Search results

  1. alain

    top 200 jobs 2010 jobs rated

    This is not true. Doctors (and dentists) are guaranteed 6 figure salaries and there is a shortage of Drs in this country. I don't know if Actuaries are in the same boat. There are some other mechanisms that control the market for those professions.
  2. alain

    Anyone can recommend good STL and BOOST books?

    RTFM That's the only thing I can tell (plus your buddy google)
  3. alain

    Bachelor Degree + Related Experience = Quant Job?

    I don't want to burst your dreams but HTML/CSS is hardly programming.
  4. alain

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Josephine, I don't see a single probabilities or differential equations course in that list. You better take some of those.
  5. alain

    Bjarne Stroustrup on C++0x

    from "Coders at Work" ( Read more from this link
  6. alain

    recommendation on workstation

    GPUs are being used heavily in general computing now, mostly in fields where matrix operations are involved. Look at the NVIDIA site. About .Net, I don't know much. However, last time I checked, the .Net framework only allow 25 native threads with the implementation that comes with their...
  7. alain

    Why not Matlab instead of C++?

    The impressive part is the way to translate Matlab to CUDA code, not the performance of the GPU. We already use GPUs for calculations but we write low level CUDA code.
  8. alain

    Why not Matlab instead of C++?

    This looks impressive. The main question is, how much is it?
  9. alain

    Why not Matlab instead of C++?

    This is misleading. One real problem with Matlab is that it is a proprietary product. It means that it will be as fast as the optimization used by the company who sells it. Since R is open source, you can compile it using any compiler, library and any level of optimization. We found that...
  10. alain

    recommendation on workstation

    Any flavor of Linux 64 Bits. an Intel Nehalem processor (multiples are probably better). A lot of Ram (8 GB are inexpensive now) and a nice Tesla C2070 GPU computing for extra performance
  11. alain

    Why not Matlab instead of C++?

    Speed in one thing but that it's not necessary the main reason. Luck is something else since a lot of the systems has been developed in C++ so there is expertise already. Search QN, there are a some discussions on this topic.
  12. alain

    A provocative discussion of Goldman Sachs

    you should stop smoking whatever you have been... The run on the banks was on all of them, Merrill, MS and Goldman. Read all the threads again. It looks you have forgotten most of it.
  13. alain

    How to protect excel file?

    Sorry, but you are in the wrong business.
  14. alain

    R syntax

    Post in the r-Help mailing list (you might need to google for it) and somebody will reply with the answer.
  15. alain

    DISCUSSION on second rated MFE programs

    "Absolute Java" is like what comes before Java 101. You should pick Bruce Eckel "Thinking in Java". It will give you a better overall knowledge.
  16. alain

    End of Semester Party

    why not after the finals?
  17. alain

    How do you understand/appreciate math on a more philosophical level?

    Again, another example of you running your mouth. Do you know what exactly is RenTec, DESCo and Ed Thorp modeling or modeled? I think the BBW is talking math applied to model the Q world (the so called risk neutral probabilities world). Those are the models used to price complex or exotic...
  18. alain

    Is MFE a good career move?

    Smerrill, since you are older, you will need to bring something to the table that other can't offer. Make sure you are really really good at one specific thing that people need and want. I don't know what exactly is that for you. You mention you have a PhD, which field?
  19. alain

    How do Tech guys expect to get for bonus in IB?

    It all depends how the IT people fit into the big picture. If they belong to a centralized IT you are royally screwed since you are going to get paid from a pool. If you work for technology under a business group, that's very different because then you are paid the same way as a business...
  20. alain

    bayesian statistics

    they are useful. We have seen application of that in dynamic linear models.
  21. alain

    BlackRock or Credit Suisse?

