Code from Introduction to C++ for Financial Engineers by Duffy

OS and Computer Networks course in C++

I'm just wondering what one can do in C++ for OS topics. Kind of tenuous?
Booast C++ asio??

Just curious.
Brief overview of topics: "Performance measurement; concurrent programs; the management of information, memory and processor resources."

Touched on aspects of boost C++.

In terms of exercises: simulations involving system calls, multi-threaded prime detection, deadlock detectors, cpu scheduling (focused on RR), a worst-fit dynamic partition mem simulator, a FAT simulation.

Interested in hearing your opinions on Rust vs C++; specifically for financial use cases.
That course sounds very exotic and somewhat diffuse. What are the prerequisites?

// I don't have any opinions on Rust vs C++.
// Such discussions are not productive.
The prerequisites were the two courses below:
  • Data Structures, Algorithms, and their Applications
    • Fundamental data structures, including arrays, lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, and graphs. Algorithms for searching and sorting. Introduction to analysis of algorithms. Applications of these data structures and algorithms.
  • Computer Organization
    • Organization of a simple stored-program computer: CPU, busses and memory. Instruction sets, machine code, and assembly language. Conventions for assembly language generated by compilers. Floating-point number representation. Hardware organization. Address translation and virtual memory. Input/output devices, computer interfacing, interrupt handling and multi-tasking systems

Fair enough Mr. Duffy.
  • Fundamental data structures, including arrays, lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, and graphs. Algorithms for searching and sorting. Introduction to analysis of algorithms. Applications of these data structures and algorithms.
We do these as part of the QN C++ courses, including theoretical foundations, Complexity Analysis and hands-on C++/Boost data structures.