Search results

  1. alain

    JP Morgan Quants Predict World Cup Win 2010 for England

    do you mean they are going to make the semifinals and that's it? or they are not even making the semifinal?
  2. alain

    best C++ beginner book

    Dr. Duffy hangs around QN so you might be able to ask him questions directly. The reviews of his books in Amazon are a mixed bag. I don't have any of them but I would probably order the Monte Carlo book. I do like Joshi's book a lot. In fact, we use it in the OO Programming class in the MFE...
  3. alain

    Which books to get to learn databases design ?

    you will be able to pick up standard SQL fast. Nuances of each database are going to be a different story. Optimization of queries, index design, etc, could be a challenge. The same applies to DB design. ---------- Post added at 11:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 PM ---------- If...
  4. alain

    Which books to get to learn databases design ?

    do you want to learn relational database design or just SQL? IIS? IMHO, IIS is a piece of garbage but maybe things have changed since the last time I used it. BTW, none of this has anything to do with finance.
  5. alain

    Is a MFE program really for me?

    what kind of firm? You say you CS skill are good. Are your software engineering as good? That's what matters.
  6. alain

    Free SVN Hosting

    when the code base grows big, merging with SVN is a disaster when you compare it to merging with Mercurial.
  7. alain

    Scilab and Octave

    In R? what kind of model? Take a look at the Finance task view from CRAN.
  8. alain

    Scilab and Octave

    a little bit off topic but there is good push to run R in HPC sort of environments plus there are also GPU based packages as well.
  9. alain

    Scilab and Octave

    No, R is good because almost everything that you can think of is already done... in more than one way. It's also FREE. It has a wonderful community and new funcionality is added to it all the time.
  10. alain

    Scilab and Octave

    Octave was slow when I tried it in comparison to Matlab. There is somebody in my group that plays with Scilab also but so far he says it doesn't compare to Matlab. However, after we discover R we haven't gone back to Matlab. Ever.
  11. alain

    How important is Java?

    This is hogwash since IBM is married to JAVA, like in betting the farm with it. Most of their development stack depends on it. This is true, however, you will get better at Java faster than you'll get better at C++. This last point is a topic for another discussion.
  12. alain

    How important is Java?

    Java is very important in some circles. Not as important in others. It is not a difficult language to learn but could be difficult to master. It is way easier than C++ and, at the same time, it is solid and robust. A lot of things run in Java now.
  13. alain

    best C++ beginner book

    the SICP is one of the best books ever in computer programming but you need to be willing to learn scheme.
  14. alain

    We are Wall Street ... we are smarter

    I would've agreed with this however, the truth is a little more complicated. The fact of the matter is they want to prove they are better all the time, at anything. It's the competitive instinct. That means you need to be a little insecure sometimes so you can be "in the hunt" all the time. I...
  15. alain

    We are Wall Street ... we are smarter

    I'm sorry but if that is true, you are probably in whatever groups stand below "sheep" since, from your own account, you haven't been able to get a job yet. IMHO, you are drinking a different kool-aid.
  16. alain

    About using R program in Finance

    R is more powerful than S+ nowadays. Why do you want to have S+?
  17. alain

    About using R program in Finance

    Yes. do some research in this forum.
  18. alain

    Interview with Commodity Trading Firm -preparation?

    I don't know exactly the position you are interviewing for but knowing the hand signs won't make or break the deal. Also, something sounds out of place when you say "working the pit too along with quant stuff".
  19. alain

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    I have two master degrees and the diplomas don't say the major, although the transcript does.
  20. alain

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    I don't think your diploma ever says Master in Financial Engineering
  21. alain

    Daily Show - Scott Patterson THE QUANTS

    I listened to the Lewis' book (books on tape). It was entertaining. The Quants book is sort of boring from my point of view. I didn't like it. Haven't read the other one.
  22. alain

    Aspiring Quant - the math way or the econ/finance way?

