Search results

  1. Aditya Chitral

    Greeks: barrier up-and-out

    Perhaps my answer was not quite what you were looking. In any case, you can read more about barrier shift here. Page 58 of the book.
  2. Aditya Chitral

    Greeks: barrier up-and-out

    If you are looking for hedging of barrier options you might want to look into barrier shifts for smoother profile near barrier.
  3. Aditya Chitral

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    It just amazes me how easily (thanks to a very small group of people) the thread can be thrown off-topic. I believe great managers prevent that very effectively and hence are paid millions :).
  4. Aditya Chitral

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    1. You work on wall street (at least according to you) and you are taking it seriously enough to spend your valuable time whining about it. 2. All rankings are heuristic. The methodology is given and rankings are given. A right mind would make a decision for himself if he wants to believe in the...
  5. Aditya Chitral

    2009 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE), Quantitative Finance Programs

    And getting a job which pays you 200K+ gives you that free time. Correct?
  6. Aditya Chitral

    Corruption in India

    I am sure "RD" was not one of them ;)
  7. Aditya Chitral

    Corruption in India

    Please don't jinx it :P
  8. Aditya Chitral

    Two chatbox AIs

    Ha ha, this was funny :) Cleverbot ends the conversation with a shot at you ;)
  9. Aditya Chitral

    Anyone NYC member playing tennis?

    I was out of town on Saturday and hence asked for Sunday or Monday :D I hope Federer does not play on Saturday :D
  10. Aditya Chitral

    Anyone NYC member playing tennis?

    Andy, are you planning to buy group tickets? Anyone else interested in going on 4th or 5th?
  11. Aditya Chitral

    Anyone NYC member playing tennis?

    free courts, convenient location ? ;)
  12. Aditya Chitral

    Anyone NYC member playing tennis?

    I am in for badminton too :) Level: Beginner (was trying too hard to write Intermediate, but then I thought, "who am I kidding") :P
  13. Aditya Chitral

    Corruption in India

    I would request the moderator to close the thread because of highly polarizing and anti-secular comments posted on this thread defying the entire purpose of this thread (according to me). Comment is not addressed to any particular person commenting on the thread (though could have been targeted...
  14. Aditya Chitral

    Anyone NYC member playing tennis?

    I am in. Level: Beginner I hope it is not very far away.
  15. Aditya Chitral

    How to improve my English level?

    Jersey Shore? ;)
  16. Aditya Chitral

    Brain Drain good for developing countries??? Really??

    Deleted my original message. Realized that did not want to get into this discussion again.
  17. Aditya Chitral

    CFA Level I

    I believe its around 70%. I suggest you to take it, you are not going to do any better by not taking it.
  18. Aditya Chitral

    Prostitution and Escorts on Wall Street

    Because the forum is called "Quantnet" where I would expect people talking about stochastic calculus, HFT, Inflation, new pricing models etc?
  19. Aditya Chitral

    India's educational system

    Dude you have serious issues comparing things. Do you have any idea how the above mentioned companies are different? What products they sell, what is the business model, how much money is spent on R&D and how much needs to be spent, what makes them survive in the market they are in...list is...
  20. Aditya Chitral

    India's educational system

    You definitely need to learn some management/communication skills (perhaps from some IIM). Your way is not really convincing anybody. Also, couple of your previous posts (after post 54) made me wonder... Why am I replying to this thread? Officially resigning from the thread (does not warrant...
  21. Aditya Chitral

    India's educational system

    @ rishabh's all posts What are you trying to prove? That there is a lot of corruption in India? Agreed. Are you a part of it? Yes, because you bribed and you were dumb enough to get ripped off even on that. What countries are you trying to compare? US? Germany? Again that is totally illogical...
  22. Aditya Chitral

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    No offense intended. I believed that Quantnet talked about Finance/quant related stuff. I believe we are moving away from that ideology as I see more posts directed towards specific person/group of people, selling stuff, finding roommates, threads filled with people debating not very...
  23. Aditya Chitral

    BARUCH MFE roomates

    Living in NJ is manageable (Newport/JSQ/Grove Street/Hoboken). Stay close to the station that saves a lot of time. You would get all the basic necessities and everything is at walking distance too (5-10mins). Train ride to nearest path station (23rd and 6th; Its a 7-10 min walk to school from...
  24. Aditya Chitral

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    I am not sure if this was mentioned but a "disagree" or "dislike" button would compliment the "like" button
  25. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Stefan :)
  26. Aditya Chitral

    Best places to buy books online?

