Baruch MFE Application Deadline?

I have been reading QN and about various FE programs and I feel Baruch is the ideal place for me. But why is the application deadline much later than most of the schools? Will this put a later application at an disadvantageous position? I'm not applying to Baruch late because I got rejected from everywhere else. I have only decided recently to change my career path.
Well it does not really matter if the deadline is so late. Rather it gives you an extra flexibility.

The process of reviewing an application begins early January and the admission committee starts scheduling interviews.

p.s. Everyone of us just finished our finals, so you might not get a prompt reply :)

Merry Christmas :)
But why is the application deadline much later than most of the schools? Will this put a later application at an disadvantageous position?

Baruch will evaluate each admission quickly and the process is pretty flexible. As a result, admission offers are sent before other universities in NY area. Some universities will send results middle of August. At Baruch, summer refresher courses are already done at that time ...
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