    If you go the PhD route, concentrate on knowing the topic/field of your choosing really well. Don't worry about the money or the job in finance afterwards. That part will sort itself out.
  23. alain

    Energy Trader new to QuantNet got some Q's =)

    another reason why I don't need tweeter.
  24. alain

    Energy Trader new to QuantNet got some Q's =)

    ... and Chavez is running the country to the ground.
  25. alain

    Aspiring Quant - the math way or the econ/finance way?

    Sorry but that is nonsense. ---------- Post added at 11:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 AM ---------- I can tell you more. You can buy this book...
  26. alain

    Aspiring Quant - the math way or the econ/finance way?

    Machine learning is widely use but this class doesn't cover it. I don't know how much of an introduction you are going to get.
  27. alain

    Aspiring Quant - the math way or the econ/finance way?

    what are they covering in the AI class? do you have a link to the syllabus?
  28. alain

    Aspiring Quant - the math way or the econ/finance way?

    I don't know. However, I would expect you to come out of that class and being able to understand and implement adaptive filters for signal processing. How you apply those to finance is another ball game. Maybe you want to assume the behavior of a return time series is similar to the behavior...
  29. alain

    Aspiring Quant - the math way or the econ/finance way?

    Why can't you take all 4?
  30. alain

    Free SVN Hosting

    if you are the only one working with the code, SVN will work perfectly. However, when more than one person start to share the code, things could get messy in a hurry.
  31. alain

    Finance jobs in non-finance firms.

    which non finance firm? What sort of job?
  32. alain

    Baruch MFE Polytech's MS Financial Engineering

    don't be lazy and do some research. You might be surprised.
  33. alain

    UCB MFE Should I retake the GRE?

    This is complete speculation. Don't assume that was the reason.
  34. alain

    Seeking Advice - Research vs Internship?

    take the job. There is not such a thing as "reputed" university in the eyes of the hiring person.
  35. alain

    The success of India. Or maybe not quite.

    Any site that advertises books about Che Guevara and Hugo Chavez loses all its credibility by default.
  36. alain

    Free SVN Hosting

    you can create one for free at google. However, I would recommend using a more advance distributed source control system like Mercurial or Git. You can get free accounts on BitBucket or GitHub
  37. alain

    Advices on joining ETH MSc QF program

    Did you get an offer? That's the bottom line.
  38. alain

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

  39. alain

    Advices on joining ETH MSc QF program

    Talk to a recruiter. They have the ins. IMHO, sending a resume to an HR department is a big waste.
  40. alain

    Chess season is upon us

    the last time I followed chess was over 15-18 years ago, when Kasparov split from FIDE. I haven't followed since. Anand was a a young talent at that time. These other two are totally new to me.
  41. alain

    Q Equational Programming Language

    This is not the same Q from KDB, not even close.
  42. alain

    Undergraduate study.

    New? I think industrial engineering has been aroudn for while now.
  43. alain

    Undergraduate study.

    An old colleague used to say that Industrial Engineering is an engineering in nothing. Draw your own conclusions.
  44. alain

    Average salaries for quants

    Is that your salary?
  45. alain

    Advices on joining ETH MSc QF program

    I work with 3 experimental Physicist PhDs so there is something wrong with you if you can't land a job in Finance with that title. What exactly are you looking for? Which kind of jobs did you apply to? did you work with a recruiter?
  46. alain

    SEC requires Python for ABS deals

    Python is mostly an interpreted language so it looks the are asking for the Python script to be uploaded.
  47. alain

    No Programming Experience

    My recommendation, read both Bruce Eckel books (Thinking in C++ Vol I and II) cover to cover, code all the examples there and you will be ready to go. Learning about C is very nice but you won't have enough time.
  48. alain

    No Programming Experience

    This is not totally correct but we can say that C is the root of all the most popular OO languages. I will second this. You will be much better C++ programmer if you learn the quirks of C memory management.
  49. alain

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    IIRC, Applied Math in Finance. You can check testimonials from alumni going to 1999.
  50. alain

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    NYU? more like 1998
  51. alain

    Matlab optimization question

    are you doing an optimization in Matlab? It could make sense to move that part to a different language/library or implementation. It looks like this is the piece you need to work on.
  52. alain

    What do you guys think about those trading companies that require capital ontribution ?