    Search here BooksPrice - Book Price Comparison - Compare Book Textbook Prices Good simple layout to search. p.s. Thanks Sanket.
  27. Aditya Chitral

    Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

    Whats the catch? :)
  28. Aditya Chitral

    Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

    I would give Town a 5-6/10.
  29. Aditya Chitral

    risk PnL

    What is the context of the term? Any reference?
  30. Aditya Chitral

    Where to watch World cup for free

    First goal against England and the Germans exactly followed the plan :) It was amazing :D
  31. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUYS!!!!! :band: :birthday::partyman::cheers:
  32. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Vadim :dance:
  33. Aditya Chitral

    Anyone here on Twitter?

    Just to mention how social networking websites have changed our lives. I read a status update on "FACEBOOK" referring "TWITTER" with a new face to age old maxim "Those whose house is made up of glass should not even tweet about stones" :)
  34. Aditya Chitral

    Q Equational Programming Language

    Let me google that for you This might help.
  35. Aditya Chitral

    UCB MFE What is the possibility of me getting into Berkeley MFE?

    A wise man once told me to correctly spell names when writing to them. Making spelling mistakes gives an impression that you are not important enough for the writer. I would like to pass on that to you especially when you are hoping they would give you money to study at their place. p.s. No...
  36. Aditya Chitral
  37. Aditya Chitral

    Google stops censoring web for China

    Money!! I read somewhere that last year they had cash problems. Not that they were running out of cash but that they had too much of money and did not know what to do about it and were sponsoring every project that was brought to them. I don't think for few hundred million dollars they would...
  38. Aditya Chitral

    Google stops censoring web for China

    I fail to understand how humans behave. After China, Australia is asking to censor their results. Why? They had no issues for all these years. It is alleged that Toyota has faulty cars. And all of a sudden everybody is charged with the same thing. Honda, GM everybody started recalling their...
  39. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Belated Happy Birthday Eugene :)
  40. Aditya Chitral

    2nd Annual Algorithmic Trading Conference: February 5th, 2010

    Reminder: You can register for $99 and not $550
  41. Aditya Chitral to charge for viewing next year

    You can also install a plugin(which is free) for firefox (which is free). How To Access Full Wall Street Journal Online Articles For Free I am sure something will come up for NYTimes too.
  42. Aditya Chitral

    2nd Annual Algorithmic Trading Conference: February 5th, 2010

    Any discounts for quantnet members? :) Student registration fee is $550.
  43. Aditya Chitral

    Comic Relief

    Couldnt stop myself adding one
  44. Aditya Chitral

    Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in China

    contrarian-investor-sees-economic-crash-in-china: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
  45. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Rados :)
  46. Aditya Chitral

    3-D TV going main stream?

    With CES kicking off tomorrow and a gamut of 3D devices on display I think the companies are taking all possible steps towards bringing 3D to mainstream media. The only available 3D TV is by SONY costing around $2,500. LG announced that they would unveil something in first half of 2010 and...
  47. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Sanket :)
  48. Aditya Chitral

    Math quant jokes

    With no offense to anybody :) A mathematician, an accountant and an economist apply for the same job. The interviewer calls in the mathematician and asks "What do two plus two equal?" The mathematician replies "Four." The interviewer asks "Four, exactly?" The mathematician looks at the...
  49. Aditya Chitral

    Citigroup Does The Impossible: It Screws US Taxpayers AGAIN

    This might be a naive question. But if the government owns 34% of the stock do they not take part in the decision like "offering new common stock at $3.15"
  50. Aditya Chitral

    Some Indians Find It Tough to Go Home Again

    There is nothing new in it. And pointing out the problems is not a solution. Nothing is perfect but it tries to move towards that is something better. Everything in this world is heuristic. If it was perfect there would be no opportunities. The world keeps on moving because of these disparities.
  51. Aditya Chitral

    2009 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE), Quantitative Finance Programs

    What about student's preference. For e.g. What if a student always wanted to go in say X position whereas it was always rated below Y. To make it worse 50% of students took X job because they wanted to even if they were well qualified for position Y. So here no one has failed and it was the...
  52. Aditya Chitral

