Mission of a Quant

Hello everybody,

We often say that when we want to aheive a goal, we should ask ourselves first what this thing is going bring to the other people (the community in general).
So, I wonder what has everyone said to himself when he first took a decision to be a quant ?

It's just a question that I had in my mind. When walking in downtown in the morning and you see someone asking : "change please ?". What could you say to yourself that convince you that you're doing something to improve the life of those poor people.

I believe very hard that people who succeed have a mession in their life. So, what could be a mission in life for a quant ?
quants are just as useful as people working in casinos. don't get fooled by arguments about efficient money allocation, risk reduction, etc.
they work as quants because that's what they enjoy to do and they get paid well. nothing else.
quants are just as useful as people working in casinos. don't get fooled by arguments about efficient money allocation, risk reduction, etc.
they work as quants because that's what they enjoy to do and they get paid well. nothing else.

Maybe, but I think that our job should have a utility for the other people. And I think that things that do not have a strong base don't last long !

Let's take your example : people working in casinos : even if they earn a lof of money, they end by being addicted to the play, alcohol, drugs, etc. it's not a sane environment !

Do quants experience the same end ? I don't think so...
You could say some BS about providing market liquidity if it makes you feel better.

Your example is not convincing at all. Not all people working in casinos have the fte you described, and lots of people on wall street abuse alcohol and drugs.

Wall street is not a sane environment either.
If you want to do something for a noble cause, be a teacher, join the Peace Corp, work for Doctors Without Borders.
When you join financial industry, please check your naivety at the door. You are as useful as how much you add to the bottom line.

These people who are paying 100K to get into an MFE program don't have the "helping the poor" as their main mission. The reality and truth are cold so the sooner you can deal with it, the better.

If you care for a satirical view, look at this article where the author compares his role as fluffer on the set of high finance.
saving the world

I agree with Andy - I've told many people that finance is not the means with which you can change the world. People in the business are able to justify their existence in other ways, however: 1) many people do a great deal of volunteer work, often organized through their firms and 2) finance people provide a great deal of support for charitable organizations.

Many 501 (c) 3 organizations are as happy to cash your check as they are to see you show up at a volunteer event.
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