University of Minnesota - Master of Financial Mathematics

University of Minnesota - Master of Financial Mathematics

Minnesota MFM program is under the MCFAM Center for Financial and Actuarial programs

Reviews 4.71 star(s) 41 reviews

Very disappointed when graduated from the program.
Except for the computational course,other modules only touch the concept without digging into the formula.
The instructor for fm5021/fm5022 are extremely irresponsible.
Most of fm5011 lecture notes are directly copied from John Hull's website.Some of the lecture and homework are totally time wasting material ,for example doing Matrix decomposition and basic probability,for the more technical part such as interest rate derivatives, the instructor barely write down one equation on the blackboard,leaving the student studying the lecture notes themselves.He does not have any research or publication in quantitative finance,the only industry experience he had was a Oil trader at a non-financial company.
The Asset and Allocation module is also poorly constructed with outdated material.The final project for the first whole semester is basically fitting a GJM-Garch model.By the way, I should also mention the instructor only came to class twice each semester, most part were distant teaching.
For the placement number, I think they just fake up the data.From my experience, very few international students in this program managed to locate a job ,some of their jobs are even totally irrelavant of finance, like ,coding in a IT ,for example.
There are no full-time professors teaching in this program.All the lectures taught the courses do not have renowned publications in quantitative finance, as a consequence, most of the courses just treat basic ideas and lack of depth some of them are even overlapping! See one of the course website below
No courses specializing in credit risk and financial time series are offered,which seem to such a big issue in current quantitative finance world.
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