Search results

  1. Joy Pathak

    New BU Curriculum

    Boston University's finance department is very well renowned. They have some very good finance researchers. But that is not something you neccesarily want in an MFE program as many have mentioned. I am sure they can attract a lot of practitioners from the Boston area, but the best in the field...
  2. Joy Pathak

    Discussion on RPI FERA Curriculum

    Some of the courses I made sure the program I chose had were: 1) Stochastic Calculus 2) Computational Finance/ Financial Modelling (Courses that have Numerical methods, Monte Carlo, VaR and several things of that sort inluded) 3) Advanced Statistics 4) C++ , .NET courses (Things to know for...
  3. Joy Pathak

    New BU Curriculum

    It is not ranked 11. It falls into the 10-15 category.
  4. Joy Pathak

    MFE -> Investment Banking?

    As an investment banker, your work would involve advising companies on capital formation, mergers, acquisitions, investments and managing capital assets. You will have to liaison with businesses, governments, non-profit institutions and individuals. You will look into the financial aspects like...
  5. Joy Pathak

    All guys should show to this article to their girlfriends.

    Hahaha @ chess statement. Well, I just thought it was an interesting article. Kind of "scientific" proof to something men have been saying always about themselves. You're right in saying that those factors aren't as important to men out of their teen years but it is still interesting to see...
  6. Joy Pathak

    MFE -> Investment Banking?

    Ok. (Add random filler here for minimum characters)
  7. Joy Pathak

    MFE -> Investment Banking?

    Lol No. Investment Banking = Top school MBA not MFE. If you're thinking of doing MFE and then working and then going to MBA and then going to Investment Banking then maybe, but that's pretty intense. Try to find a job, work, and then apply to the top schools. I am sure others will re-iterate...
  8. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Boston vs. Columbia

    I think he mean't internship is part of the curriculum.
  9. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Boston vs. Columbia

    Columbia MSOR vs. BU MSFM vs. Rutgers-MQF vs. Claremont MFE - Forum | Quant Network
  10. Joy Pathak

    All guys should show to this article to their girlfriends.

    Love, sex and the male brain - Really interesting article on the male brain. All that testosterone drives the "Man Trance"-- that glazed-eye look a man gets when he sees breasts. As a woman who was among the ranks of the early feminists, I wish I could say that men can stop...
  11. Joy Pathak

    Social Security & Medicare

    Insurance to drive could be considered somewhat similar possibly. And I actually don't drink. Lol I agree with the spending quotation. I come from Canada, where we pay ridiculous taxes. I say ridiculous but I am okay with the way the government is spending them. The money is spent on things...
  12. Joy Pathak

    Social Security & Medicare

    Tanning Tax One of the ways to pay for the health care reform law. I am all for bad habits that can get you killed being taxed. According to the Academy, indoor tanning before the age of 35 is linked to a 75% increase in the risk of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, which has also...
  13. Joy Pathak

    Social Security & Medicare

    Although not specifically to what everyone has been saying... Here is something interesting. The republicans were/are so against the bill. They kept saying the bill is un-constitutional, etc etc and said that this wasn't about party politics but about the American People and how this bill is...
  14. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Columbia MSOR vs. BU MSFM vs. Rutgers-MQF vs. Claremont MFE

    I think as others have stated Columbia MSOR is basically MFE. From one of the reviews it was seen that the courses the person took were similar almost to MFE. This has been discussed a lot in the forums. The guy who posted the review got a job as a derivatives trader upon graduation.
  15. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Columbia MSOR vs. BU MSFM vs. Rutgers-MQF vs. Claremont MFE

    I think you should apply to Masters in Child Psychology Programs in Budapest. That is what I think you should do. Lol Columbia....
  16. Joy Pathak

    Learning Python together

    Great find. I am surprised this missed our searches before. I have been using to get some tips and stuff. He has lots of tutorials on C, Java, Python etc. Young guy. Looks like a fist pumper.
  17. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE CMU MSCF vs USC PhD of Finance and Business Economics

    That is true, but there are several students who go onto PhD after. A small percentage compared to the whole class but still quite a few. They usually get into many programs since they are so ideal as they have come out of such a rigorous masters program with exceptional mathematical skills and...
  18. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE CMU MSCF vs USC PhD of Finance and Business Economics

    - Does the PhD give me the options to follow a career in academia or in the industry, or is it fairly limiting? What the hell... I feel like your trolling, but I will take bait and give my $0.02 First of all, Wow. You applied to a PhD Finance, and a MSCF at the same time. I mean I have...
  19. Joy Pathak

