"150 Most Frequently Asked Questions on Quant Interviews", Third Edition


Baruch MFE Director
The third edition of the best-selling quant interviews book 150 Most Frequently Asked Questions on Quant Interviews by Dan Stefanica, Rados Radoicic, and Tai-Ho Wang. The book can be purchased for $32.75, a 15% discount off the list price, for all the orders placed before December 1 at https://www.fepress.org/150iqs-third-edition/, and will be signed and personalized by the authors.

The third edition contains over 200 questions and includes for the first time statistics and machine learning questions, as well as new questions in C++ and data structures, finance, mathematics, and brainteasers.

Fifteen questions selection with solutions: https://tinyurl.com/15questions-150IQs-3

Table of Contents: https://tinyurl.com/ToC-150IQs-3rd

This is the third book in the Pocket Book Guides for Quant Interviews Series, which includes Probability and Stochastic Calculus Quant Interview Questions and Challenging Brainteasers for Interviews.
All three books can be ordered together from http://www.fepress.org/iqs-brainteasers-iqs-prob-stoch-calc-150-iqs/

Topics covered:
• Mathematics, calculus, differential equations
• Covariance and correlation matrices. Linear algebra
• Financial instruments: options, bonds, swaps, forwards, futures
C++, algorithms, data structures
• Statistics and machine learning
• Monte Carlo simulations. Numerical methods
• Probability. Stochastic calculus
• Brainteasers
Publisher webpage: https://www.fepress.org/150iqs-third-edition/ (15% discount by December 1)

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Frequently-Questions-Interviews-Pocket-Guides/dp/173453124X/

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Frequently-Questions-Interviews-Pocket-Guides/dp/173453124X/

Amazon Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/173453124X

Also available from Amazon in Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, and Spain.

Title: 150 Most Frequently Asked Questions on Quant Interviews, Third Edition
Authors: Dan Stefanica, Rados Radoicic, Tai-Ho Wang
Softcover: 331 pages
Publisher: Financial Engineering Press
FE Press webpage: http://www.fepress.org/150iqs-second-ed/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Frequently-Questions-Interviews-Pocket-Guides/dp/173453124X
FE Press Price: $32.75 (List Price: $38.50)
Hi Dr. Stefanica,

Just purchased it! I’m wondering if you think this book would also be useful for those who are currently applying for MFE programs, not just those applying for quant positions in industry. Since many top programs recommend having an extensive background prior to enrollment.

Joshua Zhong
Hi Dr. Stefanica,

Just purchased it! I’m wondering if you think this book would also be useful for those who are currently applying for MFE programs, not just those applying for quant positions in industry. Since many top programs recommend having an extensive background prior to enrollment.

Joshua Zhong

Josh - some of the questions are, indeed, at the level where they could be asked for admission to MFE programs, but not too many. Good luck, Dan
Hi Dan, you mention in A Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering that the book should be studied, not read. How would you recommend studying 150 Most Frequently Asked Questions on Quant Interviews?
Hi Dan, you mention in A Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering that the book should be studied, not read. How would you recommend studying 150 Most Frequently Asked Questions on Quant Interviews?

Here is what I would suggest in terms of studying the 150IQs book:

Whenever you look at a question, identify whether it is a "reach" question (meaning you might not know the underlying math) or not.

If not a reach, take some time (15 min?) to solve the question. After that, read the solution - this is the most important part: understand every details of the solution. If parts of the solution are unclear, try to understand them, do not memorize it or gloss over it.

IF a reach, read the solution right away and then find additional sources of information to read the material you might not have known in advance.

Good luck!
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