    No. In correlation trading you are trying to exploit relative value of 2 or more assets or instruments that have a perceived correlation. Flow trading is just that, flow, make markets and provide liquidity. High Frequency is something totally different although you can use correlation or...
  22. alain

    Please suggest a perl book

    No, it MUST NOT be perl. Pick some other one. Python is a much better choice.
  23. alain

    Side business

    Eventually you will have to declare these accounts (or the banks will declare then for you) if you have earnings and then pay the taxes. Look what is happening with the swiss banks nowadays. Most if not all are state or government sponsored. Unless you get the state to sponsor poker, you will...
  24. alain

    Undergraduate to Sales and Trading

    If you have friends already in, keep then close and make sure they can hook you up. That'll be better than MFE, MBA, PhD, etc.
  25. alain

    Please suggest a perl book

    skip perl. Don't waste your time.
  26. alain

    Slump Sinks H1-B Visa Program

    Oh yes I did. Every single penny came out of my pocket.
  27. alain

    Slump Sinks H1-B Visa Program

    If you think education is considered a "non-profit" enterprise, you are sadly mistaken. Every single institution of higher education is always trying to make a buck as a whole. I'm sorry to bring this reality to you Again, why? The beauty of this country is that you are free. So, if I pay for...
  28. alain

    Slump Sinks H1-B Visa Program

    Why? Education here is not free. If you pay for it, you should do whatever you want after you are done.
  29. alain

    R vs. Matlab speed comparison

    take those benchmarks with a grain of salt. It is well known in the R community that the matrix implementation that comes standard if not the fastest. Brian recompiled R with ATLAS and it blew away the standard matrix operations that came with R. Matlab is already optimized to the platform.
  30. alain

    Anyone upgrading to Windows 7?

    My Mac OSX 10.6 works great and my wife's Ubuntu laptop doesn't complain either :)
  31. alain

    Hope for a future democratic China

    Usually highly educated people in Mexico are extremely wealthy and comfortable. The incentive to move to US is not as high.
  32. alain

    Controversial Religion thread

    Judaism is a religion... or you have some other definition?
  33. alain

    Controversial Religion thread

    here are some quotes from Steven Weinberg (Physics Nobel Prize 1979) Here is another one. Draw your own conclusions.
  34. alain

    Urgently need Stochastic Calculus help!!!

    time to hit the books. Stoch Calculus is very abstract. In which context are you applying it? Physics? Chemistry? Finance?
  35. alain

    Harvard's Bet on Interest Rate Rise Cost $500 Million to Exit

    how does this applies here?
  36. alain

    Hope for a future democratic China

    dude, you just need to shut up sometimes because, frankly, you don't know what you are talking about most of the time.
  37. alain

    2009 Goldman Sachs bonus: $700,000/employee

    I'm angry too. It's all our money going to save failing enterprises. As I said before, they should be left to die. Those how markets work. Inefficiencies are filtered out. No, no. If uncle Sam gives you money and you decide to risk it, that's a problem. That's my beef with GS. It doesn't...
  38. alain

    Hope for a future democratic China

    I agree that brainwash is a very strong word... but I have very strong feelings about communism in general. Which ones? I would like to know. History is something that really interests me. My grandfather was chinese and he left China over 60 years ago. I never had a chance to understand...
  39. alain

    Hope for a future democratic China

    Brainwashed I came from a similar regime. I know "brainwash" up, close and personal. It is not so much they wouldn't but they can't. Speak against the establishment and jail, exile in the farm, no prospects of a good or a job period will be waiting for you. This is just an extrapolation of...
  40. alain

    2009 Goldman Sachs bonus: $700,000/employee

    Why? If they earn it, they deserve it. I read somewhere GS was one of the biggest donors to political campaigns so I don't think they will care what the politicians say.
  41. alain

    Aspiring Quant Applying for undergrad degree

    That's the reason that I'm telling you to focus your effort in the learning. That will be more important than from what school you are coming from.
  42. alain

    COMPARE Comparison of UCB and CMU course prospects

    on careers prospect it all depends on you.
  43. alain

    Does anyone hear about U of Waterloo?

