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  • Hi Soumya

    Hope you are doing well. I am new to this community. I am planning to go in for my Masters in Financial Engineering in 2010. I went through your profile and saw that you are an SIBM alumunus. I passed out in 2007 from SIBM too.

    To give you a little background about me. I am an Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer from Jamia Millia Islamia University, India. After this I pursued my MBA with Finance Majors. I then worked for two years at Morgan Stanley in the investment banking division. Hence I have a background that has finance, mathematics and programming too. I shall be taking my GRE in August and I am eyeing a score of 1400+

    I am eyeing only the top ten universities in USA and preferable only at NY and Chicago. It would be great if you can tell me my chances of cracking any of the good universities. And in case you think otherwise, can you tell me how to improve my application like by additional certification exams etc.?

    Thanks in advance.


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