    It's not a scam. It works really well for the company owners. It works if you are one of the few that are profitable. You will learn since you are going to be doing it. You will learn too if you do it by yourself without paying anybody. If you are successful, it will help but if you are...
  53. alain

    Tax day: Uncle Sam is waiting

    Just found out I got an automatic extension because my County was considered disaster area. Somehow I'm always late.
  54. alain

    job offer in non-finance

    have you ever heard of "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"?
  55. alain

    Monte Carlo or Numerical analysis

    why don't you try to learn something useful or interesting that you like? The job will sort itself later on. As Andy said, things change rapidly.
  56. alain

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    You are setting yourself for failure already because you are expecting a defined set of universities to be #1. Also, the general public might be wrong.
  57. alain

    problem with lsqcurvefit

    Look at the code in the original post.
  58. alain

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    what is a "quality practitioner"? You might have a practitioner that might not fall in your "quality" category but he/she has a lot of connections that translate nicely into a lot of jobs.
  59. alain

    Claremont/ IIT/ RIT/ UNCC

    Sorry but I don't. I usually don't have opinions about programs besides the ones I have attended.
  60. alain

    Anyone here on Twitter?

    I still don't use twitter. I don't see any value in using it yet
  61. alain

    problem with lsqcurvefit

    did you make that change in the original code?
  62. alain

    Claremont/ IIT/ RIT/ UNCC

    WOW... so 6hrs to Chicago and 7+ hrs to NYC. That's exactly somewhere in between.
  63. alain

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    This is very subjective. You can't measure any of this. So, if you can't measure it, it'll be better not to take it into consideration.
  64. alain

    problem with lsqcurvefit

    (again, I don't know anything about matlab) but from the original post: Ralpha =(beta -(lamda*sigma)/alpha)-(sigma.^2)/(2*(alpha.^2)); and Ralpha =@(lamda) (beta -(lamda*sigma)/alpha)-(sigma.^2)/(2*(alpha.^2)); seemed different to me.
  65. alain

    problem with lsqcurvefit

    I don't know anything about Matlab but... where is lamda ?
  66. alain


    Are you asking the same question again in the same thread? I thought you made your decision already.
  67. alain

    Should I transfer or not......PLEASE HELP ASAP

    My comment has nothing to do with programmers.
  68. alain

    Should I transfer or not......PLEASE HELP ASAP

    engineering is viewed better than any of those majors.
  69. alain

    Difference between MFin & Financial Engineering

    trader of what? Which market are looking to trade? how much capital?
  70. alain

    Q Equational Programming Language

    that's the KDB language. K, J, Q are all sibblings out of Arthur Whitney's mind. He is very bright computer scientist. KDB is lightning fast for what's supposed to do but when you look at the code, IMHO, it's horrendous!!! however, after you get the hang of it you might like it (I don't). The...
  71. alain

    Is the courses provided by Stonybrook standard?

    what does it mean "standard" or "too theoretical"?
  72. alain

    COMPARE Umich VS Stony Brook (Ph.D)

    does it mean they are not giving you a dime for the first year? Search QN. This specific point has been discussed before regarding PhD programs.
  73. alain

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    which is the topmost engineering college in India?
  74. alain


    So? That's not a strong argument.
  75. alain

    Undergraduate Advice

    Just because of this, I will put Swarthmore as #1 choice. this will complicate things a little because it looks like you want to change pace. However, it could be a drastic change going from a small class to a lecture with 100+ students (sometimes 300+).
  76. alain


    I don't know what your definition of party school is. However I didn't say USC is a party school, just that they throw awesome parties.
  77. alain

    COMPARE Umich VS Stony Brook (Ph.D)

    Since I don't think anybody knows you, nobody will be able to answer this question.
  78. alain

    COMPARE Rutgers MQF or Fordham MSQF

    * curriculum? probably very similar * intern opportunity? about the same * graduate placement? this might be murky waters.
  79. alain

    anyone can help me chose from these programs?

