Flattery will get you nowhere with me.I must admit talking to you have been exceedingly fun. <—full stop here for you
I do genuinely enjoy these theories so I want to learn them for fun. My problem is the convoluted information regarding the mathematical requirements of these courses so I can truly understand them. That is the reason why I asked if real analysis is a perquisite to stochastic calculus was to understand how much more I need to do in order to be finally ready for these books.tbh if your goal is to pursue a quant career in the industry, there really isn't much of a need to study all this material so early. Most buy side firms don't really care if you know about PDEs or stochastic calculus (this is more needed on the sell side). Even in top MFE programs, you don't even need that much in-depth knowledge of PDEs (just discretization of PDEs, solving HJB, Feynman-Kac) and I don't really see the usefulness of learning this extremely early (unless you're genuinely interested and just want to learn it for fun). You mentioned willmotts book and Hull and I agree they're useful to learn abt finance but I wouldn't rush to learn all of it early (hedge funds don't really care if you read these books already - they assume finance is easy and can be picked up fairly quickly by anyone smart enough, a Jane Street trader told our class this and said he just interviewed a lawyer). If your goal is to eventually land a quant career and make a crap ton of money, I think the best way is to learn more contest math/programming than theoretical math/programming. For example, the IMO contest doesn't even require any calculus but being a medalist is much much more impressive to hedge funds than just knowing abt Girsanov's theorem at a young age. My recommendation is to develop your probability intuition (i think probability is probably one of the most important subjects to land a new grad quant career), and develop your problem solving skills (for example, Putnam, IOI, IMO, USAMO, red in Codeforces).
Sorry, I don't think I said, was this directed at me?Cool. What specifically do you mean by stochastic learning, stochastic calculus or processes?
Yes basically. For example, if you're learning about normal distributions, maybe write some Python code that actually plots what a normal distribution looks.Do you mean that I should write programs for theoretical probability ideas (or maths in general) in order to be able to actually implement the ideas rather than following theoretical content?
Is Sheldon Rosse's book a perquisite to Shreve's book or does Shreve introduce the necessary information through his books?
Would a course in statistics be necessary for both?
Cool. What specifically do you mean by stochastic learning, stochastic calculus or processes?
Do you mean that I should write programs for theoretical probability ideas (or maths in general) in order to be able to actually implement the ideas rather than following theoretical content?
sheldon ross introduction to probabiltiy models is pretty good to learn abt the probability prerequisites for stoch cal and is a fairly light read (ch 1, 2, 3, 4 can probably skip exponential and poisson unless you want to learn abt jump processes, skip queueing theory, ch.10 introduces brownian motions).
Nice.I can't give you much advice on what topics to study because I'm trying to figure out the same problem myself, but my two cents would be to "learn by doing" by doing coding projects. For example, I tried to learn about fat tailed probability distributions by going through some of the chapters in this book. I coded up the examples in a way to teach myself and then put them up online (here).
In my experience, there's four benefits to doing this:
Learning stuff by doing projects is really fun
- Learning by doing gives you a more solid grasp of ideas because you implement them practically instead of only consuming theoretical content
- You have motivation to learn how to code because you're using it solve a problem that interests you instead of because you have to learn
- You can talk about about your projects during interviews
- You end up with a portfolio of projects that you can show to people that want to hire you