Artificial Intelligence Textbooks?

Any Recommendations on a good Artificial Intelligence text?

This is my final year of my PHD so I am reluctant to take the AI course being offered because I need to work on my dissertation; however, I have been studying a lot of C++ recently, and after completing a chapter on pointers, function pointers, pointers to strings etc and several applications to such things as a card dealing game, etc I am deeply interested in applications to AI. Hence I want to work on some AI while completing the C++ studies during the year until I graduate in Feb or May. Thanks for any opinions.
This is "THE BOOK" for artificial intelligence in Academia. Peter Norvig is quite recognized in this field. Check his website. It's great!!!
This is "THE BOOK" for artificial intelligence in Academia. Peter Norvig is quite recognized in this field. Check his website. It's great!!!

Yeah, I've checked the site; very informative. Will buy the text in due time.
anyone know if there is anything big missing from the 2nd that is in the 3rd ed?
the pricing is a whole lot more agreeable for 2nd.
when you become Peter Norvig or Sebastian Thrun, come talk to me. Google for their names if you don't know them.
The NYT article has the details

The instructors are Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig, two of the world’s best-known artificial intelligence experts. In 2005 Dr. Thrun led a team of Stanford students and professors in building a robotic car that won a Pentagon-sponsored challenge by driving 132 miles over unpaved roads in a California desert. More recently he has led a secret Google project to develop autonomous vehicles that have driven more than 100,000 miles on California public roads.
Dr. Norvig is a former NASA scientist who is now Google’s director of research and the author of a leading textbook on artificial intelligence.
The NYT article has the details

The instructors are Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig, two of the world’s best-known artificial intelligence experts. In 2005 Dr. Thrun led a team of Stanford students and professors in building a robotic car that won a Pentagon-sponsored challenge by driving 132 miles over unpaved roads in a California desert. More recently he has led a secret Google project to develop autonomous vehicles that have driven more than 100,000 miles on California public roads.
Dr. Norvig is a former NASA scientist who is now Google’s director of research and the author of a leading textbook on artificial intelligence.

That blurb does very little justice. I can't find the PBS Nova video but you should check it out. "Stanley" (the car built by the Stanford team led by Dr. Thrun) cleaned house. The design was extremely smart.

Go to youtube and check Dr. Norvig's lectures. They are excellent!! and his book is considered the bible of AI nowadays.
when you become Peter Norvig or Sebastian Thrun, come talk to me. Google for their names if you don't know them. Also, here is a key detail:

Also see

Free Machine learning Intro by Prof Ng
Free Database Intro by Prof Widom

You can already download some of Prof Ng's machine learning videos from itunesU.

Nice to nice stanford is offering some of these free courses online
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