    I don't think anybody here would be able to tell which program is better... when in doubt follow your on judgment. if not, flip a coin
  80. alain

    Undergraduate Advice

    It all depends what you are looking for. I really don't know if the people who wrote before me ever heard of Swarthmore but it might be better than the other 3 (by a lot) if you are looking to impress somebody with your resume. It all depends on what you are looking for.
  81. alain


    USC is awsome!!! They throw great parties and they have great sport teams!!!
  82. alain

    COMPARE MSOR (Minor FE) in Cornell vs Columbia MSOR

    what is "wt", "cn", "fr", "wntd", "ws"? There are short cuts for words but I couldn't figure out what you were talking about. By the way, are you that lazy in front of the keyboard?
  83. alain

    COMPARE MSOR (Minor FE) in Cornell vs Columbia MSOR

    What is a "fresher"? At this level you will need a good network of people, including recruiters. proper writing skills?
  84. alain

    COMPARE Columbia MSFE vs. NYU MSMF vs. Cornell MFE

    You haven't been to Ithaca, right? Every person I know that went to Cornell hates Ithaca.
  85. alain

    COMPARE MSOR (Minor FE) in Cornell vs Columbia MSOR

    I wouldn't count on the name of the University to get an interview at this level.
  86. alain

  87. alain

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Well, time to start and find out.
  88. alain

    COMPARE Uconn finance phd VS Rutgers finance phd

    Student wise. The school has very little weight when all is said and done.
  89. alain


    There is an application tracker in QN. That's the place to put that information. I don't think the moderators are going to be too happy with this type of post. I know I won't.
  90. alain

    COMPARE Uconn finance phd VS Rutgers finance phd

    Yeah, they just won the NCAA women basketball tournament so they are definitely more famous. However, I don't trust USNews rankings... or any ranking for that matter. You are own your own there. He might not be that good. It is bad. If YOU are not that good (mid of the pack), it is worse.
  91. alain

    COMPARE Uconn finance phd VS Rutgers finance phd

    NO!!!! unless you want to be a student for life (Van Wilder?) or work in academia.
  92. alain

    UCB MFE What is the possibility of me getting into Berkeley MFE?

    Same possibility as anyone else. No financial aid. Don't be lazy and search this forum. This has been answered countless times before.
  93. alain

    COMPARE LSE Vs. Cornell

    flip a coin... then decide :)
  94. alain

    musings about mid-career change from an outsider

    talk to a recruiter. Don't waste time and/or money. Search QN - the same names are mentioned over and over again.
  95. alain

    NYU MSMF job vs NYU

    the one that pays you no money
  96. alain

    COMPARE Columbia MSOR vs. BU MSFM vs. Rutgers-MQF vs. Claremont MFE

    Let's start by saying this is completely offtopic. This could be a double edged sword. I don't know where the balance is with the amount of students. What I said works for small programs because the relationships are better. If there are a lot of students, you don't get to build these...
  97. alain

    COMPARE Columbia MSOR vs. BU MSFM vs. Rutgers-MQF vs. Claremont MFE

    You are looking at it the wrong way. Your classmates and alumni should be your first line of networking. They could be the ones that get you in on an interview.
  98. alain

    Baseball season is up on us

    yankees lost :( but we won last year so I can't complain too much. Strassburg looked excellent in pre-season but the regular season is another beast. We'll see.
  99. alain

    Chicago MSFM U Chicago looking for New Director

    Oh, I got it. Thanks for the information.
  100. alain

    Chicago MSFM U Chicago looking for New Director

    If it caught students and alumni by surprise, how is it possible that the students' opinions can make a difference?
  101. alain

    Market Risk vs. Trading

    no, that's probably the common career path (trading -> Risk Management) if you want to get into management. Most of the traders I know despise management though.
  102. alain

    Rutgers MSMF Anyone still waiting to hear from Rutgers MSMF 2010 ???

    go back and read the article again. I'm sorry but I don't think it has anything to do with what you just said.
  103. alain

    Rutgers MSMF Anyone still waiting to hear from Rutgers MSMF 2010 ???