    Calc Needed

    Does anybody have any of the following calculator and are going to be in quantlab today (Friday, 11/20) and ofcourse willing to lend it for one day :) Hewlett Packard 12C (including the HP 12C Platinum) Hewlett Packard 10B II and 20B Texas Instruments BA II Plus (including the BA II Plus...
  53. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Thank you everybody for your wishes :)
  54. Aditya Chitral

    Low latency trading system

    I am not sure but things that come to my mind are: How quickly you can establish a connection? How many bits are you transferring to carry out a trade, so this would bring in things like encoding. Multithreading would certainly improve the throughput but if its a serial process its difficult...
  55. Aditya Chitral

    NYU Financial Mathematics Career Fair

    It has not paid me back anything (at least till now).
  56. Aditya Chitral

    End of Semester Party

    Bump Saw it trickling down in the list of latest posts.
  57. Aditya Chitral

    End of Semester Party

    Hello Friends, We are planning for an end of semester party. Please cast your vote as to what cuisine would you like to have and also chip in your suggestions.
  58. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Chuan :)
  59. Aditya Chitral

    What's more useful ...

    I would go for Numerical Methods.
  60. Aditya Chitral

    Michael Moore - Capitalism : A Love Story

    That is the point. There is no point writing a differential equation, though we might have to apply esoteric technique to solve it, the common man would not know about it. His motto is to scare the audience and writing something with 1000 variables would scare even a 5th grader.
  61. Aditya Chitral

    Slump Sinks H1-B Visa Program

    It boils down to the fact that the person would go where he finds better opportunities. If you think that US paid for the doctorate study, the create an opportunity which is more competent than what he could find elsewhere. This way what you are actually doing is paying for a more competent guy...
  62. Aditya Chitral

    Slump Sinks H1-B Visa Program

    Since you did not elaborate on that answer. Let me take the freedom of speculating. So in short term you are happy that people come here, create a demand for dollar, spend a lot of money keeping the economy growing. In long term you feel, "why should a foreign national come here and utilize the...
  63. Aditya Chitral

    Slump Sinks H1-B Visa Program

    You should be happy if people come here only for the degree. They come here, spend money (good for the economy) and go away. Silver lining: WOO! Less competition for you ^_^.
  64. Aditya Chitral

    Slump Sinks H1-B Visa Program

    Just out of curiosity, could you shed some light on your background. Conclusions drawn on sample size of 1. Are you trying to become a quant?
  65. Aditya Chitral

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Give GRE Again and get better score in Quant section
  66. Aditya Chitral

    Slump Sinks H1-B Visa Program

    1. Why would he want that? From his first post it seems that even he needs a H1. 2. How is it relevant to the topic of the forum?
  67. Aditya Chitral

    Slump Sinks H1-B Visa Program

    Enlighten me too. Btw, there is no point of a post that no one understands.
  68. Aditya Chitral

    How do we model stochastic Correlations?

    That is an interesting thought. I would be equally interested to know about it. The model would indeed have to be really very robust, as n increases the sample space decreases with a very high rate. My bad, I forgot to mention the source of the article. You can access it here
  69. Aditya Chitral

    How do we model stochastic Correlations?

    How do we model Stochastic Correlations? Correlation like volatility can also be stochastic (random) and modelling stochastic correlation is a bit of a challenge. Generally, even in many stochastic volatility models, such as...
  70. Aditya Chitral

    A new strategy of getting a job

    I bet they all look spiritual.
  71. Aditya Chitral

    A new strategy of getting a job

    Where do you belong?
  72. Aditya Chitral

    Texas A&M Foreign Currency Trading Competition

    Reminder for everybody to put atleast 5 trades for the 15 day period.
  73. Aditya Chitral

    Tip for people: Get to LinkedIn. Quick.

    You are awesome ;)
  74. Aditya Chitral

    Texas A&M Foreign Currency Trading Competition

    Good for me ;) I was in any case not going to keep any records. Btw, I lost almost all of my profits i.e. 7K but now due to my exceptional trading strategies :D I am again up 8K.
  75. Aditya Chitral

    Texas A&M Foreign Currency Trading Competition

    The count is 8 now.
  76. Aditya Chitral

    Texas A&M Foreign Currency Trading Competition

    Count me in. That makes 2 of us. Thanks for the reminder.
  77. Aditya Chitral

    What is the true half - life of a bachelors degree?

