Hi all,
I got admitted to a few programs and my two top choices are: Baruch MFE and NYU MathFin. I have not finalized my decision yet. I have done some research to compare the 2 programs in term of: Curriculum, Instructor Profiles, Job & Internship Placement, Tuition Fee, and Student Feedbacks.
Curriculum: Both programs have very good curriculum. Both are rigorous and practical, cover both buy side and sell side courses. Currently, I kind of prefer NYU MathFin curriculum as I can find more info online (past year course notes, syllabus, homework, projects etc) .
Instructor Profiles: Both programs are taught by great full-time professors and famous practitioners.
Job & Internship Placement: Undoubtedly, Baruch has great job & internship placement. There is no placement information on NYU website. If any QuantNet member has NYU placement info, would you mind to share it? I am going to write an email to the NYU program administrator, asking for their placement info today. Job placement is very important to me.
Tuition fee: $32,040 for Baruch and $49,752 for NYU. According to my projection if I continue working full-time until end of July, I can save from 52,000 USD to 56,000 USD, which is just nice if I take Baruch Program. If I take NYU, my saving is definitely shortage. I might have to take a loan, which I have not found out details on its cost.
Student Feedbacks: both are good. I really like feedbacks about Baruch program which has great academic environment, where fellow students work closely together, professors are very caring etc..
My main concern here is the comparison of the job & internship placements of both programs. Financing is obviously a concern but I will try to figure that out.
Here is my background:
I'm Vietnamese, graduated with Bachelor in Quantitative Finance, from Singapore. I have worked for nearly 2 years in Fixed Income IT for an Investment Bank in Singapore.
I will fund my master education using my own saving. I aim to work for a few years (5, 6 years) in US after graduate and consider coming back to Asia ultimately. However, there might be a possibility that I need to come back to Asia (Singapore) immediately due to certain family commitment (e.g. for taking care of my parents back in Vietnam etc...). I wish to work in research & development in Front Office for Algorithmic Trading, Quantitative Investment or Portfolio Management. Frankly speaking, I have not done any research on whether there is such kind of job in Singapore.
I would really appreciate any advice from QuantNet. Thank you in advance.
PS: I found a thread on Global Derivative about this topic but it was posted 3 year ago.
I got admitted to a few programs and my two top choices are: Baruch MFE and NYU MathFin. I have not finalized my decision yet. I have done some research to compare the 2 programs in term of: Curriculum, Instructor Profiles, Job & Internship Placement, Tuition Fee, and Student Feedbacks.
Curriculum: Both programs have very good curriculum. Both are rigorous and practical, cover both buy side and sell side courses. Currently, I kind of prefer NYU MathFin curriculum as I can find more info online (past year course notes, syllabus, homework, projects etc) .
Instructor Profiles: Both programs are taught by great full-time professors and famous practitioners.
Job & Internship Placement: Undoubtedly, Baruch has great job & internship placement. There is no placement information on NYU website. If any QuantNet member has NYU placement info, would you mind to share it? I am going to write an email to the NYU program administrator, asking for their placement info today. Job placement is very important to me.
Tuition fee: $32,040 for Baruch and $49,752 for NYU. According to my projection if I continue working full-time until end of July, I can save from 52,000 USD to 56,000 USD, which is just nice if I take Baruch Program. If I take NYU, my saving is definitely shortage. I might have to take a loan, which I have not found out details on its cost.
Student Feedbacks: both are good. I really like feedbacks about Baruch program which has great academic environment, where fellow students work closely together, professors are very caring etc..
My main concern here is the comparison of the job & internship placements of both programs. Financing is obviously a concern but I will try to figure that out.
Here is my background:
I'm Vietnamese, graduated with Bachelor in Quantitative Finance, from Singapore. I have worked for nearly 2 years in Fixed Income IT for an Investment Bank in Singapore.
I will fund my master education using my own saving. I aim to work for a few years (5, 6 years) in US after graduate and consider coming back to Asia ultimately. However, there might be a possibility that I need to come back to Asia (Singapore) immediately due to certain family commitment (e.g. for taking care of my parents back in Vietnam etc...). I wish to work in research & development in Front Office for Algorithmic Trading, Quantitative Investment or Portfolio Management. Frankly speaking, I have not done any research on whether there is such kind of job in Singapore.
I would really appreciate any advice from QuantNet. Thank you in advance.
PS: I found a thread on Global Derivative about this topic but it was posted 3 year ago.