    did you read how they come up with that list?
  104. alain

    COMPARE Advice - ETH Zurich, Quant Finance vs Top US Schools

    which US program are you talking about?
  105. alain

    R using quant firms

    I thought you were changing the code from S+ to Matlab. R is not really S+ although they are similar.
  106. alain

    Advice For a Scientist Ready to Play the Field

    You won't have problem finding a job. Since you have great expertise in Linear Algebra, check the books on Portfolio Management by Grinold and Khan or Qian, Hua and Sorensen. Also, hit Attilio Meucci's book. PM if you want more info.
  107. alain

    R using quant firms

    We do. BAC does in a lot of groups. BARRA does. A lot of HF use it. Go to REvolution computing They sponsor events all the time where you can meet great coders. I have been in couple of them.
  108. alain

    High Performance Computing

    I was being sarcastic and serious at the same time. There are domains where ASM is the holly grail in HPC for a single node.
  109. alain

    What age is too old to be a quant modeler?

    no age barrier. I don't know if going back to MSFM would work though but it definitely won't hurt. Why do you want to go to MSFM? what kind of Quant Modeler?
  110. alain

    Advice For a Scientist Ready to Play the Field

    also, I have some questions 1) what is your specialty? Specific field inside Chemical Physics - Quantum dynamics is really broad nowadays. 2) what do you know really really well (to the point you can kick major ***)? 3) "experience in Fortran, C++, Matlab, etc", what is etc? what did you do...
  111. alain

    High Performance Computing

    the cases I have seen are in the hardware space.
  112. alain

    High Performance Computing

    Although this is true, the mental "gymnastics" is totally different between C and C++. I have found people sometime have a hard time going from C++ to C. IMHO, going from C to C++ is not as hard depending on which subset of C++ you plan to use.
  113. alain

    High Performance Computing

    nothing beats good old ASM when you do HPC on a single node. :D
  114. alain

    Advice For a Scientist Ready to Play the Field

    My advice, forget about learning a lot of finance now and concentrate on landing a job. You shouldn't have a lot of problems. You will learn finance once you are in a financial firm. contact some headhunters. Todd Fahey and Dominic Connor should be able to help you. They hang around here in QN...
  115. alain

    Can someone recommend some prerequisite books?

    don't be lazy and search the forum. This is one of the most common questions asked
  116. alain

    PhD - Position Sizing/Money Management

    SVM are used by some clients of my firm. There are articles out there with the use of SVM in finance to generate signals. I will try to find them and post them here. That was a topic I wanted to get to but I haven't had the time. I know there is support in R for both.
  117. alain

    MFE chances straight out of undergrad?

    So, you can take couple of things from this forum. Number one, hopefully, your impression has changed by now. Number two, this forum is probably more grounded and objective than the other forums you have visited that is a good thing for people like you if you make it into the Baruch program.
  118. alain

    MFE chances straight out of undergrad?

    what is exactly "exit opps"? It's not really clear for me what you are asking for. If you are any good, there is no disadvantage. ---------- Post added at 12:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 AM ---------- That is completely correct.
  119. alain

    MFE chances straight out of undergrad?

    Does it matter if anybody says yes or no? Would that stop you from applying?
  120. alain

    Baruch MFE Applying to Baruch Flex/APT MBA Program for Fall 2010 - some Q's

    as you have probably seen in this forum (you have searchrd this forum, right?), we are mostly concentrated on the Financial Eng program. We don't know much about the MBA program at Zicklin.
  121. alain

    Bayesian Statistics in Quant Research

    with posts like that you might not get an answer anytime soon.
  122. alain

    Non finance experience to quant finance.

    This is complete hogwash!! Nothing is certain when looking for a job.
  123. alain

    will relocating to NYC help the job search a lot?

    What is better for you? You need to make your own decision. Don't put that burden on somebody else's shoulders.
  124. alain

    Non finance experience to quant finance.

    did you search this forum? all your questions have been discussed before.
  125. alain

    What If Women Ran Wall Street?

    world peace? What's that?
  126. alain

    Who are you guys/gals???