    Let me TRY to have the fun and satisfaction of digressing the thread from what it was intended to do. Why do all of bbw's posts boil down to criticizing the system, the ugly politics etc etc. I would rather take it as a theorem than a postulate.
  78. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Kevin Happy Birthday Kevin :dance::birthday::band::smt113 ---------- Post added at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 AM ---------- I guess as a birthday gift we should make him our fav broker :D
  79. Aditya Chitral

    martingale & filtration

    Did you try to read Shreve?
  80. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

  81. Aditya Chitral

    Remembering 9/11

    In India, on a tennis court. When I came back the news was on all TV channels. For the next few days, whenever I saw an airplane flying low, I was scared with the thought that it might hit another building (I was just 14 then). The incident might be one of the reasons why I am hesitant to...
  82. Aditya Chitral

    I'm preparing for the GRE and I don't know how to memorize/learn 3500 words !

    Out of the topic (which has already been out of topic) I would like to say that I really miss the thumbs up and thumbs down buttons !
  83. Aditya Chitral

    I'm preparing for the GRE and I don't know how to memorize/learn 3500 words !

    BEWARE !! A wolf might come and attack you !! Did you not read the sign which was kept out of the cage, "Don't use words like wow and great." Well, this way you are never going to reach 800 in quant section.
  84. Aditya Chitral

    I'm preparing for the GRE and I don't know how to memorize/learn 3500 words !

    "Dude", then you are not going to learn it. And I think that is the motive behind those 3500 words. "To have a tool set which helps you better express yourself". In any case, atleast being in a group preparing for GRE and using those words is far better than being around someone posting verbose...
  85. Aditya Chitral

    I'm preparing for the GRE and I don't know how to memorize/learn 3500 words !

    Keep reading and start using them in your colloquial language.
  86. Aditya Chitral

    2009 Quantnet Central Park Picnic

    Its a nice place, though I could not find a place where we can do the activities that we usually do, like playing soccer or anything like that. From the photographs it seems that it confines you to your particular table. Though, this is just my view.
  87. Aditya Chitral

    2009 Quantnet Central Park Picnic

    Hello Everyone, Link to RSVP Quant Network - Financial Engineering Forum
  88. Aditya Chitral

    Remember me? Wall Street repackages debt for sale

    I believe that this will make the already difficult "pricing" more difficult. Also, I believe that this would create a bias against the poor rated securities. How many hedge funds would be ready to buy the already proven "poor/bad" bonds. This would overvalue or artificially pump up the prices...
  89. Aditya Chitral

    What courses are you taking this semester ?

    I miss the Thanks/Thumbs up button :)
  90. Aditya Chitral

    What courses are you taking this semester ?

    Have you already registered?
  91. Aditya Chitral

    What courses are you taking this semester ?

    Cathy is on vacation. What is my next source of rescue? :)
  92. Aditya Chitral

    What courses are you taking this semester ?

    I could not find the code for capstone. Can anyone help me with that. p.s. Last date for payment of tuition is August 17.
  93. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Doug Happy Birthday Doug !! :dance1::smt034:birthday::band: I wonder about the story behind your facebook's status message :) Were you attacked by a pack of wolves?
  94. Aditya Chitral

    Using C# in Excel

    So will I have to run regasm on every machine I want to use the dll? The users of my dll are persons who would not be courageous enough to run an exe from windows folder.
  95. Aditya Chitral

    Using C# in Excel

    I built my dlls in Csharp and in the project properties checked the option for "Register for COM" Interop. I also wrote wrote the register and unregister functions in my dll. When I compile the code and deploy it in the local machine, it works fine i.e. Using Excel Automation, it detects my dll...
  96. Aditya Chitral

    DE Shaw interview questions

    You will get zeros only by multiplying 5s and 2s. You have enough number of 2s, what you need to figure out is number of 5s in in 100! which is 24.
  97. Aditya Chitral

    What Kind of Censorship Dictatorship is This?