    I have to agree with this. Why do you want to do a PhD in Physics if you want to do Quant Finance after. This will conspire against you just because you won't see any finance and a LOT of physics. It's not that you are discovering finance after physics. Why is so hard to believe that Waterloo...
  44. alain

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    I tell you what. Through the years I have met a lot of graduates from IIT (graduates in the late 80s to graduates in 2000s). Maybe is my perception, but it looks like the quality of the recent graduates is not the same as the quality from the graduates of past years. BTW, I'm not from India so...
  45. alain

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    I came up to the unorthodox conclusion that whoever ask for a profile evaluation is not cut out for the type of job that the MFE prepares you for. I think you ask for a profile evaluation only if you are not confident enough in yourself or your abilities to apply to a given program and are...
  46. alain

    Aspiring Quant Applying for undergrad degree

    you guys need to forget about rankings and concentrate on learning and showing that you are good.
  47. alain

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    Not only those, consider also Technology, finance and banking. If I can get somebody with the same skill set as a citizen but with an H1 visa and I can pay him/her less money, why not to do it? I will have the person for around 6 years at my mercy so to speak because I'm the sponsor and if I end...
  48. alain

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    So you are assuming that most of the illegal immigrants are from spanish speaking countries, right? ---------- Post added at 12:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 AM ---------- This is usually true. However such a process tends to benefit some group of people above others (I'm an...
  49. alain

    Wall Street Smarts - NY Times article Wall Street Smarts By CALVIN TRILLIN IF you really want to know why the financial system nearly collapsed in the fall of 2008, I can tell you in one simple sentence. The statement came from a man sitting three or four stools...
  50. alain

    Hedge-Fund Legend Simons Will Retire

    Ilya is probably crying by now...
  51. alain

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Does it really matter what I say? What about... None. Are you going to believe me?
  52. alain

    Interview with Emanuel Derman

    I'm sure you don't know what you are talking about. You are just repeating what you read somewhere. There are plenty of money managers that use Quantitative strategies in various shapes or forms. For instance, check John Henry. The owner of the Red Sox baseball team have been using quantitatives...
  53. alain

    Anyone a Datastream wiz?

    We don't do it in excel. We get data directly into our Linux server where we do the processing. We don't like Windows.
  54. alain

    Anyone a Datastream wiz?

    We use Datastream at work but we get raw data through files. I don't know the details though. We are able to run thousands of regressions also. Try to talk to the vendor directly.
  55. alain

    Former Moody's Insider Says "Moody's Should Be Liquidated"
  56. alain

    Chicago MSFM Chicago Financial Mathematics program

    it won't be a good alternative. IMHO, you might be better off self-studying. What about part time? You don't have to give your full time job.
  57. alain

    Interview with Emanuel Derman

    Excellent interview!!
  58. alain

    What are the practitioners' thoughts on R

    We use it a lot at work for modeling.
  59. alain

    When is it too late to pursue an MFE/quant career?

    If you can probe that you are good and you are willing to outwork your peers and show it, there is no age limit (at least not at 35). I finished the FE degree when I was 34.
  60. alain

    What schools should I be applying to? or more school?

    What is your question exactly?
  61. alain

    transition to investment bank quant role

    Go through a recruiter if you can. You will have a better chance to get in. Search QN, there are couple around here.
  62. alain

    Remembering 9/11

    Very simple. US soil had never been hit directly by an attack since Pearl Harbor. Also, there was not really a war going on in 2001 (at least not in the open). In the 40s, there was a full blown war happening. Also, this date in history resonates deeply in US. I was there, so I know what I'm...
  63. alain

    transition to investment bank quant role

    have you applied to a job? Have you spoken with a recruiter? It shouldn't matter what anybody here will tell you.
  64. alain

    Remembering 9/11

    Every time I heard an airplane passing by and I'm not in an airport I feel weird. That's a reminder.
  65. alain

    2009 Quantnet Central Park Picnic

    Since I will be coming with Little Trevor, the earlier the better. He is up and running by 6:45 - 7 AM
  66. alain

    Adjusting from cookbook math

    Felix, I was going to say something a little bit harsher but you put it nicely.
  67. alain

    Resume Advice

    don't know about that but I've never had such a request. I always send the PDF.
  68. alain

    How to enter financial engineering?