    Ivy League PhD Finance Programs

    Yeah. Good call. You need all the math before you can think of applying. I will be applying for Fall 2012 possibly at those schools too in addition to several others.
  20. Joy Pathak

    Ivy League PhD Finance Programs

    You have a good profile. I am surprised you are not going to a better school for your Masters. You would have possibly got into several other places possibly Cornell too. Weird. What is your undergrad in.. PhD Finance is one of THE MOST competitive programs in the world. The acceptance rates...
  21. Joy Pathak

    UCL Financial Computing

    Well I guess it depends on the PhD field. In PhD Finance this is almost a given that the ad-coms dislike applicants who show preference to work in industry after. I faced similar views by ad-coms during my engineering PhD applications, but I guess it might be unique for the schools I applied...
  22. Joy Pathak

    IIT Mathematical Finance | Frequently Asked Questions Hope that helps. Also, I will be making...

    IIT Mathematical Finance | Frequently Asked Questions Hope that helps. Also, I will be making a blog post about cost of living within the next few days. I will send you the link once it is done. Joy
  23. Joy Pathak

    UCL Financial Computing

    I have never really seen a PhD program promoting itself as an industry degree. Well untill now... As leading banks and funds become more scientific, the demand for excellent PhD students in the above disciplines is soaring. Almost always top school PhD adcomm will reject your application...
  24. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Boston Univ Vs Rutgers Univ Placement and Location

    The main reason many universities don't put their Stats up is because they are just bad. I think it is a fair assumption that if stats are not publicly available then to assume they are not good and as Andy said enter at your own risk. The real scary part is the ones that put up the Stats but...
  25. Joy Pathak

    Boston MSMFT Any Previous Boston MSMF student

    Illinois Institute of Technology - MS Finance ( Financial Engineering/Programming concentration)
  26. Joy Pathak

    Boston MSMFT Any Previous Boston MSMF student

    Have you tried calling them and asking for contacts of current students? You're discussing this topic on 3 different threads on the same forum. Here are some previous graduates. Just did a quick search on LinkedIN. Email/Message them and ask. Jeffrey Paul - LinkedIn Ahmad Namini -...
  27. Joy Pathak

    Need some help and advice!!

    Do you mean some basics to start learning? Once again, a few searches doesn't hurt anyone. You can't expect handouts always. This is a Master Reading List made by the owners and members of this website. You can look through to get a start on your reading. Look through other threads in regard...
  28. Joy Pathak

    Need some help and advice!!

    Have you tried doing some research AT ALL? Here are some links for more information: Stevens Wiki NYU-Poly Illinois Tech-Chicago Here is some personal information about the Illinois tech program. I am going to be starting the program May 24th, 2010. Reasons Why I joined the Illinois Tech...
  29. Joy Pathak

    Just how important is career service from the MFE program?

    Btw, since when did UCLA not become a brand name university? UCLA is a top 10 Finance university.
  30. Joy Pathak

    Just how important is career service from the MFE program?

    My Views on PLacement Statistics If you see #4 "Placements" you can see my views on placement service/stats.
  31. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Boston Univ Vs Rutgers Univ Placement and Location

    Rutgers Placement Statistics-Sort off This is from a person who posted on another forum. "Rutgers does a survey of their graduates to produce the placement number. If someone got a job, they are more likely to return the survey. If someone doesn't have a job, they aren't going to return the...
  32. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE Boston Univ Vs Rutgers Univ Placement and Location

    Review of Boston U Program There is a review of Boston U's program. Check it out. Hope it helps. Regarding Rutgers 100% placement, just make sure how the statistics was done. The university sends out surveys and the people who reply back are included in the statistics. If someone doesn't...
  33. Joy Pathak

    Reputed Phd Programs in Quantfin?

    Yup. You do PhD Economics with concentration in Finance at BCF. Many universities have it like this. MIT(Economics-Fin Concentration), Harvard (Business Economics), etc.
  34. Joy Pathak

    Reputed Phd Programs in Quantfin?

    Princeton has a Finance PhD? I am pretty sure they only have PhD Economics and concentration in Financial Economics...
  35. Joy Pathak

    Reputed Phd Programs in Quantfin?