    That was a joke as you probably notice. However, you would probaly want to talk to Eugene. He is doing a lot of interesting stuff in a similar field you want to crack. I'm an old fogey with the mind and spirit of a 2 year old.
  127. alain

    Good books for begineers to understand the bond market The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities (9780071440998): Frank Fabozzi: Books Fixed Income Mathematics, 4E: Analytical Statistical Techniques (9780071460736): Frank Fabozzi: Books Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Todays Markets, Second Edition...
  128. alain

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    Get the job. You can always go back to school.
  129. alain

    Recruiters for Internships?

    it might be disguised under some other topic. IIRC, the bottom line was, don't do it.
  130. alain

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    I don't think this will ever fly in US.
  131. alain

    Recruiters for Internships?

    there is a threat around here that discusses this topic. Search for it
  132. alain

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    I'm sure that's probably true but it's very wrong to come under that assumption and to complain about it after the fact.
  133. alain

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    That's the wrong expectation. You are paying for an education, NOT for an education AND a job.
  134. alain

    Student reviewers of MFE programs

    AFAIK, Baruch's program is not housed in their business school.
  135. alain

    iPad, do you iWant?

    I'll wait. It seems the iPad is short on features. The only thing I was looking for really hard was the ability to take notes with pen like device. It doesn't have it so I am sort of dissapointed.
  136. alain

    Transition from R to MATLAB

    this is sort of bogus and misleading. In raw terms, you are correct but when you look at all the other metrics, sometimes you might better off working in R than in raw C++. Then if you need certain pieces of your code to perform faster, you can code them in C or C++.
  137. alain

    Any Math courses?

    really useful. You should look into it.
  138. alain

    Should people with a degree in fin/biz/eco take the lvl 1 CFA exam ?

    who made that recommendation? who was on the receiving end of the recommendation?
  139. alain

    MBA? MFE? IB? What am I supposed to do?
  140. alain

    Google stops censoring web for China

    I don't know in China but in my country (another communist country), the least that could happen is you get beat down. The worst is that you get gunned down.
  141. alain

    Google stops censoring web for China

    That's the same reason that I could go and support Tibet and Taiwan. Again, the beauty of freedom of speech. We can think and say whatever we want about the gov and still be friends. It's just a difference of opinions. BTW, if you don't like in US, the doors are opened for you to leave.
  142. alain

    Transition from R to MATLAB

    So, it looks like they don't have R code.
  143. alain

    MFE -> Investment Banking?

    I'm sorry but you are completely wrong. There is no correlation between having engineering experience and not getting into MBA.
  144. alain

    Should people with a degree in fin/biz/eco take the lvl 1 CFA exam ?

    sure..... it would only help. what do want to do?
  145. alain

    New BU Curriculum

    My only point of view is the discussion in varoius threads in the forum. I know Sanket has a "not so nice" view of the MFE program although other posters have said the BU program has changed. I do value Sanket's opinion a lot since I know him personally. Regarding BU in general, I do know a...
  146. alain

    New BU Curriculum

    how do you define tier 2 or 3? How do you know BU is not a top university? what's your point of reference? ---------- Post added at 09:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 AM ---------- Couple of things, read the methodology that was used to rank programs in QN. The program doesn't...
  147. alain

    Columbia MSOR some truth about the Columbia MSOR

    How do you know this if you haven't even tried? This is just an idea you made already in your mind.
  148. alain

    Transition from R to MATLAB

    Probably, they already paid for Matlab. So, if you paid the big bucks, you might as well use it.
  149. alain

    Social Security & Medicare

    IMHO, immigration reform is just talk. immigrants don't vote (they might but it's not guaranteed). However, Banking reform could happen unless "lobbies" (sp?) are able to stop it before.
  150. alain

    Google stops censoring web for China

    Why? Let the reader decide. That's the beauty of freedom. You make your own choices. I can see clearly you think that blogger is talking smack from your point of view, so you avoid it. Do you need somebody to filter that content? No. That's what makes the internet great. People express their...
  151. alain

