Baruch MFE The 2024-2025 Pre-MFE Program at Baruch College


Baruch MFE Director
The Financial Engineering Program at Baruch College offers a Pre-MFE Program for people interested in pursuing graduate studies in financial engineering, as well as for finance practitioners interested in studying the mathematical fundamentals behind financial models.

All the 2024-2025 Pre-MFE seminars will be offered online, via Zoom. The times are 7-11pm New York time; three-hour lecture followed by a one hour review session.

There is no need to be physically located in New York to take these seminars. Last year, our Pre-MFE students came from Asia, Europe, North America, and South America.

Registration is now open and enrollment in each seminar is limited to 40 students.

Pre-MFE online seminars October - December 2024 (The Pre-MFE Program at Baruch College)

- Advanced Calculus with Financial Engineering Applications (October 22 - December 17, 2024; on-line, syllabus attached)
- Probability Theory for Financial Applications (October 21 - December 16, 2024; on-line, syllabus attached)
- Numerical Linear Algebra for Financial Engineering (October 16 - December 18, 2024; on-line, syllabus attached)

Enrollment in each seminar is limited to 40 people.

Tuition: $1,650 per seminar

Feedback from Pre-MFE seminars participants in previous years can be found at


Registration Process: The seminars are offered in the evenings on an eight-session schedule, each session being four hours long: 7-10pm Lecture, 10-11pm Review Session

To apply for enrollment, send an email to with the following documents:
- a current version of your resume
- a one page statement detailing your career and educational goals, as well as how the Pre-MFE Program seminars align with those goals
- indicate the seminar(s) for which you intend to register

Fall 2024 Pre-MFE Seminars

Advanced Calculus with Financial Engineering Applications
Dates: October 22 - December 17, 2024
Instructor: Rados Radoicic, Baruch MFE Program Faculty

Probability Theory for Financial Engineering
Dates: October 21 - December 16, 2024
Instructor: Ivan Matic, Baruch MFE Program Faculty

Numerical Linear Algebra for Financial Engineering
Dates: October 16 - December 18, 2024
Instructor: Dan Stefanica, Baruch MFE Program Director

The syllabi for the these seminars are attached.

More information can be found at The Pre-MFE Program at Baruch College


A reminder that an Information Session for the Baruch Pre-MFE Program will take place on September 26, 7pm New York time. Professors Ivan Matic, Rados Radoicic, and Dan Stefanica, the instructors of the Fall Pre-MFE seminars, will answer questions and provide further information on all of our programs. Former Pre-MFE students will be there as well.

Register at
Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Baruch Pre-MFE Information Session. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you there virtually.
I found some recent reviews of the pre-MFE course from people on LinkedIn.
An Information Session for the Baruch Pre-MFE Program will take place on October 14, 7pm New York time. Professors Ivan Matic, Rados Radoicic, and Dan Stefanica, the instructors of the Fall Pre-MFE seminars, will answer questions and provide further information on all of our programs. Former Pre-MFE students will be there as well.

Register at
Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Baruch Pre-MFE Information Session . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you there virtually!
Hello, I'm curious if you are eligible to take the Pre MFE program if you are outside of US. I'm a Canadian, living in Canada, and would love to apply in November for January 2025. I'm also curious on the chances of getting accepted to the Pre MFE program.

(I do see it says you do not need to reside in NYC, however in the FAQ section, the answer to question 6. Specifically the following:

. Do you offer student visa support for taking seminars in the Baruch Pre-MFE Program?
  • We do not offer F-1 visa support for taking Pre-MFE seminars. As a US non-resident, you can nonetheless apply for enrollment in the seminars if you are located in the US already.

Thank you. I appreciate any feedback.
Hello, may I ask when the syllabus for the Machine Learning for Financial Engineering Applications seminar will be posted? The website says it will be posted on October 15th, but only that specific course's syllabus has not been uploaded yet
Hello, I'm curious if you are eligible to take the Pre MFE program if you are outside of US. I'm a Canadian, living in Canada, and would love to apply in November for January 2025. I'm also curious on the chances of getting accepted to the Pre MFE program.

(I do see it says you do not need to reside in NYC, however in the FAQ section, the answer to question 6. Specifically the following:

. Do you offer student visa support for taking seminars in the Baruch Pre-MFE Program?
  • We do not offer F-1 visa support for taking Pre-MFE seminars. As a US non-resident, you can nonetheless apply for enrollment in the seminars if you are located in the US already.
Thank you. I appreciate any feedback.
My understanding is that anyone, living anywhere can apply to the Pre-MFE courses since it's online. It's not a college-credit course so the F-1 visa is not applicable.
The Pre-MFE seminars are now offered online, so the visa answer no longer applies. The webpage was updated to reflect this.
Hello, may I ask when the syllabus for the Machine Learning for Financial Engineering Applications seminar will be posted? The website says it will be posted on October 15th, but only that specific course's syllabus has not been uploaded yet

The syllabus should be available around November 15, when enrollment for the Spring Pre-MFE seminars will open.
An Information Session for the Baruch Pre-MFE Program will take place on January 27, 6pm New York time. Professors Ivan Matic, Rados Radoicic, Dan Stefanica, and Giulio Trigila, the instructors of the Fall Pre-MFE seminars, will answer questions and provide further information on all of our programs. Former Pre-MFE students will be there as well.

Register at
Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Pre-MFE Info Session. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you there virtually!
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