    Usually people get PhD Mathematics and focus on Quant Finance research. Some schools have Quant Finance researchers out of their Business schools also in which case you have to apply to PhD Finance. This topic has been discussed before many types.
  36. Joy Pathak

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    As a canadian, even though I fall under NAFTA agreements and have to go get myself a TN Visa, I am apposed to this. Maybe give Canadians a green card if we get a masters? lol JK! I don't think it is fair to Americans to give international students a green card just after getting a...
  37. Joy Pathak

    Need suggestion for a C++ question

    Accept only Numerical/Scientific values upto 2 decimal places. If it is string then reject? or do you HAVE to accept a String and reject based on that? Then what Ilya said would be ideal. If it is not a number then reject.
  38. Joy Pathak

    India NISM offers Certificate in FE and Risk Management (CFERM)

    I think many working professionals in India might enroll.
  39. Joy Pathak

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    Haha. Holy ****. According to the plan, a bill would also give green cards to immigrants who earn a master's or doctorate in science, technology, engineering or math from a U.S. university. That's intense.
  40. Joy Pathak

    Take unsupported Stony Brook Quantitative Finance PhD position ?

    I am glad to hear about the good news regarding the headhunter. I hope it works out for you.
  41. Joy Pathak

    looking for advise in MFE

    I know of a guy who was from New Zealand and went to the Berkeley MFE program. I think he went to Harvard or Stanford for PhD afterwards. So don't sell yourself short just because you're from new Zealand. Connor gives good advice here. I would suggest getting the required mathematics...
  42. Joy Pathak

    Take unsupported Stony Brook Quantitative Finance PhD position ?

    I do agree with that. It all depends on the job you get after but I mean, a 100K+ loan is still just brutal. Mine will be around 70K and I am already getting nervous. I am a Canadian citizen so in terms of job prospects I have a bit of an advantage and worse comes to worse I can go back to...
  43. Joy Pathak

    Take unsupported Stony Brook Quantitative Finance PhD position ?

    A Future History PhD, and the Debt Issue Check this out. It might give some insight. Here is a thread from The Chronicle that gives a lot of advice from faculty about doing a PhD without funding (the general message: don't do it). The OP was admittedly in humanities, where the job market is...
  44. Joy Pathak

    Take unsupported Stony Brook Quantitative Finance PhD position ?

    **** man, I feel bad. You still haven't graduated? Then, relaxxx. You're an american citizen. You won't have a problem getting a job. Just give it some time. I personally would suggest you apply to Canadian firms also. NAFTA agreement FTW! They all have quant positions and very high...
  45. Joy Pathak

    Take unsupported Stony Brook Quantitative Finance PhD position ?

    Have you tried negotiating on the tuition? Ask them for a tuition waiver. Then all you have to take a loan for is living expenses.
  46. Joy Pathak

    Take unsupported Stony Brook Quantitative Finance PhD position ?

    Did they say no support AT ALL ? Or just for the first year? Can you compete for funding in 2nd year? Many places let you compete in 2nd year. Also, you can possibly teach after your coursework/etc is done to cover some costs maybe. Start off there, and then transfer to a school with funding...
  47. Joy Pathak

    No vacation = $456 Million dollar loss? -Former Merrill Lynch trader banned in UK

    Former Merrill Lynch trader banned in UK Mr Stenfors’ attorney, Ian Ryan, said his client received no personal gain from his actions. “It was completely out of character. It was extraordinary market conditions, he hadn’t had a holiday in a year-and-a-half and he was working 18-hour days,” he...
  48. Joy Pathak

    The Story of the CDO Market Meltdown

    ^^^ Hahaha. I was in the process of posting the exact same thing. I would let her collateralize my debt anytime.
  49. Joy Pathak

    Algorithmic Trading at home - how should I get started?

    I use Ninja trader linked with MB Trading. It's a good set up.
  50. Joy Pathak

    Question on MFE placements/ DEShaw

    Point taken. Will keep in mind.
  51. Joy Pathak

    Question on MFE placements/ DEShaw

    They prefer Non-MBA program students. They recruit hard from math departments and engineering. I think Columbia is one of their targets, atleast I would assume so since the owner is former columbia prof. -From what I have read ....- I don't know personally.
  52. Joy Pathak

    Education advice for algo trading careers

    Another good way I think is to focus on Masters programs that offer Algorithmic trading courses. Usually it is an advanced elective, and you have to take C++ and .NET and OOP related first. Algorithmic trading is turning out to be a big thing within the prop firms nowadays, and not just the...
  53. Joy Pathak

    A question regarding Rent : Chicago

    I put the hold on the place via credit card. All the payments for rent are made through They sent lots of pictures of the room and the apartment building(inside and outside). It's small studio apartment. Everything else is legit. They sent pictures of the same unit I will be...
  54. Joy Pathak

    Getting your resume read???