    You have a PhD so you probably have the research piece down. Start learning about the finance part by checking the QN reading list. Also, since you are in Houston, try to get into Commodities (Oil and Gas specially) since there are a lot of companies in the Houston area dedicated to this area.
  69. alain

    2009 Quantnet Central Park Picnic

    did we decide on a date already? I need to plan in advance.
  70. alain

    I'm preparing for the GRE and I don't know how to memorize/learn 3500 words !

    I lived "1984" first... then I read it.
  71. alain

    QuantLib or Boost?

    send the data out and plot it with some other tool
  72. alain

    I'm preparing for the GRE and I don't know how to memorize/learn 3500 words !

    Most of the weird words or strange vocabulary you talk about usually comes from Latin. I found those extremely easy to learn since they are closer to words coming from Romance languages (my native tongue is spanish).
  73. alain

    QuantLib or Boost?

    We usually don't graph anything from C++.
  74. alain

    hi guys

    Take the GRE quant and score 800. That could be a start but it is fairly common for current applicants. Then you will need to do something "radical". I don't know for sure what exactly but it must be something that shows you are really really good. Maybe scoring in the 99% of the Math subject...
  75. alain

    hi guys

    Unless you do something about this, you have NO chance of getting accepted.
  76. alain

    Programming for Mac

    The two links I posted came as results of the first link.
  77. alain

    2009 Quantnet Central Park Picnic

    I vote for Central Park.
  78. alain

    Programming for Mac
  79. alain

    Data Structure for Matrix Implementation

    O-Matrix is a paid product.... SKIP IT. There are plenty of free good implementations.
  80. alain

    Data Structure for Matrix Implementation

    IMHO, there are more important things to learn than implementing a full Matrix class. I spent countless hours doing it (I did using valarrays following Stroustroup ideas). I'm convinced that using an off the shelf implementation will save you time. There are plenty of matrices implementations...
  81. alain

    Data Structure for Matrix Implementation

    Kiryl, use uBlas Matrix, or other matrix implementation. Don't waste your time writing your own.
  82. alain


    I'm almost windows free. My wife is completely working off windows and she doesn't even notice it.
  83. alain

    Specific C++ skills for quant

    If you have been using C++ in your PhD for the last few years (2+), you probably have enough of toolset in C++ to jump into the market.
  84. alain


    at home, we do in 2 of the machines.
  85. alain

    Can't find DLL entry point error w/ Dalton's GetTime example

    post all the code (and the XLS) here so we can get an idea ---------- Post added at 02:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 PM ---------- BTW, there are various discussions on how to call C++ from Excel in QN. Just search for it.
  86. alain

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    NICE JOHN!!! BTW, #3 ranked based on what?
  87. alain

    In Defense of 'Flash' Trading For the past several weeks, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer has attempted to intimidate the Securities and Exchange Commission into banning so-called flash trading. Eliminating this technique would be a dangerous mistake...
  88. alain

    Perception: something to think about

    the test might not be exactly correct. The experiment should've been conducted in Boston to know for sure.
  89. alain

    Hedge funds hiring again after downturn

    paper losses are not real losses, the same applies to paper gains... but again. If you have paper losses, somebody else will have paper gains.
  90. alain

    The short sellers warning ignored (2007) The Evening Standard's Paul Waugh reveals today that G7 finance ministers were warned about the dangers of US subprime loans and shaky banks back in April 2007. Famous...
  91. alain

    which book to read after "C++ how to program, 5th edition"?