    Google stops censoring web for China

    How long have you being out of China? Your opinion might not carry as much weight just because of this. Again, Gogle is not pulling out. They just decided not to censor the searches, plain and simple. This is sort of a cat and mouse game. BTW, you keep avoiding the topic of the hack attack...
  152. alain

    Google stops censoring web for China

    You are probably right since I was quoting an article I read over the weekend (I think it was BB but I couldn't find the link). ---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 PM ---------- Why hypocrite? I would like to hear the opinion of somebody from the...
  153. alain

    Perelman declines $1m prize

    I thought this was all news. "Grisha" decided against this long time ago.
  154. alain

    Google stops censoring web for China

    Google's revenue in China is around 150MM. That's drop in the bucket in comparison with ~6.67 billion worldwide. Also, the money Google gets from chinese companies is mostly to post ads on the foreign sites (non chinese ones). That market might be huge and growing but it means nothing to...
  155. alain

    Ivy League PhD Finance Programs

    do you think that's a good sign?
  156. alain

    Need suggestion for a C++ question

    this is very ambiguous. You will need to ask what is the format of the amount entered. - Is this acceptable $2.20? - Is this acceptable USD 2.20? - Is this acceptable USD2.20? - Is this acceptable 2.20 USD? - Is this acceptable 2.20USD? Now think that we you getting a the Euro symbol or...
  157. alain

    Math Prorgramming Interview Question

    I think Dominic meant to find out without doing the multiplication, but I might be wrong. Also, don't assume a specifi numeric type (i.e. int).
  158. alain

    Take unsupported Stony Brook Quantitative Finance PhD position ?

    So, I read the whole thread and, as usual, here is my opinion... STOP CRYING AND BITCHING!!! Be assertive, make a decision. Don't put the responsibility of your future in somebody else's hands. First and foremost... WTH do you want to do? Since you started posting on this forum, you always...
  159. alain

    Question on MFE placements/ DEShaw

    never assumed anything. Odds are you might be wrong. I had an old boss who used to say when you assume you make an "A$$(of)U(and)ME".
  160. alain

    Education advice for algo trading careers

    what does this mean?
  161. alain

    bank of america interview

    which group are you interviewing with?
  162. alain

    PS3 supercomputer

    as far as I know. "the cell" is dead
  163. alain

    COMPARE Stanford MS&E VS U of Chicago MFM

    Since you are there, you are probably more qualified to answer this question than the rest of us.
  164. alain

    What is an entry-level trader's annual salary supposed to be?

    Well, that hasn't worked out. So I think it's time to change the strategy.
  165. alain

    COMPARE [UK] MSc Finance: LSE vs Imperial vs Cass

    Pardon my ignorance but... WTF is a "2.1"?
  166. alain

    Free MySQL database

    dude, Perl? why?
  167. alain

    What C++ optimization Lib is used in quant job?

    not so much VS as people don't like Windows. Are you sure that you set your libraries correctly? If your program compiled that error is usually due to a missing library.
  168. alain

    The rise of Python!

    What is your definition of "fast enough"?
  169. alain

    What C++ optimization Lib is used in quant job?

    bad thing? That might be the best thing!!!
  170. alain

    What C++ optimization Lib is used in quant job?
  171. alain

    The rise of Python!

    what is that supposed to mean? :-k
  172. alain

    The rise of Python!

    Massive set of EXCELLENT libraries, easy to read code so very easy to maintain, dual paradigms (functional and OO programming), extremely good community.
  173. alain

    Only the Men Survive - The Crash of Morgan Stanley Executive Zoe Cruz - Great Reading!

    hold on a second!! Carly Fiorina was really BAD as head of HP.
  174. alain

    Simplex or Powell method in C#

    I haven't done any research but you can probably call R from C#. if you don't want to write the code, the other solution is to buy it. There are plenty of vendors that offer optimization libraries.
  175. alain

    Simplex or Powell method in C#

    why .Net and C#? Try R. It's free and it has already built-in optimization routines in multiple packages.
  176. alain

    Quantifi XL

    He is asking about Quantifi, not Quantlib.
  177. alain

    Why is C++ good for Quantitative Finance? Top 3 reasons

    I don't think you know what you are talking about.
  178. alain

    Early Financial C++

    what is "a lot of programming" in C++?
  179. alain

    What is an entry-level trader's annual salary supposed to be?