    Financial Programming FTW! That's what I am concentrating in!
  55. Joy Pathak

    A question regarding Rent : Chicago

    I am actually going to be going to Illinois Tech. I have to commute to Sears towers from john hancock center basically. The business school is by union station. There is bus/red line within 1 block that takes me right where I need to go. It's around 10-15 min bus ride. Unfortunately in the...
  56. Joy Pathak

    A question regarding Rent : Chicago

    What the hell... No, there is a full washroom. It's just not part of the 13 by 9 feet size. It's an attached washroom and shower/bathtub and all that fun stuff. The place is by North Dearborn and Oak street if anyone knows the area. It's literally 3 blocks to Oak Street beach. Cabrini green...
  57. Joy Pathak

    A question regarding Rent : Chicago

    Yeah, I cannot afford any more. Even 700 was pushing it. I wanted to be close/in downtown and have my own place and not be expensive. lol This seemed ideal. I have lived in rooms that small before, if not smaller and spent 98% of my time in the room. Worse comes to worse, if I feel...
  58. Joy Pathak

    A question regarding Rent : Chicago

    yeah. it's a tiny studio. I am talking in feet. Yeah, the 855 are 14 by 17, but there is no option of anything less than 850 anywhere downtown. Except this place. It does not include the washroom and kitchen and closets etc. Just the main area is 13 by 9. The Gold Coast area where it is...
  59. Joy Pathak

    A question regarding Rent : Chicago

    It's a small studio apartment I guess. 13 by 9 and on the third floor?. Other than that, no catch. I saw some good ratings online on reviews of the building. The landlord seemed really nice. The location is just unreal for the price. A 14*17 studio apartment in one of the low end high rises in...
  60. Joy Pathak

    A question regarding Rent : Chicago

    Hey guys, So I found this amazing Studio apartment in Chicago. It's $710. IT's in the Near North side / Gold Coast area , two blocks from the John Hancock center and 3 blocks from the lake side beach. The price includes internet and all utilities. It's unfurnished. What do you guys...
  61. Joy Pathak

    Learning Python together

    okay, Windows Vista 64bit sucks. I am really liking Python. Went through a few exercises. It's pretty cool. I still think MATLAB is the best if you have all the toolboxes and I do.
  62. Joy Pathak

    Learning Python together

    Just downloaded 2.6. Got these two books also : Need to finish my midterm studying and then start cracking down on this. ;) Maybe I can put the exercises from the books? ---------- Post added at 06:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 PM ---------- Exercise 1.1. Compute 1+1...
  63. Joy Pathak

    Getting started

    Connor gives good advice. Your GMAT is too low for a top PhD Finance program definitely. PhD Finance is THE MOST competitive program in THE WORLD. The acceptance rate at the top 25 school is around 1-2% mostly. You need to give more information about what you want to do or achieve out of...
  64. Joy Pathak

    Courses taken/should take

    I think the CFA Level 1 or some finance courses on your transcript are good because otherwise it is hard to justify why you want to switch to the field. One can't just say , "I want to make ye" . I had none on my application, but I talked a lot about finance in my essay from my...
  65. Joy Pathak

    Learning Python together

    Yeah. Sounds legit.
  66. Joy Pathak

    Algorithmic Trading at home - how should I get started?

    Well you can get the algorithm to put out P&L curves and you can make sure that it is always nice and positive. The one I made, I made it put out P&L curve and Sharp Ratio graphs and self calibration based on that. I am a n00b though. I am still learning.
  67. Joy Pathak

    Algorithmic Trading at home - how should I get started?

    Sorry, I am not too sure about that. I don't know anything about Python unfortunately, so can't help you out. I think MATLAB student version is only $99.
  68. Joy Pathak

    Learning Python together

    Okay, so when I graduate from my MFE program seems like I need to know Python and C++ as a minimum.
  69. Joy Pathak

    Algorithmic Trading at home - how should I get started?

    I had made a small algorithm. You can maybe use it if you want. It's basically using Exponential Moving averages. I made the program on MATLAB and output it onto a .NET file. I used MB Trading's third party broker platform. They have an API on their software. You put the .NET file onto their...
  70. Joy Pathak

    PS3 supercomputer

    Ontario universities use the Sharknet system to put their computing jobs on there and use the larger computing power for a fee.
  71. Joy Pathak

    PS3 supercomputer

    I liked GPU computing more. I think the US Air force has a massive 300 PS3 cluster.
  72. Joy Pathak

    PS3 supercomputer

    Used PS3 clusters to run my CFD simulations.
  73. Joy Pathak

    What is an entry-level trader's annual salary supposed to be?

