2009 Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad

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Baruch MFE Director
I read the rules and there are no Risk limits this year either. So the participants can be very free with their trading. i.e. take huge positions = bet the house!!!

It is very important to stick to the trading plan that you submit, not so much with the trading rules as with the asset classes and products you plan to trade. If you state you are going to trade futures, don't trade on stock because those are grounds for disqualification.
Alain do you think it would be possible to set up a workshop where you or a participant from prior years could talk about the contest?
Yes, sure. I was planning to bring it up in our 9815 class but I'm willing to do a workshop one day.... I can even work with all the interested parties. I have participated in last two years olympiads so I get some experience.
If Alan wants to present I can attend and help him out if he likes....

Either way, it is a great opportunity for the Baruch students to learn and participate in "live" trading with a decent chance of placing, making money, and having something constructive to talk about in interviews.
Gus, I think we can do two sessions and they can get two perspectives.
Thanks Alain, Gus - let's talk about scheduling then.
May non-Baruch students participate? The outside community might just as well be intersested and in a position to benefit from the Baruch expertise.
A question of Alain and/or Gus,

As far as the 'Description of Trading Strategy' portion of the application is concerned, how explicit must one be?
specify which instruments/asset classes you plan to trade. Also give an idea of how you plan to trade.
Thanks Alain, Gus - let's talk about scheduling then.

Is there any chance of recording the session and making it available here on Quantnet? :D
Indeed, the session will be for Baruch MFE students only.
I will try to talk about the contest tonight since it is the first class and the load is supposed to be light.
I am available any day, but Wednesday of each week, so pick any evening convenient to the program.

My last year's presentation was split into two main areas, "trading fundamentals", and a section on the Interactive Brokers contest. Perhaps the best option for the students is for me to do the "trading fundamentals" piece and then for Alain to present the Interactive Brokers piece to keep it all in one long evening.
Does anyone else find it irritating that they want your social security number?
Doug, You could look at it optimistically..... Interactive Brokers expect you to place and they need the ss# on file for the 1099!!!
Does anyone else find it irritating that they want your social security number?

I found this really weird but then I realized the signing process is the same as if you open an account with them. That's the reason for the SSN.

I can tell you something even worse. If you are cuban (myself), they don't let you open an account. I had to email them directly and tell them that I've lived in US for the last 10+ years.
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