Any present/past U Mich MFE students out there?

Can a present or past Michigan MFE student please provide feedback on the quality of the content of the program? (not asking about location, job placement, etc.)

Comparisons with what you know of other programs would be helpful, specifically:

1) is there sufficient math and programming?
2) are most of the classes targeted to financial applications or are they of a more general math/engineering nature?
3) what is your opinion of the strength of the faculty when it comes to financial engineering?

Am asking because there is very little info to be found on the Michigan site unlike all other schools' sites i have researched, and there is also very little info and testimony to be found on the web.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Search on facebook, linkedin, myspace for their students. There exists at least one student that can be found through this method.
If you still can't find them, why not call the dept directly and ask to talk to a few students. What are they gonna say? They don't keep a database of their students or they don't allow that ?
Try this and let me know how you make out.
Heh, I remember when I got my UMich admit a while back, I e-mailed the secretary and asked to contact a current student. She told me she would forward my e-mail to the FE Club and that they could contact me at their discretion. As you can imagine, nobody ever contacted me - so I can understand the OP's frustration! Anyhow, I decided not to attend UMich, so I can't give any other advice, sorry.
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