Anyone on here at CMU or graduated?


Is anyone on this forum currently at CMU or graduated?

I was wondering if you could comment on the quality of the instruction for your classes.

Are your courses all taught by faculty with the title Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor?

Or, do you also have faculty who are adjuncts (titles such as Research Assistant/Adjunct Instructor)?

How often do the instructors make mistakes during lectures that need to be caught/corrected by a student?

How often do instructors make mistakes when performing examples on the board, including incorrect solutions?

Do instructors generally always use PowerPoint, or do some write all of their notes on the board?

Finally, which computing environments are currently being taught at CMU? I know, in the past, C++ has been emphasized. Is CMU now adopting Python or R?

Please see this link for information on the curriculum, specifically the programming languages covered: Curriculum - Master of Science in Computational Finance - Carnegie Mellon University

Hi Onegin.

I see from the page that they cover C++, Python, and R.

Also, it looks like the courses are taught by faculty with the title of Assistant Professor, or above.

This still doesn't tell us whether they prepare good lectures, or make mistakes during class, or not.

To add to your questions “does the “mini” structure provide enough depth to learn the capability?” Other programs have traditional semesters, w 4 classes per semester. CMU has many more subjects. Does the depth of the subject suffer?

These are good questions. Hopefully someone can answer.
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