Carnegie Mellon University - MS in Computational Finance

CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

Logically, this sentence doesn't make sense:

"The Admissions Committee reviewed over 1100 applications for the Fall 2011 incoming class, offering admission to about one applicant for every 10 places in the class."

Obviously they are trying to say that they offered a place in the class to 1 out of every 10 applicants (i.e., they offered admission to 110 candidates out of 1100 applicants.)

But the way they have written the sentence, it is suggesting that if there were, say, 100 places in the class, then they would have only offered admission to 10 applicants ("offering admission to about one applicant for every 10 places in the class")

Obviously that webpage was written by someone who got well below 800V (or 170 NewV)...
I know ;)
Who wants to be the first person to add their CMU MSCF application in our Tracker this year?

Hey Andy, I almost finish my application and waiting for the last recommendation. may submit it tmr if everything goes smooth. I will probably be the first one to add the traker for CMU this year (hope I am the first one to get admitted as well :-) ).

Just wonder why few people are talking about this progam up to now, I mean, apply for it.

Btw Andy, what's your opinion about the number of applicants for MFE program this year? will it decrease, keep the same as last year or hit the new record ?
2011 is a record-breaking year for many MFE programs in term of application number. My guess would be the total number of applicant pool will increase but it is hard to predict the number of any specific program. CMU MSCF being ranked the #1 program in our 2011 MFE ranking, it certainly will help them attract more applicants.
Hey Andy, I almost finish my application and waiting for the last recommendation. may submit it tmr if everything goes smooth. I will probably be the first one to add the traker for CMU this year (hope I am the first one to get admitted as well :) ).
I just checked the Tracker and you are late. Someone already started a tracker on CMU MSCF :ninja:
I don't really expect an increase in the total number of applicants considering current market conditions. Additionally, last year was exceptional because people who got scared after the crisis and refrained from applying for 2 years came to apply last year once the conditions looked better. I don't really understand why would you forecast an increase in the pool pf applicants Andy!
I don't really expect an increase in the total number of applicants considering current market conditions. Additionally, last year was exceptional because people who got scared after the crisis and refrained from applying for 2 years came to apply last year once the conditions looked better. I don't really understand why would you forecast an increase in the pool pf applicants Andy!

Lot of Indians and Chinese students are getting to know MFE as it is getting famous in those countries. Hence the increased number of applicants. Also they dont know much abt the job situation.
Lot of Indians and Chinese students are getting to know MFE as it is getting famous in those countries. Hence the increased number of applicants.
Also they dont know much abt the job situation.
Not correct though.Even those who don't have anything to do with finance are aware of the fact that these days things are not very promising in US and Europe.General perception is, there is crisis and hence not many jobs are available.Things have been changing.
If you are selected for phone interviews, past applicants mentioned that they cited Quantnet as one of the main places they do research on the program and it seems to bring about some good luck charm.
Best of luck to all 2012 CMU MSCF applicants. I look forward to seeing your trackers turn Admit
Wondering if they have started sending out invitations yet. My page still says "Under review". What about you?
Another question, Andy Nguyen - does CMU interview everyone they admit, like MIT? Or are there students who get in even without an interview?
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