    With no offense, if the poster can take the trouble of marking it "unsafe" with skull and bones (which is itself a very gaudy) why does he not post only the content that that matters.
  98. Aditya Chitral

    multi-threaded semaphore C++

    I agree on this one !
  99. Aditya Chitral

    multi-threaded semaphore C++

    Multithreading is easy if you think about it naturally. Semaphores are basically locks. If you lock a door (resource = room) you need to open it first to access it. What happens if two persons try to access the room simultaneously. One will have to wait. All the concepts of multithreading are...
  100. Aditya Chitral

    A provocative discussion of Goldman Sachs

    Somewhere in Europe to bbb ;) or to I..E..S :D
  101. Aditya Chitral

    C++ boost library: compact reference

    Is there a way I can use Boost Libraries with C#?
  102. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Mike :) I hope you had a wonderful china trip :)
  103. Aditya Chitral

    GS trading source code stolen

    The government would be delighted to hear that. Anyone working as a spy?
  104. Aditya Chitral

    King of Pop Michael Jackson has died

    I don't think any of your posts reflect that you feel he was a genius. How about this thing, to quote for people who did not click on that link, the headlines said, "Michael Jackson's Death Was Tragic, But He Was Little More Than an Icon of Mediocrity". I fail to understand your admiration...
  105. Aditya Chitral

    King of Pop Michael Jackson has died

    Do I see a contradiction here? Or was it just a part of a verbose post? Ohh, by the way would you want these names too to be added to that list? Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, George Frideric Handel, Georg Philipp Telemann, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Francois Couperin, Alessandro Scarlatti...
  106. Aditya Chitral

    King of Pop Michael Jackson has died

    Are you in a way accepting that he was a musical genius?
  107. Aditya Chitral

    King of Pop Michael Jackson has died

    He is surely making money for someone.
  108. Aditya Chitral

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    I really liked the "old" and "new" thread thing. It made the navigation really easy.
  109. Aditya Chitral

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    That is not true. If you see the students at GTech are equally competitive and they do reject if you are not worth them.
  110. Aditya Chitral

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    Exactly. But instead of just a link or one line headline, we could post an excerpt from the news. and yes, there could be a "comment" link where a person could post comment, which would not be directly visible on that page. If someone has to read the comments, he would have to click on that...
  111. Aditya Chitral

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    How about a place where we can post news links. I am not sure how or what would accomplish that but I guess instead of creating a new thread everytime we can have a place to write an excerpt from the news and then post the link for a person who wants to continue reading.
  112. Aditya Chitral


    Calculus 1,2 and Linear Algebra.
  113. Aditya Chitral

    Advice Needed !

    I guess what he is referring to is "Bhabha Atomic Research Center"
  114. Aditya Chitral

    Advice Needed !

    TOEFL is valid for 2 years, so you will have to retake that one too.
  115. Aditya Chitral

    Mr. Madoff and his Ponzi fund

    Continue Reading
  116. Aditya Chitral

    How would the inflation be in near future?

    Not long ago, the market feared inflation and the yield on 15 and 30 year bonds started rising. The drop in yield in 15 year bonds from 5.06 to 4.89 and similar behavior in 30 year has shown rather a benign inflation. The market seems to be bipartisan on inflation. What other indicators would...
  117. Aditya Chitral

    Book for Foreign Exchange

    Can anyone suggest a good book for foreign exchange. A book which starts from basics of foreign exchange. Thanks !
  118. Aditya Chitral

    An invention that could change the internet for ever

    It seems there new search engines are coming thick and fast. CONTINUE READING
  119. Aditya Chitral

    Business schools in disarray

    Atleast the questions make a person aware of what he knows and what he does not. That is a sign of a true student. While the people who prefer not to shout always remain ignorant. The day you start assuming you know everything and the person next to you knows nothing, you are creating a "PACKAGE...
  120. Aditya Chitral

    Interesting Bill - Auto Industry

    Here is an interesting article. I wonder how much boost this would give to the car companies. Some gas guzzler owners can share their opinions :) Continue Reading
  121. Aditya Chitral

    Using C# in Excel

    I figured out one way. Make a normal windows form application and change the project output to class library and build the project again. A dll would be formed. Any other way to do it?
  122. Aditya Chitral