    NO NO NO!!! NO user interface!!! make sure you learn how to code well, how to solve problems with the computer. Get the data structures and the algorithms right.
  92. alain

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    if you want to be a PhD in Finance, apply to the PhD in finance. IMHO, I think it will be easier to convince the people in the school that you are already attending to accept you.
  93. alain

    2010 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad cancelled

    You are right John!!! But I didn't want to give my secret :)
  94. alain

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    so, you are already in a PhD program in some school. Try to convince the same school to get you into their Finance program (if they have one). If you want to switch school or apply to MFE, retake all the exams.
  95. alain

    2010 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad cancelled

    Three strategies: 1) Buy low, sell high 2) Buy high, sell higher 3) Sell low, buy lower
  96. alain

    Masters after a PhD?

    Get a recruiter and start applying for jobs
  97. alain

    My first C++ Black-Scholes-Merton program

    Ilya, get Joshi's book so you can see a good approach.
  98. alain

    2010 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad cancelled

    It would be interesting to find out the reason for canceling the contest. Does it mean the event is done for good? or, does IB expect to sponsor the event again in the future?
  99. alain

    Undergrad Curriculum - Need Advice

    it might work out. However, you should be prepared to be very good at what you are studying.
  100. alain

    Star trader threatens to leave Citi

    This applies to US and ethanol made out of corn, right?
  101. alain

    Star trader threatens to leave Citi

  102. alain

    Is A Case Of Quant Trading Sabotage About To Destroy Goldman Sachs?

    This article if from over a month ago. A lot of rain has fallen since that time!!!
  103. alain

    Quantnet MFE Application Tracker

    It would be a good idea to team up with different schools to have an official progress of sorts. This is just an idea. I haven't really thought this thing out.
  104. alain

    Quantnet MFE Application Tracker

    if the user id is masked, that will solve the privacy issue and, as I said, user participation is the key!!!
  105. alain

    Quantnet MFE Application Tracker

    who is going to update the status? From the app, it looks like the user needs to update the status himself. If that is the case, IMHO, this app is close to useless since you know when and how long it has been since you applied, got your interview, etc. It could be useful if a lot of people...
  106. alain

    Market Liquidity

    If you find free tick data, let me know. I have found it is a "NO shot" to find free tick data.
  107. alain

    Programming for Mac

    Why do you need Matlab?
  108. alain

    Are the GRE practice books I'm buying sufficient ?

    doing well and scoring 790 or 800 are two very different things
  109. alain

    Pay to get internships

    It looks like you can pay to get an internship
  110. alain

    PDE w/o ODE?

    which is your school?
  111. alain

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Which country? Are you any good at CS and/or EE?
  112. alain

    Ph.D Stats vs. MFE

    I think the specialization if for an MBA
  113. alain

    Intrusive Salary Question

  114. alain

    Intrusive Salary Question

    Sometimes you sign for the bonus too (as in X% of what you bring in).
  115. alain

    Intrusive Salary Question

    Hopefully my salary heads up!!! :D
  116. alain

    Market Liquidity

    what exactly are you looking for? providers of market liquidity? Order flow?
  117. alain

    Advice for Ph.D student in Finance

    how much financial econometrics are you going to cover?
  118. alain

    Advice for Ph.D student in Finance

    let me try this again, where are you going to school? It doesn't matter if it is an Ivy or not. We really don't care. Also, if you plan to taylor your PhD according to what the job market demand is, you are setting yourself for failure and missery.
  119. alain

    Advice for Ph.D student in Finance

    where are you going to do your PhD?
  120. alain

    Jobless graduate sues school

    Here is the link to CNN From the article, This might be cruel, but I couldn't stop laughing!! An employer will pounce with somebody with a 2.7 GPA in undergrad?
  121. alain

    Functional Languages

    I don't have as much experience with Ocaml or Haskell as I would like to have. I did some Ocaml at some point in my life but I haven't used it recently. I would like to learn Haskell since there is a huge community out there (look at )...
  122. alain

    MFE Rankings for 2008

    Shlomi, maybe it is different in hebrew but in english the B comes before the C... HAHAHA just kidding :)
  123. alain

    Functional Languages

    here is the analysis.
  124. alain

    Functional Languages

    Look at the tests. There are specific tests where the Ocaml and Haskell are better than C/C++. Those are very particular examples. You also need to look at your hardware and the problem at hand. For instance, there are was no thread support in OCaml (maybe there is now). There are problems that...
  125. alain

