Admissions committee perspective on course retakes?

Greetings folks,

It's my first post here on quantnet.
so I hope everyone will treat me nice :).

I wanted to get your guys' opinion on retaking a math course.

I'm an econ major at Brigham Young University and minoring in math.

I have gotten A's thus far in my calculus series courses
(up till Multivariable .Green and Stokes Theorems)
and Linear algebra.

But I got a B for Ordinary Differential Equation and an upper-level stats course.

Do you think it's a good idea to just retake those 2 to get the A and hence improving my overall GPA?

GPA wise:
I hover around a 3.6-3.8 without that B
But is at 3.4-3.6 with the B

Here are the courses I still have yet to take
--Numerical methods

How will the admissions committee for most Masters in Fin E/math view course retakes?
Will it help or hurt?

Your insights are appreciated!

I feel the same way too, I rather learn other things.
I'm 50-50 right now, waiting for that one thing or moment that will tip the scale to either end.
To retake or not to retake, hence that's the question :-)
Don't worry much about GPA. Better spend extra time on preparing for GRE/GMAT if you are going to apply to graduate school.
As MaxRum said, don't worry too much about the GPA. Your situation isn't as dire as you think. I'm not questioning your abilities, but just make sure you have a firm grasp of ODEs and that Stats course. While taking more advanced math courses is great, your efforts will be futile if you don't have a strong grasp of the foundational material.

And a piece of unsolicited sure to pay close attention to Econometrics. Having a thorough understanding of the material will be helpful when you take a Time-Series analysis course during an MFE program. It will also come in handy if you end up taking a Stat-Arb course.
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