    Using C# in Excel

    I have a Windows Form application where I have created a form and a control DataGridView. My C Sharp Code recognizes the DataGridView as a object since I inlcuded System.Windows.Forms Now I am creating a .dll and want to pass the DataGridView in the .dll as a "DataGridView" Object. I added...
  123. Aditya Chitral

    Oil Commodities

    I am not sure, but are you looking for something like this: "IntercontinentalExchange operates regulated global futures exchanges and over-the-counter (OTC) markets for agricultural, energy, equity index and currency contracts, as well as credit derivatives. ICE® offers these markets to...
  124. Aditya Chitral

    End of Semester Bonanza

    I was just informing, I was about to write a disclaimer :) "I am just a messenger :) not the source " :)
  125. Aditya Chitral

    End of Semester Bonanza

    If you want we can manage to get you in. Eugene had been up all night making a fake ID he would make one for you too :D
  126. Aditya Chitral

    End of Semester Bonanza

    UPDATE Update from GSA " The GSA has rented out Aspen for a one-time special celebration for current grad students. This is a private event. Only current Baruch graduate students with a valid graduate student photo ID card will be allowed in. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate the...
  127. Aditya Chitral

    End of Semester Bonanza

    He could make a fake id with a name of "McLovin"
  128. Aditya Chitral

    End of Semester Bonanza

    FREE DRINKS Anyone planning to come here after the stochastic final ? I have heard they are offering free drinks ! "Dear Graduate Students, It is finally here ... the moment you have all been waiting for ... the Graduate Student Assembly End-of-Year Party! The Board of Directors of the GSA...
  129. Aditya Chitral

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    Cluster Maps One more cool thing that I came across is Cluster Maps. This lets the users know people from which region of the world are accessing the website. The admin always has the feature to see this but providing it to the users shows them the strength of the forum.
  130. Aditya Chitral

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    Can we embed videos in posts? I would really like to have that feature. Instead of clicking on the links, I think it would be great if I could click a play button :)
  131. Aditya Chitral

    Where has the money gone?

    How important was it to buy this time? Was paying billions of dollars of taxpayers money to buy few months of time worth it? What would have happened if we would have let GM and chrysler fail then and use that money elsewhere? Give the money to people who lost jobs instead of giving them to...
  132. Aditya Chitral

    Where has the money gone?

    Chrysler has announced to close nearly 800 dealerships followed by GM's announcement to close around 1100 dealerships. Bankruptcy is inevitable. Where has all the money that they received in bailout gone? Anyone accountable?
  133. Aditya Chitral

    Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management

    What is the deadline to register? Are there any fixed number of seats?
  134. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Quantnet and facebook help me keep that dictionary up to date :) And after all it gives you a reason to celebrate :)
  135. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Matt HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT !!!! :birthday:
  136. Aditya Chitral

    Release mode vs debug mode

    Will surely do it after the finals are over. I would certainly not want my code not to work in debug mode too :D
  137. Aditya Chitral

    Release mode vs debug mode

    It sounded more reasonable, I tried it but it did not help. Thanks anyways.
  138. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREG ! :birthday:
  139. Aditya Chitral

    Release mode vs debug mode

    I figured out that my copy constructor is having problem. I have two issues now: 1. Why does it work in debug mode and not in release mode? 2. It was working all fine till I changed my code. And then I rolled back and now it is not working Here is my copy constructor; It does not go beyond...
  140. Aditya Chitral

    Release mode vs debug mode

    But then it should happen when I do it in both; debug and release; mode. Here I face the problem only in release mode. I know both modes use different areas of heap to allocate memory, but that should not be a problem. While I burn my midnight oil trying to find the bug, suggestions are welcome :D
  141. Aditya Chitral

    Release mode vs debug mode

    I tried to be over adventurous and tweaked my code a little bit. Now my project compiles in both release and debug mode while runs only in debug mode. It crashes in release mode. Anybody ever faced a similar problem?:sos:
  142. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Vladimir Happy Birthday Vladimir ! :thumbsup::smt006:smt006:birthday::band:
  143. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Shlomi Happy Birthday Shlomi ! :thumbsup::smt006:smt006:birthday::band:
  144. Aditya Chitral

    When Really Big Numbers Aren't Nearly Enough

    I guess IPv6 is the answer. Is it not? By the way, this topic reminds me of the fact that Vint Cerf was indeed at my college back in 2004/2005. I feel so great to see him in person. :)
  145. Aditya Chitral

