Stevens Institute of Technology - MS in Financial Engineering

Stevens Institute of Technology - MS in Financial Engineering

STEM-designated program that prepares you to thrive on Wall Street

Reviews 4.43 star(s) 40 reviews

The fees are much higher. Some of the instructors are corrupt and incompetent. I would stay away from this place.
quantnet website filters out bad reviews. This review will be removed in few days.
The positive reviews that you see below are the TAs who worked in the Labs and got a free ride for their PhDs.
  • Anonymous
  • 1.00 star(s)
Avoid this school's mfe program at all cost. This program lacks of diversity and most of students are Chinese. These Chinese students use their own social media wechat spread gossips, rumors and scandals, probably because most of Chiniese students' main focus is dating instead of study. As a result, they think every student are busy dating. They fail to adapt to US society and even can't speak English. They stick to each other wherever they go and use their arcane language to spread rumors, gossips and scandals. Please don't say I am a racist, because I myself came from China too, that's why I know their secrets, and I feel I have the responsibilities to expose them so that prospective students can make better judgement based on the information I provided.
  • Anonymous
  • 1.00 star(s)
Reviewed by Verified Member
1. Most profs are good and knowledgeable.
2. Good location.

1. Career services are horrible, but they are working to improve it albeit very slowly...
2. The program intakes way too many students compared to other programs, hence the overall quality of the students is horrible. This makes most courses relatively easy and often uninteresting, and in particular deteriorates the reputation of the program.
AVOID Stevens at ALL costs.