Any list giving top 50 (and not just 22) schools for MFE ?

For someone looking for a career shift or with a not so great GRE/GMAT , or nt very sound math there a list of colleges one can look up to ? The current ranking is more of a goal then a reach for people like me (GMAT 680 , engineering grad) . Can someone help add more colleges to tht thread ?
Thanks Trev , Andy , i have seen that list already , bt like the post says , i am looking for their ranks .... being from an engineering background i have no clue as to which of them have a standing , other then , obviously , the 22

p.s - Trev i have a C , B , B in math , after reading the forums , and hw adcom for MS pay attention to graduation grades , i felt they are nt really gng to help me much
the point of doing a terminal degree is to help your career, not hamstring it.
This is a strong opinion that still has some truth to it: Program rankings are irrelevant after a certain threshold. Whether that's at 22+ or not is not something that I can decide, but I think you should focus on either the unranked program's regional placement or consider retaking the GMAT in order to get into a school that's actually been ranked (if the rank still matters to you).
Thanks guys , well i gave GMAT in feb and had a 590 , i have brought it to 680 now...gng to 720 + would take much more time , which would mean delaying the admissions by a year , and then too i wud nt have a shot at any of the big shots considering i dnt have any REAL exp in finance . On a second note , is there any link which could tell me more about the finance hubs or , like G mentioned ... colleges with good regional placements ?
Be default, you are supposed to not have any problem with GRE/GMAT as the test is used as a minimum filter, not standard bearer. Also, you will get more replies if people can understand what you type. It's not recommended to use text shorthand.
There is few placement info for most programs so I'm afraid you may have to contact regional programs and ask them to provide the data directly to you.
For what it's worth, I'll offer in my two cents.

The plan that I'm taking, considering the fact that I go to a non target UG and still need a little more time ramping up on quantitative skills, is to first get a job as a generic developer at a bulge bracket bank. Ive finished final rounds at GS and am hoping to hear back soon. Since GS offers tuition reimbursement I simply plan on "organically" becoming a quant by first taking part time quant programs first in math or statistics and then an MFE and second networking my way into the securities division in the company.

I think that for people like us it is more important to get our foot in the door first. A lot of quant developer jobs can be less quantitatively focused, so I'm hoping to get those jobs first - doing math only 25% of the time and developing c++ code for he rest. I have seen candidates for the same position on interview day coming from SUNY so I think that the generic developer jobs at bulge bracket banks are not as selective as their IB analysts. I hope this helps.
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