Recent content by Poomrang

  1. Poomrang

    C#, C++, VBA or Java ?

    sorry, but what do you mean by IMO ? :)
  2. Poomrang

    C#, C++, VBA or Java ?

    I have the impression that C# is becoming a standard also, thanks to its simplicity ! Anyone who cares about Java ? :)
  3. Poomrang

    C#, C++, VBA or Java ?

    Hi all, Among these four programming languages, which one do you think is the most valuable to master for a Quant Developer ? Thanks a lot for your comments.
  4. Poomrang


    Hi all, I would like to debate with you the positive points of each of the two designations : -PRM : Professional Risk Manager (given by PRMIA) -CERA : Chartered Entreprise Risk Analyst (given by the SOA) The CERA is a relatively new designation and it takes 4 actuarial exams plus a risk...
  5. Poomrang

    Mission of a Quant

    Maybe, but I think that our job should have a utility for the other people. And I think that things that do not have a strong base don't last long ! Let's take your example : people working in casinos : even if they earn a lof of money, they end by being addicted to the play, alcohol, drugs...
  6. Poomrang

    Mission of a Quant

    Hello everybody, We often say that when we want to aheive a goal, we should ask ourselves first what this thing is going bring to the other people (the community in general). So, I wonder what has everyone said to himself when he first took a decision to be a quant ? It's just a question...
  7. Poomrang

    Does QF still have value?

    I think that the job offers would rather seek for Risk managers, rather than other profiles... But till this time, no one can know what's the end of the tunnel for this crisis...
  8. Poomrang

    What are you listening to now ?

    Oumkalthum, the egyptian diva :)
  9. Poomrang

    Average salaries for quants

    you alos forget that history does not obey to linear approaches..
  10. Poomrang

    quant atmosphere

    People who depress are generally predisposed. People who know how to manage and organize their life, would almost certainly remain firm even in the most difficult situations
  11. Poomrang

    quant atmosphere

    Stress in quant jobs Being close to the front office make lot of quants work under pression. What are the conditions of work for quants ? Do they support the same amount of stress as traders ?
  12. Poomrang

    Education Advice - NYU Advanced Certificate in Financial Mathematics

    Moneny and women are alike, if you don't take care of, it may make another person happy.. think well about that
  13. Poomrang

    Portfolio management

    What is the best way to become a Portfolio manager ? I saw in job offers that generally they seek for PhDs in Finance. Does MFE degrees feet in this job ?
  14. Poomrang

    Paul & Dominic's Guide to Quant Careers Version 2.0 Now Available

    Hi, I sent you my resume. could u please send me the guide at poomrang@hotmail.comthx
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