a good college fr an Msc in Fin Engg ?? Is it worth it or should I just go directly for an Msc ??
    Hi Andy, I am from VN, know about you and the quantnet forum from vietphd, Would you please take some times answer the question I asked in the "conversation" ?

    Thank you very much.
    Hi Andy. I have a question about the C++ course. Im a junior student in US and taking a C++ class right now, and I know how important a great grade in c++ is especially for application of MFE. But my professor is strict and based on his history, he only offer B level. So need I drop his class and take the C++ online certification in Baruch?
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    Our course is even stricter. We do not provide grade, just a certificate if you complete it with 70% average or more.
    Thank you Andy! From your perspective, which one is better? Taking the c++ class at shcool and get a fair grade or spending summer on the online class?
    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    Finish the class. If you feel like getting more material important to prepare for MFE programs, you can sign up to start our course in Jun 1.
    I am planning to apply Fin maths LSE/ Warwick .wanna knw chances .BE (IT) .above average consultant for Hedge funds based in US/UK (2 yrs work ex) and CFA level 1.
    LSE asks for GMAT..Your shot @ Warwick depends upon Grades and essays.
    Hi Andy. I have been having issues loading the website on my laptop (from any kind of browser): I downloaded a new browser and tried to load the website but wasn't able to do it. can you suggest whats going on? (I deleted all my history too, but couldnt fix it)

    Andy Nguyen
    Andy Nguyen
    I think something like this has happened before to someone from NY area. Their ISP has some problem with certain websites (IP). This most likely is the case since it seems you have problem connecting via your wifi/modem at home.
    well yea that does make sense. Thanks for checking!
    Hi Andy. Thought I should just update you. I wasnt able to connect to the website from my home comp again so I simply switched off and turned the modem back on. And now its working :)
    Hi Andy,

    I was wondering whether you knew if Baruch would consider offering more rounds of the pre-MFE courses, perhaps in the latter half of 2012? Due to time constraints I wouldn't be able to make it at those times, and I'm sure many more people would be interested in taking the courses than the ppl who managed to register by Jan 15.
    Thanks Andy for the tracker.
    If you have time, you could put one's programs on his or her profile, so others could see his status (Admit, Reject,etc) and his preferences (the program he chose) when view his profile.
    That would be another big help.
    Thanks again.
    I believe that it will give a broader view and will better help future candidates to choose their appropriate programs based on their qualifications. You know, some more SQL fields and queries in the database.
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