    You should have just taken that job to start.
  74. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE [UK] MSc Finance: LSE vs Imperial vs Cass

    When did you get out of jail?
  75. Joy Pathak

    GPU computing

    Used GPU computing for Computational Fluid dynamics simulations a lot.
  76. Joy Pathak

    Don't Be Normal

    @ Taleb's Paper The editing IS horrible. But interesting.
  77. Joy Pathak

    I love Wikileaks. I was rushing for a fraternity and was constantly told that I will have to drink Acid as part of the initiation. Found their whole initiation on Wikileaks and just laughed my *** of through the whole procedure.
  78. Joy Pathak

    How much does GPA matter in MFE admissions

    Oh Wow. Never knew that Andy. That is excellent. Makes me value this forum/Site even more.
  79. Joy Pathak

    Vanderbilt MSF anyone?

    yeah. They have an excellent program. I chose Ilinois Tech. They had very strong placements previously in S&T division if you follow that concentration. Great faculty...strong placements.
  80. Joy Pathak

    Toronto MathFin Applicants for U of Toronto and York

    Lol I live in Windsor....Therefore Wings. I can throw a stone from my house and hit the GM headquarters.... well if I had a good throw. haha I will be moving to Chicago in 2 months though. The hockey win...was just EPIC. I don't even want to talk about it. I taste beer everytime I hear...
  81. Joy Pathak

    Combining data from two different sheets?

    Yeah. The issue comes when the formats of the string variables are different. Otherwise I could just use query. Also one database had 5 different values for each year that had to be added and matched with the year and company name on another set. It got a bit intense.
  82. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    I am going to be attending the program starting in Summer semester. I really like the program. But...regarding the most affordable program... It is 47K for 33 credits for the whole program. If you get scholarships then yes, it is cheaper, but that is the price tag. 50K for a good MFE...
  83. Joy Pathak

    How much does GPA matter in MFE admissions

    lol 780 GMAT is amazing. If your overall application is good other than your GPA I think you have a shot. I dont know if you will get in, but you might have a shot for sure.
  84. Joy Pathak

    Combining data from two different sheets?

    It's not even the fact that I hate it or anything. It's just....soooo....manyyyy. I am slaving through. Once I get done, the actual "data crunching" part is only like 5 mins on SAS or PASW. But getting the data cleaned up and set up is the gruesome part. The issue is also financial. The...
  85. Joy Pathak

    How much does GPA matter in MFE admissions

    That's right. I forgot about the high school grades in India. The grade 10 exam grades are one of the most important things in any Indians application usually for applying within india only ofcourse. . Also to add to the grades. It is a basic re-iteration of what everyone has said below. GPA...
  86. Joy Pathak

    Combining data from two different sheets?

    Alright. So...the two excel sheets company names were in different formats, and the for one year there were mutiple observations on one sheet and only one on the other. So they had to be added and put in the one cell. Unfortunately...Going to have to add it manually per year...then join...
  87. Joy Pathak

    Combining data from two different sheets?

    The MS Query worked for the company names well. Unfortunately Debt issued dates were different than the compustat data. Just trying to get the dates to match.
  88. Joy Pathak

    Combining data from two different sheets?

    Well.... I have.. 1000 companies in a data set I got from compuSTAT with all kinds of vairables...long term debt...current assets..etc. I have another set of companies.. 600 lets say...from SDC (TR) database with Principal ammount of debt issued. I want to see which companies SDC...
  89. Joy Pathak

    Combining data from two different sheets?

    Hey guys, so I have a small problem. I have two excel sheets. One of them has company names and years... and a set of variables with data. I have another excel sheet with company names and years...and another set of data with years. Is there a way for me to combined these two sheets...
  90. Joy Pathak

    How much does GPA matter in MFE admissions

    ^^ They don't get 300K applications. Everything is done through Entrance Exams. The students who place in the top quintile of the entrance exam get direct admission. Atleast I am pretty sure it is something like that. I don't think there are literal application packages of essays...etc. Write...
  91. Joy Pathak

    What is an entry-level trader's annual salary supposed to be?