    End of Semester Bonanza

    Lets go partying on 20th evening ;)
  146. Aditya Chitral

    End of Semester Bonanza

    @Eugene, Are non drinkers also invited ? :)
  147. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

  148. Aditya Chitral

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Quite true. However, one of my friend took GRE and he got 5 incorrect in Quant section and yet his score was 800. There are some dummy questions too. There are very few who know that you can get a detailed review of your test after you get your AWA scores.
  149. Aditya Chitral


    There has already been an issue of writing professionally on the forum. It is not a "gr8" idea to use "..." or "ur". I guess that is a "gr8" advice :)
  150. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Billy :) :smt006:dance1::smt034:birthday::band:
  151. Aditya Chitral

    Numerix Unversity: Free Courses For Financial Engineers

    You mean something like differentiating brownian motion which would take ages :)
  152. Aditya Chitral

    Numerix Unversity: Free Courses For Financial Engineers

    I have got the link to take the test. Have not given it yet. Any suggestions what kind of questions should I expect?
  153. Aditya Chitral

    Training: What's all the Fuss About R? Introduction to R

    Its still $250 for students :) It would be more attractive if the organizers could remove any of those three digits :)
  154. Aditya Chitral

    any gtech qcf students/alumni?

    There are groups on orkut. Search for "QCF Gatech" in "Communities"
  155. Aditya Chitral

    Bank Takeovers Deepened Financial Market Crisis

    " Roubini Says Bank Takeovers Deepened Financial Market Crisis By Lynn Thomasson and Thomas R. Keene April 8 (Bloomberg) -- Bank takeovers worsened the financial crisis by making firms that were already too big even bigger, said Nouriel Roubini, the New York University professor who predicted...
  156. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Mose....!!:) Enjoy birthday in Istanbul :)
  157. Aditya Chitral

    When all else fails...

    For everyone who submitted their resume. Your internship is in trouble before it even started :)
  158. Aditya Chitral

    There will be blood

    Its rather the opposite. And as it is said now, "Sun is like damaged goods"
  159. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHIT HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! :band::dance1::birthday::partyman::smt113:smt111
  160. Aditya Chitral

    There will be blood

    What happens when IBM and Sun Merge
  161. Aditya Chitral

    Banks' Hidden Junk Menaces $1 Trillion Purge

    Banks’ Hidden Junk Menaces $1 Trillion Purge March 25 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. government wants to clear as much as $1 trillion in soured loans and securities from bank balance sheets with its latest bailout plan. That might prove a short-term respite. No sooner might the Treasury...
  162. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDY HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDY !!!!!! \\:D/:thumbsup::dance1::smt006:smt034:band::-({|=:partyman::birthday::cheers::rock: THEEEEEE ANDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY :)
  163. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday Doug Happy Birthday Doug !! :dance::tiphat::band::dance1::partyman::smt006
  164. Aditya Chitral

    Weird C++/ VS 6.0 behaviour

    incidentally, I tried to change my file and macro names back to those were causing the problem and found out that it had no issues now. However here is the code .h file #ifndef BLACKSCHOLES_H #define BLACKSCHOLES_H #include <iostream> using namespace std; class BlackScholes { public...
  165. Aditya Chitral

    Weird C++/ VS 6.0 behaviour

    Everything was fine. After I changed just the two names it worked flawlessly. If I remember it correct it said something like "No such label found" or "Cannot find type: BlackScholesCall " Where BlackScholesCall is inherited from BlackScholes.
  166. Aditya Chitral

    Weird C++/ VS 6.0 behaviour

    There was no other macro with the same name
  167. Aditya Chitral

    Weird C++/ VS 6.0 behaviour

    I downloaded it and checked. I had the same problems
  168. Aditya Chitral

    Weird C++/ VS 6.0 behaviour

    On the left pane, we have the class view, so when you click there you find that the classes are actually not declared.
  169. Aditya Chitral

    Weird C++/ VS 6.0 behaviour

    I was trying to create a class named BlackScholes. I created a .h file "BlackScholes.h" and started the file with #ifndef BLACKSCHOLES_H #define BLACKSCHOLES_H class BlackScholes{ ... ... }; ... ... #endif This did not create the classes as desired. However after 2 hours long of...
  170. Aditya Chitral