    Most of the variable soup is probably useful and will enhance you knowledge. Learn it well. You might be suprised in the future.
  180. alain

    What is an entry-level trader's annual salary supposed to be?

    BTW, I was reading this thread and something seemed off. The salary looks quite low (and you will be doing things that you might not want, i.e. getting coffee and lunch for the traders) for a person with your degrees. You have been looking for a job for some time and now you have a MS degree in...
  181. alain

    How to change career path to quant if I am Physics PhD?... Help!

    where are you sending the resumes? Why don't you work with a recruiter? That's your best bet.
  182. alain

    headhunter for J P Morgan

    why do u want to interview w/ them?
  183. alain

    currency traders seems to be in high demand in coming future...

    ... and unscrupulous brokers will front run you and get your money.
  184. alain

    Something I was thinking in terms of rating quality of MFE programs...

    My point is that it is not very easy to come up with algorithms that work in real life. There are a lot of variables that come into play. Backtesting out of sample and paper trading your algorithm is not s sure thing but it's the only thing you can do before turn something on. However, you put...
  185. alain

    Something I was thinking in terms of rating quality of MFE programs...

    This is so OFF the mark that I don't know what to say. I have seen plenty of strategies that worked great in backtesting and when they hit real life, they got destroy. coming with an algorithm to make money is not as simple as you put it. If not, more people will be doing it.
  186. alain

    What kind of positions need PhD?

    That doesn't make any sense. If you have a person with PhD and a person without one and both of them are equal, I pick the one who doesn't have the PhD. Why? Because the PhD guy either blows or the one without the PhD is a star. Think again about what you are saying. Also, the one without the...
  187. alain

    Something I was thinking in terms of rating quality of MFE programs...

    I don't know if this was Dr. Derman's strength. Also, from his book and his writings, he was a research quant. I don't recall if he ever mentions trading as part of his responsibilities. If you think about it, the job of the teacher/professor is not to show you how to make money but to make...
  188. alain

    Something I was thinking in terms of rating quality of MFE programs...

    This is not really true. They might be completely different things.
  189. alain

    New thin and light Windows based laptop

    For Macs use Virtual Box if you need to use Windows. However, I haven't done anything with windows in a long time. The best laptop I have ever had is my current Macbook Pro. It's expensive though.
  190. alain

    What OS is standard in industry?

    Yes, the one that helps to make money.
  191. alain

    A provocative discussion of Goldman Sachs

  192. alain

    When China rules the world

    You must be joking, right?
  193. alain

    Which SQL is widely used in finance?

    I also hate Sybase, Oracle, MS SQL and DB2 too. So we are on the same boat. They all charge an arm and a leg for their product.
  194. alain

    Which SQL is widely used in finance?

    from my experience, every database is used out there. From Oracle, Sybase, MySql, MS SQL, Postgress and DB2 to more esoteric ones like KDB and column oriented databases (very good to stored and operate time series data). Sybase is not on the way out, they have a product that they market...
  195. alain

    Career Advide Needed

    contact a head hunter and apply for a job. That's how you will find out
  196. alain

    Study: cleaners worth more to society than bankers

    I don't know if you know what you are talking about. Financial Engineering is a great tool to diversify risk and to provide flow of liquidity. Like all tools, they could be used (and abused) for good or bad. Learn more about it and you will appreciate their usefulness.
  197. alain

    Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in China

    The economies are really tied but it's the other way around, if the US economy goes south, China's is probably going to hurt a lot too.
  198. alain

    Usefulness of Data Mining & Information Analysis

    if you know how to use, it could be really useful. It depends a lot on your own creativity and how you apply that knowledge.
  199. alain

    Finance Course?

    not necessarily. It doesn't hurt though.
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