    Haha. I like the 40K+ % of P&L. I like the Laundry Service and breakfast/lunch benefit packages of the prop firms in Chicago. I interviewed with Morgan Stanley for their Model Review Group. I wonder how much they give. Will find out in few days about their decisions.
  92. Joy Pathak

    What is an entry-level trader's annual salary supposed to be?

    Since the original post started off with entry level traders annual salary..I had some additional questions. I went through most of the thread except for some of the questions on programming going back and forth. What can be expected for a starting salary for an entry level jobs for a student...
  93. Joy Pathak

    Toronto MathFin Applicants for U of Toronto and York

    They prefer Canadian students. This being not from having knowledge about the program but in general for Canadian universities graduate programs, they prefer Canadian students. Many masters program have requirements of Canadian citizenship or PR.
  94. Joy Pathak


    Re-take if you want to goto UCLA.
  95. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    Sounds about similar to what most of the local students have told me. Some international mentioned that too. a large chunk of international students are dead against the program due to lack of placement. I called the career management service there and they basically re-iterated similar...
  96. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    lol So starting in Summer now instead of Fall. Any ideas on where to live? The Business school is right near Sears Tower. Anyone attending the program right now or lives in Chicago and has a room to spare or wants to get an apartment toghether near downtown?
  97. Joy Pathak

    Advantages of going to Uni in Big Financial hubs - Chi/Nyc/SF/LA etc

    oh yeah. I have got all the partying out of me. I am trying to see if I can start earlier actually (summer semester). Just want to get in swinging already. I will be attending school in chicago, so not sure how often I will get to goto nyc. Just trying to see how I can milk the big city in my...
  98. Joy Pathak

    Advantages of going to Uni in Big Financial hubs - Chi/Nyc/SF/LA etc

    Yeah. That's what I figured. As someone said on another thread to me... If you go on the street and hand out resumes half the people would be financial people. Regarding College life... I would assume it's pretty amazing. I have been to my share of parties in Chicago and NYC. Pacha NYC used...
  99. Joy Pathak

    Advantages of going to Uni in Big Financial hubs - Chi/Nyc/SF/LA etc

    So I was wondering... What are some of the advantages or maybe disadvantages of going to universities located n major financial hubs like Chicago and NYC? People say.."great opportunity to network...etc".. What does that mean? Do you just see random people at Starbucks and say hi...I am...
  100. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    Here are some bits and pieces of an email I received from a current student. I have taken few things out to preserve his anonymity. ------------------------------------------- What made you choose this program? The courses offered, professors that currently work in the industry, the...
  101. Joy Pathak

    What is an entry-level trader's annual salary supposed to be?

    80 hours a week. holy ****. Is this normal?
  102. Joy Pathak

    MFE Programs in Canada

    York is a diploma if you are in an MBA program. Laval has a program yes and the rest.
  103. Joy Pathak

    MFE Programs in Canada

    HEC Montreal and Ecole Polytechnic French speaking tho. 100% placement basically in Montreal.
  104. Joy Pathak

    Advice from previous MFE/Mfin Students on April to August Timeline

    I was just wondering on possible advice regarding what to do between the time we all accept offers by April ish, and begin programs sometime in August... What did you do? When did you secure housing? When did you move? What do you wish you'd done differently? Did you apply for loans and if...
  105. Joy Pathak

    Ban on Prop Trading or Bank Status...Volcker Rule / Companies / Banks - ‘Volcker rule’ gives Goldman stark choice ‘Volcker rule’ gives Goldman stark choice Goldman Sachs and other banks should give up their bank status if they want to avoid the ban on proprietary trading proposed by the White House, Paul Volcker, head of...
  106. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    They have a lots of companies that come to their Career Fairs twice a year. Financial firms and non-financial firms with finance positions of all kinds. I will be calling the Career Service to get a list of the companies that came this past year tomorrow.
  107. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    I will be attending the MSc Finance program in Fall 2010 with Financial Engineering and Econometrics concentration. I am going to fill my electives with math classes primarily.
  108. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    Well I want to work in Chicago for a year or so. But my main focus in PhD Finance. U-Chicago is my dream school for PhD so I want to be close enough to build some contacts there. I wouldn't mind any Finance related job. Does not have to be quant. I am very open in that case. I just want to...
  109. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    So....I have heard all kinds of stories about this program. On the old threads here and other forums. Well good and bad. Good from american students at the uni and bad from international students. I went around doing some research to gain enough facts. What I have found is...they admit 100ish...
  110. Joy Pathak