    Functional Languages

    The first thing that comes to mind is:
  126. alain


    What is the ExSan platform?
  127. alain

    Functional Languages

    Looking at the site right now and it looks very interesting. Correction: Ocaml is known to blow by C# and Java. It's speed is comparable to C/C++. Haskell could be as fast as C/C++ if you know what you are doing. The interesting thing about functional programming nowadays is that there are new...
  128. alain

    Undergrad Course Planning for MFE suggestion

    what's up with all the colors?
  129. alain

    Do you believe in Global Warming?

    I didn't get this part. I think I need to understand more about the whole Global Warming thing form the physics standpoint... but not from political standpoint but from the scientific standpoint.
  130. alain

    Do you believe in Global Warming?

    offtopic The newspaper business is dead. The trees are being cut because we use more paper now than ever. That's a topic for another discussion.
  131. alain

    Programming for Mac

    Virtual Box is free. VMWare is $80 although you can get a discount as a student. I bought my copy for $40. I run Linux and Windows on my Mac and I'm extremely happy.
  132. alain

    Programming for Mac

    XCode is free. It comes with the Mac DVD.
  133. alain

    Do you believe in Global Warming?

    John, I don't know if the issue it that it is hard to come up with a list or that it is hard to go against the "consensus". Giordano Bruno went against the consensus and ended up dead. Galileo had to repent. Sometimes is hard to go against the crowd at this level. I do see people in this...
  134. alain

    Programming for Mac

    You can buy MATLAB for the Mac. You can develop in Xcode using gcc and g++ for C/C++. However, if you want to use windows, do you have a copy of XP? or could you buy it? You could buy VMWare Fusion and install XP inside of a virtual machine and use it there. Or you can download Virtual Box 3.0...
  135. alain

    Do you believe in Global Warming?

    Since Cap and Trade might be upon us... here is a list of skeptics
  136. alain

    Pursuing Quant w/ Stats degree

    I don't think the classes you took were that good. Not to shatter your dreams but you could've made tons of money as chemical engineer as well. Probably faster and in a less cut throat environment than Wall Street. However, if you like the ups and downs and the insecurity of the street (i.e...
  137. alain

    Pursuing Quant w/ Stats degree

    Why did you leave chemical engineering?
  138. alain

    Pursuing Quant w/ Stats degree

    all pharmaceutical companies need statisticians by the truck load
  139. alain

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday
  140. alain

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Hopefully we don't make the same mistake we made last yer. Happy Birthday Doug!!!
  141. alain

    SEC to investigate Goldman Sachs trading practices

    This sounds like a hi-tec version of front running :)
  142. alain

    NYT Article: Traders Profit With Computers Set at High Speed

    more of the same Senator Wants Restrictions on High-Speed Trading By CHARLES DUHIGG A high-ranking lawmaker has asked the Securities and Exchange Commission to prohibit a trading technique that enables some large banks and...
  143. alain

    NYT Article: Traders Profit With Computers Set at High Speed

    and people wonder why the NYT is going bankrupt!!
  144. alain

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    I haven't tried today but as of late night yesterday, QN thought Safari was a mobile browser. [offtopic] <offtopic>I installed Safari 4 in Windows, go try it. You'll be surprised!!!</offtopic>
  145. alain

    Math Subject GREs

    Why don't you try to do something really creative and original while you are at school? All these places are going to ask you: what do you bring to the table that they can't get anywhere else? The grade is not as important if you do something creative that puts you above your peers. there is...
  146. alain

    Using C# in Excel

  147. alain

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    jovee, You are probably right about a little (or a lot :) ) Baruch bias. However, you can choose to ignore whatever you feel is marketing. I think the original intension of the site was to create a community for the Baruch MFE students. Somehow it evolved into a site for Fin Eng at large...
  148. alain

    MSc in Risk Management and FE or Financial Mathematics BTW, if you can't solve this problem (finding alumni), you have bigger issues than making a sound decision.
  149. alain

