Carnegie Mellon University - MS in Computational Finance

CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

why don't you put whatever you have in mind as a goal in the essay, send the application, put what you wrote up here in QN and let us know about the outcome? This is the old "put your money where your mouth is".

Just make sure you don't send the application to any school that Andy is helping because, you pretty much know his opinion (BTW, I agree with Andy but I'm not involved in any application process).
Now, this question pertains to the CMU MSCF program. I can't speak on their behalf or pretend to know what is the "right" answer to this question.
That said, I have to disclose that I do keep in touch with administrators at several top programs so while I know the general thinking, my advice should be taken as general guide, not specific to any program.

Remember this is an interview question and you should be able to answer follow up question. Once you start saying "I want to do X in 5 years then do Y to become Z", you need a clear and convincing answer for "How?" and "Why?", "What's your plan B?"

If you haven't thought about "How" and "Why", "Plan B" you clearly didn't think this through and it puts the onus back on you.

Every "I want to be a trader" wannabe will be asked that question. Do you know the percentage of that program's graduates become a traders right out of school? 5 years after graduation? How about for someone with similar background?

Do you know the average life shelf for a Wall Street trader? Do you know most traders are losing money? Do you know what it takes to open a hedge fund?

If you have answers to these at the ready, go and get them. If not, rethink your plan. I can only tell you that the people who have been reading applications are very cynical and they can smell BS about 10 seconds into your essay.

There are many shady programs taking shallow applicants. Top programs have learned their lesson that just taking the geeks with perfect GRE won't do they much good in the long run. They want savvy customers, who have a realistic view of the market and can benefit the program.
Apparently, majority of the interviews will be in mid Jan and results will be declared within few days of the interview.
I am not arguing, I am just asking and I did not get the answer to my last question? Given my profile, can I say this?
All I want is your point of view, not what CMU will do?
That is funny because my goal is very close to that.

Which part above is the bad one? What if this is really my goal? Will it be rejected if I have an MBA and 8 years experience in Finance and Programming and actually see this as a feasible plan?
what about that:
"I want to be a trader at a top bulge bracket after completing the program. After 5 years experience on Wall Street, I will come back to XX and open a hedge fund using the network I have built in the region ,my pre-MS finance experience and my knowledge of the subject matter from my Education and my Wall-Street experience."

Most definitely that can be your goal, but to temper the argument: 5 year forecasts are rarely accurate. If anyone had told me that I'd be doing EM distressed investing, six years removed from my MFin education, when I was nicely tucked in Princeton -- I would've never believed it. But that's what it is.

Especially in the world we're living in today, changes are rife and you'd be best prepared if you are flexible. By the way, I haven't seen too many PMs with your profile on this side of the world :)
Results on April 4th, only. They might send you an interview invitation any time before.
Ok, so no interview invitation means rejection?
no interview usually means a rejection, no one got into CMU without an interview..although u might be put on a waitlist without an interview..but you will be interviewed later in that case if seats become available.
Nothing here, but according to the Round 1 times, they should start calling people around the third week of March. Plus, they are not interviewing all applicants whom they want, if you look at the Tracker, a dude from last year got in with no interview, unless they changed their policy.
Max, my friend attended the CMU round 2 interview last year and according to him the invitation are sent two weeks before i think we still have chance