    Student reviewers of MFE programs

    It would be nice to see an IIT- Ms Finance review.
  111. Joy Pathak

    Superbowl XLIV prediction

    So much for predicting ****.
  112. Joy Pathak

    Superbowl XLIV prediction

    Naw. Not that one. It was in a Statistics journal.
  113. Joy Pathak

    Jobs in London

    A friend of mine from Canada who did a Computer Science bachelors at Waterloo applied to Barclays and got hired. He has been working there 2 years now. But that is only one case I know.
  114. Joy Pathak

    Superbowl XLIV prediction

    The probability of Colts winning is high. The probability of Saints beating the spread is high. lol I read a paper once on predicting Soccer teams in England outcome of games. I think they saw that the attack and defense of the teams follow bivariate stochastic process. They used...
  115. Joy Pathak

    Recommended reading for a beginner

    Yeah. I might goto CGU. All these programs are expensive. I was also told by current students and alumni that it is not that hard to get RA and TA positions to off-set the costs a little bit. So that is a good sign at least. It is a good program and a good school with excellent faculty. Plus...
  116. Joy Pathak

    Recommended reading for a beginner

    Yeah. 25%. They are putting in C++ courses too now which was lacking previously as a course by itself. have a look at the review put on the homepage of Quantnet. It gives a pretty clear description of the program as similar points have been re-iterated by everyone I have talked to from...
  117. Joy Pathak

    How to get a job at Renassiance and other quantitative funds

    Bunch of prop firms give you training and so on for a fee and then you can trade firm capital or maybe your own with an additional leverage. You need Series 7 tho. Search some prop firms and see what they say on their website. I am not entirely sure what you require to get interviewed by...
  118. Joy Pathak

    Interview with Morgan Stanley - Summer Internship- help?

    Haha. Intense. I am excited. Thanks for suggestions. Appreciate it.
  119. Joy Pathak

    Life of a quant My Life as a Quant: Reflections on Physics and Finance (0723812213009): Emanuel Derman: Books
  120. Joy Pathak

    Interview with Morgan Stanley - Summer Internship- help?

    Yes it is the one under MRD department. With this information, do you see any possible questions the person might ask me during the interview? What kind of skills do they usually look for in this position? I personally love doing empirical analysis on different theories, so it would be an...
  121. Joy Pathak

    Interview with Morgan Stanley - Summer Internship- help?

    I think it is for the "Model Review Group"? I looked through my old sent emails and saw part of that in the user email. Any specific idea on this group? From what I understand they basically test trading models that quants come up with? "Review" all valuation models? I am not entirely sure...
  122. Joy Pathak

    Interview with Morgan Stanley - Summer Internship- help?

    Hey guys, I got an upcoming interview with morgan stanley and was wondering if you guys could give me some possible insight into it? They did not give me any specific into what position it is for but I showed interest for trading positions so I am assuming analyst in Sales n Trading? I showed...
  123. Joy Pathak

    Urgent Assistance Required!

    Look at which program gets you where you want to be in 5 years from now. Look at curriculum that best suits your career goals. Look at placement statistics. Look at Faculty. ..etc etc... Search through the forums. There has been some reviews on some of the programs.
  124. Joy Pathak

    Crowdsourcing: Create a master list of all MFE program

    UNC-Charlotte- MMF UNC Charlotte: Mathematical Finance Claremont Tuition Structure - Georgia State uni has a Ms Finance program also and an Executive Ms Finance. Purdue has an Ms Finance degree also. Krannert School...
  125. Joy Pathak

    Crowdsourcing: Create a master list of all MFE program

    MS FINANCE - Vanderbilt Profile - Class of 2010 Class Size: 35 Mean GMAT: 705 Mean GPA: 3.42 Female: 20% U.S. Minorities: 25% U.S. Citizens/Permanent Residents: 83% Non-U.S. Citizens: 17% Mean Age: 23 0-2 Years Work Experience: 92% 3+ Years Work Experience: 8%
  126. Joy Pathak

    Crowdsourcing: Create a master list of all MFE program

    IIT - Ms Finance takes 300+ students ever year into their program?!!! For Claremont it showed 70? The don't take more tan 30-40 per year from what the program director said.
  127. Joy Pathak

    Recommended reading for a beginner

    I got admission to CGU also. Their MFE program seems quite known. Also having access to resources at the other colleges in the consortium that are well known is quite helpfull from what I have read. They prepare you not only for quant related positions but general Finance positions also. Did...
  128. Joy Pathak

