Programming for Mac

Life is short. Buy a PC and install Linux or use Cygwin on Windows. I use Windows these days. Don't get bogged down by details too much - you are using the computer for some simple programming task not running a space shuttle or skynet.
But I am a broke college student whose only means of income are a summer job (over in 10days) and part-time math tutoring... Also, I have a 1.5 year old macbook that I just spent a significant amount of my $-stacks on.
You can try the Matlab clone Octave, which is free. There may be a Mac version. Google.
Maybe, but for learning purposes it should be fine. Correctness, not speed, is the most critical thing for the beginner. Moreover, it is free.
Problems starting matlab

So I just installed MATLAB and every time I go to open it, or "activate it" it returns this error:

There was an unexpected exception: Can't load library: / Applications/ / bin/ maci64/ libactivation.jnilib See the log file (/ var/ folders/ Mp/ Mp0PQFo9GbKznsjhgBiZf++++TI/ -Tmp-/ TMW_svact_christophergiuliano.log) for more details.

I don't know if this is related, but I'm running 10.6 Snow leopard on an intel based mac. Does anyone know how to resolve this problem?

Yes. It may be related to the 10.6 software, which is much to new for any posted answers.
Nice! good stuff. Well I guess I didn't try hard enough haha.


Problem solved!


Wow, matlab is cool.
Does anyone know how to give command line arguments using Xcode?

I tried the method here - Xcode Tools Tips but does not seem to be working when i print argv[1]
I am trying to read an input file from command line like -
<executable> <input.file> <output.file>
The two links I posted came as results of the first link.
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