Anyone using SAS ?

No, Max
There is no response from that email/person. Prof. H pointed out that the info on that page was dated 2002 and CUNY would drop the license support for those packages soon. You should look for alternatives way to obtain SAS.
Anyone here used SAS/Access to connect to a remote database server (MS SQL, Oracle, etc) ?
The SAS online documentation is really dense and it's not the best explanation.


click on the link, then you will see the SAS Base Programming courseware. Click on the courseware. They are all in English.


Thanks for the link. looks interesting but I don't read Chinese
if you know any active SAS forum, do let me know. Or we can discuss it here :D
I think the best way is to join SAS USER GROUP. I am an active member in Australia. I think the USER GROUP in US is bigger. They constantly hold talk and update technical information like enterprise miner and so on.

SAS also has a academic training program for students who use SAS in their research and so on. Please go to SAS website to find out. What they offer is a free base programing course to selected student. However, it is best you nominated by your department. I thin Prof Dan can help. It is free.

Anyone here used SAS/Access to connect to a remote database server (MS SQL, Oracle, etc) ?
The SAS online documentation is really dense and it's not the best explanation.

You need this -

Just chk on ur comp. if that is there use the following in sas editor

FILENAME RLINK "c:\sas\connect\saslink\tcpunix.scr" ;
SAS Connect

SAS Connect is a separate license if could still least SAS 9.1 needs a separate license. 9.13 or later I don't know.

You need this -

Just chk on ur comp. if that is there use the following in sas editor

FILENAME RLINK "c:\sas\connect\saslink\tcpunix.scr" ;
What is SAS/CONNECT software? SAS/CONNECT software establishes connections between networked computers with various operating systems and enables organizations to combine the resources of these machines for maximum benefit. It efficiently distributes computing workloads across different CPUs and provides scalability through parallel processes

The SAS/ACCESS interfaces to your relational database bring together the resources you need for effective information delivery... and lets you put these resources to work in a dynamic, syntax-free environment.

I have SAS 9.1.3 SP4 and besides the BASE, everything else needs a license to work. I'm working on Matlab to see if it's a cheaper alternative. SAS is just too expensive.
Yes you need to buy connect.

If you don't use it then, you will have to write code in black box of UNIX.
In case anyone is interested in how much SAS charges, we were quoted $2600 for the SAS/STAT and $2300 for SAS/ACCESS to ODBC.

The price is for 1 machine, 1 year license. And these are two components that you need to buy assumed that you already have the SAS BASE installed. Renewal fee is about $700 for each component after first year.

Matlab isn't any cheaper. It has ton of separate components and each costs $1000 or more.
Hey Andy,

Will you be ok working with the SAS ACCESS. As to do a remote login from your windows you may need Connect. Any gyan on that?
Hey Andy,

Will you be ok working with the SAS ACCESS. As to do a remote login from your windows you may need Connect. Any gyan on that?
To get SAS to connect to a remote database and pull the data, you need SAS/ACCESS. You use SAS/CONNECT to distribute jobs around networked computers so they can share data and processing power.

the name CONNECT is a bit misleading. It's not used to remotely connect your computer to SAS.
Hi Guys,

For those who want to access Databases without buying SAS Acess/Connect, given below is solution that can be used:

Using shell script you can connect to the DB and get the data you require using isql command...and then the result can be piped to a simple SAS code which uses infile..

isql -S ${SERVER} -U ${USERNAME} -P ${PASSWORD} -i $"SQLFILE" -s '|' -D $DATABASE -w 999999 | /d/d1/sas913/sas MEMSIZE 0 ${SASCODE} -log ${log_dir} -print ${log_dir}

This way you can get the required data in sas datasets.
One of my classes right now uses SAS.

The interface hates me. I like R on several orders of magnitude more.
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