    2009 Rotman International Trading Competition

    Nobody been to it previously from here?
  129. Joy Pathak

    2009 Rotman International Trading Competition

    I mean't literal sense. Like, would there be programming, modeling, calculations involved. Would the cases given, require significant quantitative skills?
  130. Joy Pathak

    2009 Rotman International Trading Competition

    Is there a big quant requirement in this competition? Or is it just mainly having general knowledge and making good decisions based on it?
  131. Joy Pathak

    HELP with Courses - FE

    Ooooh. haha, Sorry, I misunderstood. Gotcha. You're definitely right in that sense then!
  132. Joy Pathak

    York's MFE Program from Toronto

    The schulich program isn't there anymore I think. I had contacted them and someone said that there is no more funding for the program. I think you have to be registered in a program and can take courses to get a diploma in addition to whatever you're registered in. U of T program seems to be...
  133. Joy Pathak

    HELP with Courses - FE

    Lol , I think 1 in 60 applications(trader) is a lot different than 2 in 700 (Chicago) for PhD Fin. But your last statement ofcourse is the clutch one about the company and school. It would be nice to get a trader job, but I would suffice with anything as it would merely be to fill the gap...
  134. Joy Pathak

    HELP with Courses - FE

    Thanks for the info. I will do so as you suggested. I was planning on getting a head start on some of the courses after looking at the curriculum. As I mentioned , I am interested in PhD Finance, I don't see how CFA 1 would help me much in my application. I could be wrong. I have been looking at...
  135. Joy Pathak

    HELP with Courses - FE

    Hey guys, So I have admission to the MFE program at CGU(CLAREMONT GRADUATE U). I am still waiting for MF at Purdue and Vanderbilt. I will be starting in Fall 2010 regardless of where I go. Now, my final goal is to build a strong application to acheive a PhD in Finance admission at top school. I...
  136. Joy Pathak

    Claremont Graduate University

    C++ is definitely a great tool to have in your box. It will make you a lot more marketable. The great thing about CGU as has been mentioned is the flexibility. You can take courses at any on the colleges in the consortium, and also a range of electives at CGU. I really like the set up. The...
  137. Joy Pathak

    Claremont Graduate University

    You can take C++ programming courses while at CGU. Since you're allowed to take courses at any of the consortium colleges nearby, one can register at C++ course at Harvey Mudd College, part of Claremont Consortium. Same can be done at Claremont McKenna.
  138. Joy Pathak

    Claremont Graduate University

    I see your point. Fair enough.
  139. Joy Pathak

    Claremont Graduate University

    Actually, you haven't seen their courses strongly, or maybe you have and still feel it isn't good enough. They do have a strong computing part. You can choose between programming courses like Data Mining, Scientific Computing and Numerical finance methods. Data Mining and Scientific computing...
  140. Joy Pathak

    Claremont Graduate University

    Yes. So you would recommend against going there? Can you expand on it possibly?
  141. Joy Pathak

    Claremont Graduate University

    Anything new about CGU? I just got an offer from them. Any alumni? Is CGU known on Wall street? It seems like a good 2nd tier MFE program.
  142. Joy Pathak

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    I am not going to put down the names, but it's all from directors of programs and faculty. Columbia Joy you have decent chances of entering Our program is terminal masters program and can not be followed by Ph D It also does not offer financial support Princeton Hi...
  143. Joy Pathak

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    That's not true. Princeton told me I don't have a chance and so did Tepper and Berkeley but Ann arbor said I would be competitive. Claremont told me I have a strong choice lol so I guess they aren't a good program. haha
  144. Joy Pathak

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    I understand what you're saying. But I was just wondering, doesn't the fact that I have a strong Computational Fluid Dynamics background play heavily in my favour? CFD is rarely taught at an undergraduate level let alone a student knowing it well enough to publish. CFD is as pure mathematics can...
  145. Joy Pathak

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Thanks. I will definitely try to do that.
  146. Joy Pathak

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    University of Wisconsin-Mad has a Finance program. Would it be easier for me to get into Masters in Finance? My final goal is PhD in Finance and I just want to build up my application. Any experience with Masters in Finance or Economics? Would it be possible for me to get into those programs...
  147. Joy Pathak

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Advice - Chances of getting into MFE or MF or PhD Hello All, This is an excellent forum that all of you have set up here. I was hoping if you guys could possibly evauluate my profile and tell me what my chances are of getting into MFE at Baruch or Top 10 schools or Masters in Finance in top...
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