Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

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There would be more, but there's no correlation between last year's and this year's numbers. Why are we pointing that out so many times?
I just assume that the number of admissions posted on quantnet won't change a lot. Give myself some sort of placebo
I only pay attention to the slots left for us. At least, more than 10 admissions available I guess if all applicants have actively updated their profile.

How can you imply how many slot are "left for us"?. You must have a stats background to apply to these programs. How can you say something like this?

In 2017, 76 people updated their tracker (Assuming: a) not fake posts, b) not troll posts, c) no duplicate updates, etc, etc).

Out of those 76, there were 37 admitted... 49%.... very representative of Columbia's admission rate... right? According to the resources page 1,326 people applied to that MFE with 119 getting an admit offer. Do you actually think that a biased sample size of 76 is an accurate representation that can be used as a reliable predictor on this year's admission yield on an anonymous internet forum?

Now, I wholeheartedly believe that the vast majority of the tracker updates are legitimate. I find little reason to believe that there's a good amount of people that will screw with that, there's no personal gain but mere puny bizarre satisfaction for a lunatic to fake on purpose. I do believe that there is a good possibility that some of the people that are pending to update the tracker will get admitted. Lets just not focus too much on unnecessary things. I'm sure you have a chance, just chill... give it time.
LOL. Guys chill.

Remember 50% of MFE students still join MO in a bank. My London based ex-manager (trader) is bachelor in Geology (that's it), earns half million pounds at an age of 37-38. I have lots of similar junior employee examples too.

These results are not life changing events. Trust yourself, keep working hard. Good luck.
Has anyone heard of any new admits this Monday?
Tracker doesn't seem to show any. Maybe should check by end of day.

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