Baruch Pre-MFE Program

Hello everyone,

I'm currently in Canada, working as an Actuarial Analyst. I've completed the following exams and credits:


Probability and Statistics
Financial Mathematics
Investment and Financial Markets
Statistic and Risk Modeling
Fundamental of Actuarial Mathematics

Mathematical Stats

I graduated from University in Financial Modeling in 2021 with sub par grades. My core courses were sporadic (some 60s,70s and 80s). However I'm an experienced Actuarial Analyst at Canada Life and would love to get into the Pre MFE program.

I have two concerns. One, am I even qualified, as in, do I have a chance?. Two, am I able to do the program being in Canada. Their website confuses me.

Thank you to anyone who can help me with my questions
As far as I know, the Baruch Pre-MFE courses are conducted online through Zoom meetings and similar platforms. The lectures take place from 7-10 pm New York time, followed by Q&A sessions from 10-11 pm. This means you can study from Canada without it interfering with your daytime work as an actuary (if you plan to enroll and are accepted).
Baruch MFE Director Dan Stefanica—the legendary leader of the Baruch College Financial Engineering program—once said, "There is no need to be physically located in New York to take these seminars. Last year, our Pre-MFE students came from Asia, Europe, North America, and South America." So, I believe being in Canada won't be a hurdle for you.
You can find more information in this postThe 2024-2025 Pre-MFE Program at Baruch College. If you leave a comment expressing your questions, perhaps Dan Stefanica will personally respond to you!
Hope this helps you!
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