don't want to hijack the thread but, unless you explain exactly what you mean but "social infrastructure", I don't think you know what you are talking about.
Allow me to explain exactly what I mean.
Look up Misisones Bolivariones.
These were the much-celebrated programs to build up social infrastructure in Venezuela. The whole thing has turned into one big scam, one massive embezzlement scheme partitioned among his cronies. For example, so called schools have no staff, no resources...just an allocation of funding for schools....and no one is quite sure where the money is going.
But to keep it on topic, and in response to you: No, Hugo Chávez is not crazy, he knows what he is doing by removing gold reserves from Western stores. He is trying to prevent what happened to Gaddafi and the ex-Tunisian leader earlier this year from possibly happening to him--when their governments were declared illegitimate and their assets in the West frozen. The same could happen to the Chávez regime's gold reserves in the West should social unrest erupt in Venezuela. Venezuela is not a happy place these days, and it could be monkey-see-monkey-do.
He's a manipulative dictator of a kleptocracy, and he's preparing for potential thievery, but no...he is not crazy.