    MSc in Risk Management and FE or Financial Mathematics

    email current students from both program is you can. Search QN for more advice
  150. alain

    Webinar: How to Rapidly Build Trading Applications Using StreamBase Complex Event Processing

    in this one hour seminars they might show you how to build a trading system with their platform, i.e. you buy their platform and build something. They usually try some strategy using TA indicators to generate signals. It could be good as long as you decide to buy their platform. If you are in...
  151. alain

    Job market in NYC for international students

    Alok, I will put a single question to you that was put to me: What is your edge? in other words, what do you bring to the table that makes you better than some other candidate? This is just to prepare you for the interview. Make sure you have an edge.
  152. alain

    what information to include in the resume

    Put all three master degrees in your resume. That is not going to hurt. You might be lucky enough and your interviewer was an aerospace eng in previous life. That's a nice way to break the ice. My undergrad is EE and I worked as an eng in the past. This fact has been a topic of conversation in...
  153. alain

    what information to include in the resume

    what is exactly wrong with displaying all your master's degree?
  154. alain

    Will "Thinking in C++ Vol 1+ Vol 2" help me create a good base ?

    They will definitely help. Bruce Eckel is an excellent teacher. I learned C++ using his original "Using C++" and "C++ Primer 1st ed" from Lippman. This was around 1992-93. "Thinking in C++" is an excellent resource as well. However, it is dense.
  155. alain

    Number of applicants in 08 vs 09?

    Probably more the former than the latter, but... are you worried? what's your concerned exactly?
  156. alain

    A provocative discussion of Goldman Sachs

    You didn't read the article, right? 13 billion is no the exposure. The exposure to AIG was multiples of that (BTW, it is not mention there).
  157. alain

    A provocative discussion of Goldman Sachs
  158. alain

    A provocative discussion of Goldman Sachs

    GS gets to keep the collateral it already has but the problem is Goldman was asking for more collateral (to the tune of 10+ billions). If AIG goes bankrupt, there is nothing to collect in terms of collateral. Yes, VaR is somewhat irrelevant in absolute terms. It just gives you an idea of...
  159. alain

    multi-threaded semaphore C++

    I will follow Andy's advice. Multithreading is a complicated topic and if you don't know it well enough, you will get DESTROYED in an interview.
  160. alain

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

    I agree with the BBW. I have that book and I didn't like it as much as this one
  161. alain

    A provocative discussion of Goldman Sachs

    The investment bank model was not working fine at that time. 700 billion dollars later, everything is ok. I was for let the failing companies failed. That's the whole idea. If tomorrow I create a company and it is going bankrupt, the gov won't come to save it, why should they go and save...
  162. alain

    A provocative discussion of Goldman Sachs

    This is not true either. MS and Goldman survived because the government intervened. If not, they would've gone the way of Lehman (for all terms and purposes Merrill was out of the picture at this point).
  163. alain

    With Finance Disgraced, Which Career Will Be King?

    Woody, what better incentive as a Dr than "i'm saving your life"? or "I'm getting rid of your pain"? How much are you willing to pay for that? My opinion in this topic is VERY biased since I have a lot of doctors in my family so I rather don't talk about it.
  164. alain

    A provocative discussion of Goldman Sachs

    This reasoning is extremely flawed to say the least. Some people want it so much that they are willing to kill and steal to get what they want. BTW, since you are always saying that you have had it pretty hard, that you and your family are not as prosperous, does it mean you don't want it as...
  165. alain

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy birthday dude!!! I know you had fun last weekend. Hopefully it is the same today.
  166. alain

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    the stats page doesn't seem to work in FF 3.5
  167. alain

    Deutsche Bank and UBS quant jobs

    Maybe there was a reason for that.
  168. alain

    King of Pop Michael Jackson has died

    :D I can see the sarcasm. ;)
  169. alain

    web surfing

    Roger, the issue with our script is a low level one. Quantnet uses form authntication so you will need to simulate sending a form (in code) to establish a session, keep that session alive (cookies, headers or some other sort of mechanism) and then retrieve the data. BTW, I looked at the...
  170. alain