    Math quant jokes

    Not really a Mathish joke, but I liked this one. "A tourist walked into a pet shop and was looking at the animals on display. While he was there another customer walked in and said to the shopkeeper, ''I'll have that monkey please''. The shopkeeper nodded, went over to a cage at the side of...
  171. Aditya Chitral

    Baruch MFE Baruch goes to Canada

    Best Luck Guys !! :tiphat:
  172. Aditya Chitral

    Karen Johnson: Federal Reserve Monetary Policy and the Financial Markets

    The link takes to date 02-20-09 whereas on the calender it says that the event is scheduled for 02-21-09 (Saturday)
  173. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Just a quick question :) Are you taking everybody drinking tomorrow night after the optimization class ;)
  174. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

  175. Aditya Chitral

    Baruch MFE Application Deadline?

    Well it does not really matter if the deadline is so late. Rather it gives you an extra flexibility. The process of reviewing an application begins early January and the admission committee starts scheduling interviews. p.s. Everyone of us just finished our finals, so you might not get a...
  176. Aditya Chitral

    Christmas and New Year Wishes

    Merrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy Christmas and A Happy New Year !!! \\:D/:dance1::smt034:band:
  177. Aditya Chitral

    How much time do you spend on Quantnet?

    I wonder what is the statistics this year. The threads were blasted with posts. Especially the C++ ones ;)
  178. Aditya Chitral

    Happy Hanukkah!!!!!

    I am not particularly sure what Hanukkah is, but the choice of the video is indeed interesting :) Happy Hanukkah !
  179. Aditya Chitral

    Math quant jokes

    Something interesting for quants or mathematicians.
  180. Aditya Chitral

    Importance of UML

    Yes, a working knowledge of it is sufficient, but more the better :) I was asked about it when I went for interviews, though for software developer jobs back in India. It is of great importance when you have to develop a big project(which you generally do in industry;any) Ideally design part...
  181. Aditya Chitral

    An act of heroic altruism

    You never come across million people in your life time that would be of concern to you. Albeit, by carefully choosing the sample space(which one does in real life) several counter examples could be provided. If that is the case and it was me, I would refrain from making such a generalized...
  182. Aditya Chitral

    Back to India?

    Perfect places for financial industry to flourish. I like leaders.
  183. Aditya Chitral

    Back to India?

    Right now, I do not see things hot anywhere. And in this highly correlated world, trying to find such a place is not wise either.
  184. Aditya Chitral

    B's in the core math requirement classes

    But again Carl, I heard a very reliable source saying, "780 is good but 800 is better" ;)
  185. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY RADHA ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RADHA ! ALTHOUGH A BELATED ONE.... Hope you get all you wish in your life. Have a great year ahead :):dance::band::cheers::smt113:birthday:
  186. Aditya Chitral

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    What is Matlab ? :) ;)
  187. Aditya Chitral

    Back to India?

    I do not think that is a very encouraging way to address it. Some things might look interesting when only read. The real world is very different though. If a person thinks there is something going on wrong or not appropriate, do not be a talker, be an action doer. When during elections it is...
  188. Aditya Chitral

    Back to India?

    1. Why is it more prevalent at some places has many reasons. Geographical location of that place. History of the place Enemies and Allies The philosophy of the country. (Few of the many reasons) India is not one of those countries who would be engaged in wars often. Sometimes...
  189. Aditya Chitral

    Back to India?

    1. No one is insulated by terrorism today. Gone are the days when India used to complain about terrorism in Kashmir and no one would care about it. Several incidents have shown that even the MOST DEVELOPED countries find it difficult when they have to encounter the enemy with no face called...
  190. Aditya Chitral

    Back to India?

    Being an Indian could not refrain myself commenting upon it. "This cowardly act is deeply condemned. Its high time India should be acting strong and taking actions against people responsible for it. I would certainly not want a terrorist being caught and kept in prison for 2 years and...
  191. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Thanks again friends.... I think Shlomi you missed to attach the pics
  192. Aditya Chitral

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Thank you everyone :) It did snow in Jersey :) 8 o clock sharp :)
  193. Aditya Chitral

    Give your GRE again and get 800 on quant.

    Give your GRE again and get 800 on quant.
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