    Eclipse Compiler

    Puttable, now that you have installed VC++, you need to learn how to use it. From your post, I can see that you were able to compile the program. To run the program use Ctrl+F5. BTW, Eclipse would be able to compile your program as well. You will need to read a little bit more about it...
  171. alain

    TARP repayment and H1 restrictions

    Is that 80% made of the same morons, idiots and imbeciles that you always talk about? That is not necessarily true, if a company finds somebody that can produce money for them, they will jump through any kind of hoops to hire him/her.
  172. alain

    Banks ramping up AAA CDO sales again

  173. alain

    Eclipse Compiler

    Shlomi, that's what happen when you work a lot in C++. :)
  174. alain

    GS trading source code stolen

    I'm sure this happens all the time. Somehow this guy got caught because he might have made some big mistake uploading the data (or bragged about it to somebody).
  175. alain

    Eclipse Compiler

    Puttable, Let me start saying your knowledge of Java won't translate easily to the C++ world. The OOD concepts will but that's about it. You need to get a good book and start with it. I recommend "C++ Primer" by Stanley Lippman or Bruce Eckel "Thinking in C++". You can find the latter free on...
  176. alain

    TARP repayment and H1 restrictions

    HF usually don't go through the hassle unless it is really worthy.
  177. alain


    it looks great, how can I see the source code?
  178. alain

    King of Pop Michael Jackson has died

    I have to agree with the bbw... but again, my opinion about music is a little biased. Even more, i don't recall the same action on QN when Kiyoshi Ito (from Ito's lemma fame) passed away last year.
  179. alain

    Which Linux distribution should I install?

    This is not entirely true. Canonical provides Enterprise support for Ubuntu Server across the world.
  180. alain

    Which Linux distribution should I install?

    Ubuntu all the way!!
  181. alain

    Patenting a trading methodology

    Well 15 sharpe ratio is impressive so good luck!!! post your progress here.
  182. alain

    Patenting a trading methodology

    Before you jump in front of the train, have you paper trade your strategy with life data considering taxes and transaction costs? That's the last step. Also, you said you backtested the strategy with 15 year worth of data. Is that out-of-sample data? how often do you rebalance your portfolio...
  183. alain

    Advice Needed !

    what's your definition of "reputed software firm"? What's your definition of "reputed program"? What is BARC?
  184. alain

    Derivatives in a declining market

    What kind of derivatives are you talking about?
  185. alain

    Ultrathin laptop from the Thinkpad family

    no, since I only use windows sporadically, I run it completely on VMware. My setup is funny because all my work is done on Linux on the VMWare as well.
  186. alain

    Ultrathin laptop from the Thinkpad family

    I really don't use windows that much anymore and when I need windows, I run it on VMWare (surprisingly enough, Windows on VMWare seems to run better than native on a windows machine).
  187. alain

    Is programming knowledge a requirement for MFE grads ?

    I totally disagree with this. If you want to become an expert/advance programmer, you better sit an code.. A LOT!!! books will help but they are not substitute for hands on experience coding.
  188. alain

    Book for Foreign Exchange

    Check this link
  189. alain

    Ultrathin laptop from the Thinkpad family

    after I got the MacBook Pro, I can say I've never found anything better. If I knew, I would've switched long time ago.
  190. alain

    boost python

    You might need to talk to Chuck Norris solve this issue ;)
  191. alain

    Book for Foreign Exchange

    BTW, Shlomi's recommended book
  192. alain

    boost python

    Roger, I haven't used it but, did you try the Boost.Python tutorial ( Boost.Python documentation is indeed murky but let's start from the bottom.
  193. alain

    R Trade Simulation?

    What are you backtesting? equities? futures? options? credit products?
  194. alain

    R Trade Simulation?

    there is a package in R called backtest I think. I don't know if it is really helpful for this.
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